Trump Push to freeze federal funds arouses confusion in Texas
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Dallas Confusion reigned in Texas while local governments, non -profit organizations and state agencies rushed Tuesday to understand how the deep cuts of President Donald prevail over the new push to suspend the expenses federal.
On Tuesday, a federal judge temporarily interrupted Trump's administrations, minutes before freezing on federal subsidies and loans should take effect. If the order has entered into force next week, the leaders of the cities of Texas, counties, higher education establishments, public transport agencies and groups aimed at serving vulnerable populations will have to face a Loss, also temporary, of federal dollars.
Little clarity on the extent and depth of the potential cuts appeared on Tuesday, but a common thread did it: the Texans most likely to be affected would be least lucky.
The impact is on people, said Matthew Mollica, Executive Director of Echo, the main agency of Austins Homeless System. It's on real Americans.
The main cities of Texas such as Dallas, Austin, Houston and San Antonio which count on federal funds to help fight crime, unaffordable housing and homelessness, among other misfortunes that have forced the potential cost if the frost took effect.
The Houston City controller, Chris Hollins, said that his office calculates the amount of the budget of $ 6.7 billion in cities could potentially get the ax if Trumps Freeze took effect, but a preliminary analysis suggests that housing services and of the public health of cities would support a substantial part of any reduction.
Each aspect of the city, from physical infrastructure to affordable housing to public health and even police services, there is a serious negative impact potential, Hallins said.
San Antonio obtains approximately $ 325.5 million on its $ 4 billion budget from federal funds, including money to build targeted housing on low -income families and help the poorest households get rid of Lead painting in their home.
If confusion and chaos were the mission of goal accomplished, the mayor of San Antonio, Ron Nirenberg, said on X. It is your taxes that are hidden from your communities.
It is not clear also how the state budget of Texas would hold if Trump succeeded in his effort to temporarily arrest the federal funds. Texas budgetary editors expect $ 98.5 billion in federal dollars to help cover the cost of state health services, public schools, higher education establishments and road expenditure among Other expenditure priorities over the next two years. Federal funds represent around 30% of the next $ 333 billion spending plan.
The representatives of the Texas Glenn Hegar controller and the board of directors of the legislative budget said on Tuesday that they were trying to determine which programs would be subject to landing by saying.
Chaos started on Monday evening when the White House management and budget office ordered all federal agencies to temporarily suspend all activities related to the obligation or disbursement of all federal financial aid. The White House has distributed a 51 -page document asking the federal agencies to examine hundreds of initiatives, including rental assistance for low -income families, funding to accommodate homeless veterans and subsidies for the efforts of Community police.
Agency officials were invited to answer questions such as programs included foreign assistance, promotion of gender ideology or promotion or support for abortion, among others.
This decision aroused great confusion as to the programs that could be Nixés, which prompted the White House to emphasize that all the programs where individuals collect advantages such as Snap, Medicare and Medicaid would not be interrupted. Rental assistance programs, Pell subsidies, Early Childhood Programs Head Start and subsidies for small businesses would also continue. A white house memo said that the break is expressly limited to the programs, projects and activities involved by the executive decrees of the presidents, such as the end of DEI, the Green New Deal and the financing of non -governmental organizations that undermine the national interest.
“This is not a general break on federal assistance and the Trump administration grant programs,” said White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt on Tuesday. “People who receive individual assistance, you will continue to receive this, and President Trump is looking for you by issuing this break because he is [a] Good steward of your dollars taxpayers. “”
Trumps Move has attracted a strong reprimand of the Democrats of the Congress, who said that the break was illegal and that the executive power is legally required to pay funds that Congress has already affected. The congress constitutionally controls the stock market channels of federal governments.
No new president has the right or the legal authority to do what President Trump did, said US representative Veronica Escobar, D-el Paso. Escobar is at the Chamber's credit committee. These domestic programs create jobs, they save lives, they improve health, they improve air, they improve water, they build roads.
The White House said that it did not stop the funds appropriate by the Congress and that the break was only reassessed if the programs aligned with the calendar of presidents. The administration told Congress that the break could be as short as a day.
US representative Marc Veasey, D-Fort Worth, described the break to move bullshit to hide that Trump does not have a plan to reduce unnecessary expenses.
If President Trump wants to find ways to reduce unnecessary expenses and unnecessary costs were here, Veasey said in a statement on Tuesday. Work with us. In the meantime, stop playing with our veterans, our hospitals and our education for children.
Confusion on potential frost has spread beyond Washington.
States higher education establishments have also evaluated what a break could mean for students and research efforts.
Before a federal judge made a Trumps break, the president of the Texas A&M University, Mark A. Welsh III, told faculty and staff on Tuesday afternoon that federal agencies have already started handing hands at university with initial advice.
Managers of the University of Texas in Austin asked researchers to continue working on already funded projects.
Even so, at present, we do not think that it is necessary to suspend research activities funded by the federal government unless you have received a arrest order from the federal sponsor, Daniel Jaffe, Vice Vice -Research president, wrote in an e-mail obtained by Austin American-Statesman. We are currently expecting the break to be lifted in a few weeks, when reimbursements will resume for work funded by federal subsidies and cooperation agreements, and the university will be able to recover the funds it has advances.
Texas' social service agencies, including the State Health and Social Services Commission, which manages billions of state and federal aid to low -income Texans, did not answer questions about the question To know if their agencies could not access federal funds, in particular with regard to their most important programs: Medicaid, the Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or the additional nutrition assistance program (Snap), also known as food coupons.
In Texas, 3.6 million residents receive federal food assistance, and these dollars, distributed on a Lone Star card in the form of debit, are spent in grocery and food retailers throughout the state. In November, more than $ 642 million in SNAP transactions in Texas were made to retailers, according to Texas HHS. During the fiscal year which ended on August 31, more than $ 7 billion in SNAP funding were distributed to the Texans.
More than 4 million Texans, mainly children, are registered in Medicaid and Chip programs. These programs pay mainly health care for low -income residents, including children, mothers and elderly Texans. In the current two -year budget, the Medicaids budget is $ 80.9 billion, most of the federal government.
A service note obtained by Texas Tribune to Dr. Jennifer Shuford, the State Department's Health Services Commissioner, workers have been available on freezing and the impact on services.
This morning, we learned the plan of federal governments to freeze federal subsidies and loans in the context of an expenditure exam, said Shuford in the memo. Although we do not know the details on the question of whether these plans affect DSHS, I want to assure you that everyone will get their January 1 salary.
If the frost resumes, it could have a disproportionate impact on rural communities, where about 3 million Texans reside, said Ashley Harris, director of politics and plea for the United Ways of Texas.
Rural organizations and rural communities often have fewer financing options, said Harris. Based on federal subsidies is really essential to fill the gaps for local services.
Disclosure: Texas A & M University, University of Texas to Austin and United Ways of Texas was financial supporters of Texas Tribune, a non -profit non -partisan press organization which is partly funded by donations of members, foundations and Company sponsors. Financial supporters do not play any role in the journalism of the gallery. Find a full list of them here.
Sources 2/ https://www.texastribune.org/2025/01/28/texas-trump-federal-spending-freeze/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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