PTI 'demands release of Imran through decree' during talks

Hamid Raza denies the government's claims, saying he only wants to end political victimization and negative tactics by the prosecution”
Khayam Abassi
ISLAMABAD: The first and foremost demand of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in the high-stakes negotiations with the government remains the release of its founder Imran Khan, a Pakistani newspaper reported quoting a committee member from the ruling side.
This committee member also confirmed that the former ruling party continued to push for the freedom of the former prime minister during both rounds of negotiations, instead of the option of house arrest.
The PTI asked Khans to issue its first demand in the December 23 meeting, said a committee member speaking on condition of anonymity.
Even at the January 2 meeting, they began by insisting on the release of Khan and others, showing how central this demand was to them.
When asked if the PTI wanted Khan to be released from Adiala jail or placed under house arrest in Banigala, the source clarified that the PTI was demanding his release through an executive order. They are not asking for his house arrest but are seeking his complete release from police custody, he added.
To a question about the PTI's public stance that the deposed prime minister had only demanded the release of party workers and leaders, the source disputed the assertion, saying: In both meetings, the PTI's first demand was the release of Imran Khan, followed by others.
“Others include Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Dr Yasmin Rashid, Senator Ijaz Chaudhry and party members,” he said, adding that this highlights Khan's release as PTI's top priority in the negotiations in progress.
During the meeting, the government committee members questioned the PTI leaders over their demand for Khan's release through an executive order. How many political prisoners have been released this way? During Khan's tenure, Rana Sanaullah, Shehbaz Sharif, Irfan Siddiqui, Khawaja Asif and others from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan People's Party (PPP) were arrested. Were they released by decree? the source said.
According to the source, the PTI team did not have an answer to this question. The source further claims that the party founded by Khan wants his release without any written agreement to avoid embarrassment. However, the source added: Even if Khan is to be released, the PTI should submit written requests as the government needs to consult its legal team to discuss legal options for release.
It seems that the PTI team lacks confidence or mandate to decide without Khan's approval. On every issue discussed during the talks, PTI's response is that they must first ask and consult Khan,” he added.
Meanwhile, Senator Irfan Siddiqui said it was agreed in the first meeting that the PTI would submit a written charter of demands on January 2. However, they did not present it in written form during the second meeting either. When the committee asked the reason, they said they needed to discuss the demands with Khan first. Once approved, they will be presented in written form.
When asked if the PTI committee had access to Khan to discuss the charter of demands, Senator Siddiqui said: It was decided in the first meeting that the PTI would present the charter of demands in written form and that the government would facilitate a meeting with Khan to discuss the talking points with him. The government kept its promise and helped them meet Khan. They now want the government to set up a separate meeting room where no one can listen to their conversation. Siddiqui added that the government has respected all previous agreements.
The PML-N parliamentary leader in the Senate and spokesperson of the government negotiation committee also warned that the negotiation process could face a roadblock if the PTI fails to present its demands in writing as per its commitment.
We have not been able to make any progress in 12 days, he said in an interview with a private media outlet.
Siddiqui explained that the government honored his words and facilitated the PTI team's meeting with Khan, but the PTI seemed undecided on whether to present a written “charter of demands”.
Replying to a question, he said the PTI had sought another opportunity to consult Khan to seek his views and finalize the charter of demands.
We accepted this, but if the written charter of demands was not also presented at the third meeting, the negotiation process could encounter difficulties.
To another question, the PML-N senator replied that being a political prisoner is determined by the nature of the crime and not by the identity of the individual.
“If, as a member of the Senate, I commit murder and am imprisoned for it, I will not be considered a political prisoner. Such exemptions do not even apply to the President of Pakistan, he said.
Besides demanding the release of Khan and other prisoners and the establishment of judicial commissions, the PTI also demanded tracing of 45 missing people, he revealed.
When we asked for the names, addresses and identities of these 45 people, the PTI did not have details with them. How can the government trace people whose details even the PTI does not know?
Siddiqui clarified that the government has not made any request to the PTI, nor even asked to withdraw its call for civil disobedience. “Neither the government nor any institution has offered to transfer Khan from Adiala prison to Banigala or to any other place, as far as I know,” he said.
He also dismissed rumors of parallel or behind-the-scenes negotiations. The date for the third round of negotiations will be given by the PTI, he said.
Sahibzada Hamid Raza, a member of the PTI negotiating team, denied the government's claims that they demanded Khan's release through a decree.
We made it clear to them that the PTI leadership would take up the cases, but the government should stop political victimization and negative prosecution tactics.
Raza also confirmed that the PTI had discussed Khan's release with the government, but stressed: “This should be done only within the constitutional and legal framework.”
Sources 2/ https://islamabadpost.com.pk/pti-seeks-imrans-release-via-executive-order-in-talks/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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