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Brexit Timeline: United Kingdom since 2020

Brexit Timeline: United Kingdom since 2020



On February 1, marked five years since the United Kingdom officially left the European Union. This is the first Member State – and only – to do so.

Starting from the referendum which voted for leave in 2016, it took almost four years to the two parties to accept a withdrawal agreement. The period was tumultuous for British politics, starting with the resignation of the Prime Minister of the time, David Cameron, after the referendum he asked for was not provided.

The country has crossed two other conservative ministers to “BrexitAnd three others since. Last year, the Labor Party returned to power for the first time since 2010, promising a “reset” of the relations of the United Kingdom. In addition to defense cooperation, however, Prime Minister Keir Starmer had trouble articulating what it means.

In February, he plans to attend an EU summit – the first of its kind since Brexit negotiations. Despite the declared interest in the warmer links with the EU, Starmer hesitated to acquiesce under the EU.

Above all, the block wants a mobility program for young people, which would allow young British and European to live, work and study in the other area for a limited period. Concerned about migration hawks in parliament, the Labor Party said that he currently had no plans for such a program, and he will not return to the freedom of movement of his EU days.

Such a program already exists with 13 non-UNE countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan, Iceland and India.

An opinion to several countries survey By the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), reflected mixed feelings on the future of the British-EU relationship, based on the views of the two audiences. The feeling suggests that, five years later, the stressful heritage of Brexit continues. His half-decennia birthday is an appropriate moment for Parliament Take stock of significant developments since.

January 2020

The United Kingdom officially leaves the EU on January 31, which makes it a third country-that is to say outside the European Union and the European Economic Area. The date marks the start of the transition period described in the UE-UK withdrawal agreement, which takes place until the end of the year. Meanwhile, EU law always applies to the United Kingdom.

Boris Hands

December 2020

At the end of the transition period, the COVVI-19 pandemic fully seized Europe with the rest of the world. The United Kingdom becomes the first country everywhere to approve the Pfizer / BionTech vaccine for emergency use. Approval is based on existing EU regulations, rather than those described by Brexit.

The day before Christmas, the two parties conclude the Commerce and cooperation agreement (TCA), which governs the post-Brexit relationship between the EU and the United Kingdom. TCA defines rules on zero prices and quotas, protecting the protection and confidentiality of data, markets and fat -energy migration.

The new year come, the transition period ends. The United Kingdom is entirely outside the single market and the customs union.

Commercial and cooperation contract in the United Kingdom

January 2021

To reduce the dependence of the United Kingdom to unpaid workers from abroad, his government adopts an immigration system based on points similar to that used in Australia. He is supposed to treat immigrants from the EU and non-UE in the same way, according to skills, mastery of language and family ties.

The National Statistics Office (ONS) estimates In June 2021, 3.4 million EU citizens lived in the United Kingdom. Brexit means that they no longer have the automatic right to live and work in the United Kingdom – and vice versa.

Migrant boats

March 2021

The Northern Ireland Protocol is fully implemented, causing significant political and economic stress. Brexit endangered the Friday agreement on the Good Friday, which was signed in 1998 to bring peace to Northern Ireland, hardening the border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and the Republic Ireland, which is part of the EU.

Initially written to protect the EU single market after Brexit and preventing a hard border between the two Ireland, the Northern Ireland protocol turns out to be unpopular with Northern Ireland unionists. Indeed, this allows Northern Ireland to stay on the EU single market, while the rest of the United Kingdom is not.

To combat criticism from adversaries, PIP is abandoned in favor of Windsor's executive in 2023. It is intended to reduce the administrative customs formalities, to equalize certain tax rules across the United Kingdom and to give legislators to Northern Irish more a word both.

Exports of COVVI-19 vaccinations, many of which are produced in the United Kingdom, are taken in trade tensions. The EU calls on the United Kingdom to engage in “openness and reciprocity”.

King Charles and von der Leyen

June 2021

The United Kingdom signed a free trade agreement with Australia-its first major agreement of this type since which has left the EU. British farmers are concerned about Australian beef competition with their own, while the government affirms that the agreement will unlock 10.4 billion pounds sterling in additional trade and will act as a model for more free trade with D 'Other countries, especially the United States.

September 2021

The United Kingdom, Australian and American governments take the EU by surprise by announcing a trilateral security partnership, known as Aukus. The exchange agreement of French submarines for British and American technology for Australian operations, scandalizing the French. In addition to helping the United Kingdom to bend its military muscle at the expense of the EU, Aukus nodded in the Anglo alliance in Indo-Pacific against the growth of Chinese influence.


November 2021

On November 24, 27 people die while trying to cross the Channel of France in England. The incident remains the deadliest of its kind since the removal of the EU from the United Kingdom. The boat capsizes while trying to reach the United Kingdom from France and reigns public debate on this type of migrant passages.

An investigation reveals that the victims spent no less than 18 emergency calls to the French authorities. The report implied that the United Kingdom and France expected the other to answer the call for help. The negotiations between the two parties on the control of these crossings are underway.

February 2022

Russia launches its large -scale invasion of Ukraine, marking A turning point in the relations of the United Kingdom-EU, in particular with regard to the common defense and the sanction of Russia. To date, the United Kingdom ranks 12th in Ukraine Aid, as a percentage of GDP, in front of the powers of the EU as France and Germany.

Boris in Ukraine

April 2022

The Conservative government, led by Boris Johnson, offers a new migration bill that would send asylum seekers in Rwanda for external treatment. The bill marks the next step in defining the United Kingdom's own policies on migration since its EU divorce.

However, the European Court of Human Rights may have its say and, faced with legal obstacles, the Labor government cancels the Rwanda plan after winning the general elections of 2024. No migrant is expelled in the regime frame.

October 2022

Liz Truss resigns as Prime Minister after only six weeks in power. Her detractors make fun of her by comparing her mandate to The shelf life of a lettuce head. Truss campaigned on a platform for a “high-growing high-growing economy” which would benefit from Brexit freedoms. But his package of 45 billion sterling pounds of unlikely tax reductions led to the collapse of the British markets, a major success of the British pound and a loss of confidence from his party.


June 2023

The European Council authorizes the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union, to open negotiations with the United Kingdom on an additional agreement to TCA.

The agreement is the first of its kind between the EU and a third country, and focuses on the authorization of the EU and the United Kingdom Competition Act and the Markets Authority (CMA) to cooperate directly in competition surveys.

Immigration to the United Kingdom

November 2023

The United Kingdom is part of Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation program, and Copernicus, the EUR Earth Observation Component of the EU space program.

London agrees to contribute around 2.4 billion euros per year to the EU budget for its participation in Horizon Europe and around 154 million euros for participation in Copernicus. This means that the United Kingdom and the EU will be able to work together on issues such as climate change, health and digital transformation.

February 2024

Kingdom migration agencies agreement Work together to combat smuggling, trafficking in human beings and irregular immigration thanks to the exchange of intelligence, expertise and staff.

April 2024

In an interview The sun The newspaper, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, suggests that the United Kingdom could leave the European Human Rights Convention (CECH) to pass the Rwanda government bill. The feeling echoes those of the first preservatives.

Such a withdrawal mean that those looking for asylum will lose many of their human rights protections guaranteed under the ECHR, such as the right to life, the prohibition of torture and the right to an equitable trial .


The same month, more discussions take place between the United Kingdom and the EU on the future of Gibraltar. Gibraltar is a British territory abroad at the southern tip of the Iberian peninsula, where he shares a border with Spain. It has been led by Great Britain since 1713, but auto-genera in all areas except defense and foreign policy.

Spain has repeatedly claimed sovereignty over the territory, but the constitution of Gibraltar prohibits this without the consent of those who live there. Most voters from Gibraltar voted to stay in the EU.

July 2024

Keir Starmer is elected Prime Minister, referring work to the British government for the first time since 2010. He promises to “reset” relations with the EU. Despite a landslide victory, the nationalist reform party, led by the first chief of the Brexit speech, Nigel Farage, chosen up four seats in Parliament.

Starmer with his wife

January 2025

International travelers, including the United States, Canada, Australia and European States, must register for electronic travel authorization (ETA) before entering the United Kingdom. The program was previously applicable only to seven countries in the Middle East.

The EU provides for a reciprocal measure for British residents.

Voting results




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