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President Trump signs a decree on digital assets | Knowledge

President Trump signs a decree on digital assets | Knowledge



President Donald Trump signed a decree on January 23, 2025 entitled to strengthen American leadership in digital financial technology. The EO focuses on the promotion of American leadership in the areas of blockchain, digital assets and other emerging financial technologies, including cryptocurrencies. The EO emphasizes various points concerning American leadership in the fields of digital assets and financial technology, as well as on the modifications of several previous American political directives concerning actions in these sectors.

The EO highlights the importance of the digital asset industry in innovation and economic development. He describes policies to support the growth and use of digital assets, blockchain technology and associated technologies. Key policies include:

Ensure access to open public networks of block channels for lawful purposes Promote the sovereignty of the US dollar by means of legal stable parts backed by the dollar guarantee equitable access to banking services provide regulatory clarity with neutral technological regulations Protecting against the risks of digital currencies of central banks (CBDC) by prohibiting their establishment and use in the United States

The EO of President Trump also repeals the EO 14067 of former President Joe Biden, ENSURING Responsible Development of Digital Assets, of March 9, 2022, and repeals the framework of the US Treasury Department for International Commitment on Digital Assets July 7, 2022. As such, all the policies, directives and guidelines issued in accordance with these two points by the previous administration are repealed.

New working group

The new EO also establishes a new working group within the National Economic Council (NEC) to offer a federal regulatory framework for digital assets. It is chaired by the Special Advisor for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cryptography and includes high -level officials of various departments and agencies such as the American secretary to the Treasury, the American prosecutor and the president of the Securities and Exchange United States Commission (dry). , among others.

The main objective of the working group is to offer a federal regulatory framework for digital assets, focused on market structure, monitoring, consumer protection and risk management. It will also assess the potential creation of a national stock of digital assets. The calendar of working group activities includes:

Within 30 days of the order, the competent agencies must identify the regulations affecting the digital asset sector. Within 60 days, agencies must submit recommendations on the question of whether the regulations identified above must be repealed, modified or adopted. Within 180 days, the working group must submit a report to the President containing regulatory and legislative proposals. CBDC

Finally, the EO prohibits any action aimed at establishing, issuing or promoting CBDC in the United States or abroad, except when the law requires it. It requires the immediate end of any current plan or initiative linked to the creation of a CBDC in the United States, and no other measure can be taken to develop or implement such plans.

Trump executive decrees for 2025: updates and summaries

The Holland & Knight public policy group is actively monitored and examines the decrees and other actions of President Trump. To read all the decree updates and summaries, visit our destination page.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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