Trump appears to be siding with Musk and his tech allies in the foreign worker debate that is roiling his supporters
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) President-elect Donald Trump appears to be siding with Elon Musk and his other tech industry supporters as a dispute over immigration visas divides his supporters.
Trump, in an interview with the New York Post on Saturday, praised the use of visas to bring skilled foreign workers to the United States. The topic has become a hot button point among his conservative base.
I've always liked visas, I've always been in favor of visas. That's why we have them, Trump said.
In fact, Trump has criticized H-1B visas in the past, calling them very bad and unfair to American workers. During his first term as president, he unveiled a Hire American policy that included changes to the program to try to ensure that visas were granted to the highest paid or most qualified applicants.
Despite his criticism of them and attempts to limit their use, he has also used the visas in his businesses in the past, something he acknowledged in his interview on Saturday.
I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I believe in the H-1B. I have used it several times. It's a great program, Trump told the newspaper.
He did not appear to answer a question about whether he would pursue any changes to the number or use of visas once he takes office on Jan. 20.
Trump's hardline immigration policies, focused primarily on immigrants who are in the country illegally, were a cornerstone of his presidential campaign and a top issue for his supporters.
But in recent days, his coalition has split over a public debate that has taken place largely online over hiring foreign workers in the tech sector. Far-right members of the Trump movement have accused Musk and other members of Trump's new tech-leaning flank of promoting policies at odds with Trump's America First vision.
Software engineers and others in the technology sector have used H-1B visas for skilled foreign workers and say they are an essential tool for hard-to-fill positions. But critics said they undercut American citizens who could fill those jobs. Some on the right have called for this program to be abolished.
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