Turkey relaxes journalists and replaces the mayor elected in the midst of the opposition repression
![Turkey relaxes journalists and replaces the mayor elected in the midst of the opposition repression Turkey relaxes journalists and replaces the mayor elected in the midst of the opposition repression](https://i.abcnewsfe.com/a/65e45c3c-81d7-483a-98f1-a291a37a6049/wirestory_4e14365032d9414486b42194d00ae8d0_16x9.jpg?w=1600)
Ankara, Türkiye – Turkish authorities have owned an eminent investigative journalist and four of his colleagues and replaced a pro-elected Kurdish The mayor with a person appointed by the state on Wednesday, degenerating a recent government repression against the opposition and the dissident votes.
Critics say that repression follows significant losses by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans Ruling party I n local elections in March as well as growing calls for the first national elections. Government representatives insist that the courts operate independently and reject the allegations against which legal actions opposition The figures are politically motivated.
Investigation journalist Baris Pehlivan was taken in police custody on Tuesday with the editor -in -chief of the television channels Halk, Serhan Asker and presenter SEDA Selek.,, Said the station. The detentions occurred a few hours after Halk TV broadcast a recording of a telephone conversation that Pehlivan held with an expert employed by the courts to give opinions. Critics accuse the court assessor of providing biased reports against mayors belonging to the country's main opposition party.
Asker and Selek were released on Wednesday in detention provided that they regularly report to the police. But almost simultaneously, the authorities arrested two other halk TV journalists a station aligned with the opposition.
Journalists face possible accusations of disclosure of a private conversation without authorization and to try to influence an expert witness.
Earlier Wednesday, the government withdrew Sofya Alagas, the elected mayor of the city of Siirt, from his duties and named the governor mainly of Kurdish popular regions in his place, citing his recent conviction for accusations related to terrorism.
Alagas has become the eighth mayor of the equality of pro-Kurdish peoples and the democracy party, or DEM, to oust its functions on presumed links with the Kurdish rebels since the local elections of March 31, the party said.
Last week, the Turkish authorities also arrested Umit Ozdag, the leader of an far-right opposition party to encourage violence through a series of anti-refugee messages on social networks.
Ayse Barim, a talented agent representing eminent Turkish actors, was arrested earlier this week. It was linked to national antigan demonstrations which took place in 2013 and is accused of having tried to overthrow the government an accusation which it firmly denied.
Meanwhile, Ekrem Imamoglu, the popular mayor of Istanbul and a potential candidate to challenge Erdogan in the next elections, should give his testimony in the investigations that have been launched against him on comments he made a series of probes that have been launched against the opposition. Directing municipalities and led to the arrest of two mayors of the Istanbul district.
Imamoglu was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison to insult members of the high electoral council of turkeys. The mayor faces a political ban if his conviction is confirmed by a court of appeal.
There is only one reason for all of these illegalities, injustices and unjustive, Ozgur Ozel, the leader of the main opposition party said on Tuesday. They can't sleep. The evening of March 31 (local elections) is not forgotten.
The Minister of Justice Yilmaz Tunc, on the other hand, denied the accusations that the detention of journalists were aimed at silencing Halk TV.
There is no investigation linked to journalistic activities. No one in Türkiye is detained for their journalistic work, he said. In our country, the press is free and freedom of thought and expression is vast. However, journalists are not above the law.
Sources 2/ https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/turkey-detains-journalists-replaces-elected-mayor-amid-crackdown-118223710 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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