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Trump plans to use emergency powers to accelerate generation of collocated tracking with AI

Trump plans to use emergency powers to accelerate generation of collocated tracking with AI



President Donald Trump plans to accelerate the development of power plants for co-located artificial intelligence data centers using his energy emergency declaration, he said Thursday.

I can do the approvals myself without having to spend years waiting, Trump told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. I will give emergency declarations so they can start building them almost immediately.

Earlier this week, Trump hosted several of the StargateProject founders at the White House. The Stargate project is a joint venture between SoftBank, Openai, Oracle and MGX. The plan plans to immediately spend $100 billion on co-located data centers with an initial focus on a site in Abilene, Texas.

We need to double the energy we have now in the United States to really make AI as big as we want to have it to compete with China and other countries, Trump said.

Co-locating the generation and data centers was largely my idea, Trump said. No one thought it was possible, I told them what I wanted you to do is build your power generation plant right next to your plant as a separate connected building.

According to Trump, coal-fired generation could be used as a backup for data centers. Nothing can destroy coal, not weather, not a bomb, nothing, Trump said. It might make it a little smaller, might make it a little different shape, but coal is very strong as a backup.

Trump's co-location comments appear to align with newly appointed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Mark Christie, according to Clearview Energy Partners.

Chairman Christie supported co-location as data developers at the site are adjacent to new power plants, the research firm said in a client note Thursday. He raised concerns about data centers or other energy-intensive facilities coloring alongside existing core resources, which, in his words, would reduce large serviceable resources from the supply stack.

In November, Christie joined FERC Commissioner Lindsay in a 2-1 vote to reject an amended interconnection service agreement that would have facilitated expanded electricity sales to a co-located Amazon data center. the Susquehanna nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania which is majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority owned by the majority held by the majority held by the major Talen Energy. On January 15, Talen asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to overturn the FERCS decision.

Public Citizen, a consumer watchdog group, said fossil power plants being tested for data centers would hurt utility ratepayers.

Trump's Fake Emergencies to Justify Coal and Gas Power Plants to Provide Power-Hungry AI Data Centers Expose American Families to Higher Utility Bills, Poor Air Quality and Carbon Emissions increased greenhouse gases, Tyson Slocum, director of the Public Citizens Energy Program, said in a press release.




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