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Donald Trump supports Elon Musk-backed H-1B visa program

Donald Trump supports Elon Musk-backed H-1B visa program


President-elect Trump told The Post on Saturday that he supports immigration visas for high-skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk in the heated debate within MAGA over the issue.

I've always liked visas, I've always been in favor of visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which allows companies to hire foreign workers in skilled trades.

“I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I believe in the H-1B. I have used it several times. It’s a great program,” added Trump, who restricted access to visas for foreign workers in his first administration and has criticized the program in the past.

President-elect Trump told The Post on Saturday that he supports immigration visas for high-skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk on the issue. via REUTERS

Musk and other tech barons argued this week that the H-1B visa program is critical to ensuring that U.S. companies can find highly skilled labor that may not be readily available on the American workforce and must be expanded.

MAGA hardliners want Trump to keep his promise to promote American workers and impose tougher immigration restrictions.

Trump's comments Saturday come a day after Musk vowed to go to “war” on the issue, telling a mocking opponent to “go fuck themselves.”

The outbreak occurred after user X Steven Mackey criticized the billionaire's defense of the program by using the billionaire's own words against him.

Stop trying to optimize something that shouldn’t exist,” a phrase Musk often uses, Mackey wrote. Let’s optimize the H-1B,” he added sarcastically.

Musk replied: “The reason I'm in America with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. »

Elon Musk vowed he would “go to war” to defend H1B visas. Jack Gruber/USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

“Take a big step back and F–K YOURSELF in the face. I will wage war on this issue that you cannot understand,” he added, paragraphing a memorable line from the 2008 comedy “Tropic Thunder.”

The tech billionaire has been criticized by MAGA diehards, including Laura Loomer and Ann Coulter, who say the H-1B visa program has been abused and needs to be sharply reduced.

And influential voices around Trump have also begun to publicly attack Musk.

“Someone please notify Child Protective Services that they need to do a welfare check on this toddler,” taunted former White House adviser Steve Bannon, to the boss of X in a message published Saturday on his account on Gettr.

The H-1B program allows highly skilled immigrants to enter the U.S. job market, but critics say it has been abused. Cristianstorto –

Musk said his passion for this issue came from wanting America to remain competitive by attracting “the top 0.1 percent of engineers,” which he said was essential for “the America keeps winning.”

Vivek Ramaswamy, who is expected to lead the Department of Government Effectiveness with Musk, supported Musk and offered criticism of the American company.

“American culture has worshiped mediocrity over excellence,” Ramaswamy wrote on X.




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