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Never has a dog looked so much like its master

Never has a dog looked so much like its master


Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2022, It seems he is living his happiest days since he said goodbye from Downing Street just over two years ago. On his social networks, he closely follows political news and, from the point of view of someone who has already experienced it all, allows himself to give his opinion and reflect. He does it from the English countryside, in his magnificent mansion in Brightwell, a property located in Oxfordshire which he acquired in February 2023 for around 4.6 million euros, according to the British tabloids.

His new life takes place in astonishing calm with his young wife, Carrie Sydmonds, whom he married on May 29, 2021, in Westminster Cathedral. On July 5, 2023, their third common child and the eighth for the former minister were born. The family is completed by his beloved dog Dilyn, with whom he appears on his social media having a lively conversation. The animal, complicit, wags its tail in agreement with the words of the most singular politician ever to pass through Downing Street.

With white fur, very similar to her owner's hair, Dilyn seems to have the same fiery character. Even in the gesture, a certain resemblance can be observed, although this is perhaps just the bias of the popular saying that animals end up looking like their owners. More than once, Johnson found himself in serious trouble because of Dilyn's antics. He is said to have killed a goose in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. At least that's what royal biographer Robert Hardman published in his book “Charles III: New King, New Court.”.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II welcomes new Conservative Party leader Boris Johnson during an audience at Buckingham Palace
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II welcomes new Conservative Party leader Boris Johnson during an audience at Buckingham PalaceVICTORIA JONESEFE Agency

Dilyn is a Jack Russell Terrier mix born in 2018. He was rescued as a puppy from a breeder in South Wales by Friends of Animals Wales. He was about to be euthanized because he had a misaligned jaw and in 2019, Johnson and Symonds adopted him. At the time, a spokesperson for the then prime minister said the politician had always been a strong advocate for animal welfare and firmly believes in “giving animals the best start in life”.

The former minister is taking advantage of these days to promote the autobiography he launched in October under the title “Unleashed”, something like “Unleashed”. Live relaxed, simply and in contact with nature and animals. No more illegal parties during confinement because of covid or the cocaine scandal found in 11 of the 12 toilets in Westminster, seat of the British Parliament, in London. The comfort of his new residence, which has a large garden and tennis court, as well as several lounges and nine bedrooms, avoids any nostalgia for the black and white checkerboard floors of Downing Street.

Boris Johnson with his wife, Carrie Symonds, and son
Boris Johnson with his wife, Carrie Symonds, and sonAndrew ParsonsNo10 Downing Street

In the heart of the English countryside and redeemed, he recorded a curious Christmas video full of meaning. In front of his fireplace decorated with Christmas motifs, he enjoys a berry pie and lists “nice” and “naughty” people. of the British political scene, as well as the names of certain media personalities such as Leonardo DiCaprio.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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