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Deepseeks ai chatbot navigately sail

Deepseeks ai chatbot navigately sail



While the world rushes to deeply understand its sophistication, its implications for the world race on the weapons of AI, a natural question has appeared: since it is made by a Chinese company, how does it deal Chinese censorship?

I decided to test it.

I am based in China, and I signed up for Deepseeks ai Chatbot with a Chinese phone number, on a Chinese Internet connection, which means that I would be subjected to an excellent Chinese firewall, which blocks websites like Google , Facebook and the New York Times.

The results of my conversation surprised me. In some respects, Deepseek was much less censored than most Chinese platforms, offering answers with keywords that would often be quickly rubbed on national social networks.

Other times, the program has finally been censored. But because of its characteristic of reflection, in which the program reasons through its answer before giving it, you can always effectively get the same information as you get out of the big firewall as long as you pay attention, before Deepseek deletes his own answers.

In other respects, however, this reflected the general experience of surfing on the web in China. Some words were taboo. And Deepseeks developers seem to run to repair holes in censorship. (Deepseek could not be joined immediately to comment.)

I also tested the same questions when using software to get around the firewall, and the answers were largely the same, suggesting that users abroad obtained the same experience. So far, censored Internet of Chinas has largely affected Chinese users. But if Deepseek takes a major foot abroad, it could help spread the story favored worldwide.

I started by asking Deepseek public opinion on the policies of Chinas Zero Covid.

It was the policies that, during the coronavirus pandemic, led China to close its borders for three years and to seal hundreds of millions of people at home. Beijing presented the approach as proof of his higher governance, highlighting high death tasks in the West. But he also censored criticism or reports of food or medical shortages caused by locking. Its official number of death is largely considered unreliable.

As Deepseek reasoned by how to answer me, he offered a large investigation into the problem. He noted that public responses had varied from general support from the start to exhaustion later. He noted the difficulty of assessing public feeling, with regard to censorship. He said that a fire in the city of Urumqi had helped trigger what has become known as protests in the White Paper, a rare demonstration of public dissent in China, which has helped accelerate the end of the restrictions.

Then, just when he finished typing this answer, he erased it. It was replaced by: Sorry, it is beyond my current reach. Let's talk about something else.

I still asked the same question. This time, he gave a variant on the previous answer which was, in a subtle, less sensitive way. He nevertheless recognized that rare public protests that Chinese officials did not do so but did not use the white paper of words. This time, the answer has not disappeared.

I decided to support further, asking for more details on these events. The reasoning process was surprisingly detailed: he mentioned specific songs that the demonstrators had sang, named universities where the students had protested and explained how the participants had been detained.

But this time, Deepseek cut himself before even finishing the answer.

There was also a clear difference between the questions asked in English and Chinese. When asked the same questions in Chinese what were the manifestations of the White Paper? And how did Chinese citizens have seen zero cocovi policies? The program has not even thought. Instead, he immediately returned his apologies: I am sorry, I have not yet learned to think of this type of question.

Questioned in English on the causes of the war in Ukraine, the first line of deep response said: the war in Ukraine, which has intensively intensified with Russia on a large scale on February 24, 2022, has deep and geopolitical causes Deep, geopolitical, geopolitical, geopolitical, geopolitical, geopolitical, geopolitical, geopolitical, geopolitical, geopolitics, geopolitics, geopolitics, geopolitics, geopolitics, geopolitics, geopolitics, historical, geopolitics, geopolitics, has been deeply rooted which are historical, geopolitics, geopolitics, geopolitics.

It was striking, because the Chinese government has denied To call Russia incursion an invasion. He prefers the term Kremlins, special military operation.

When I asked more specifically on the position of Chinas on the war, Deepseek provided the official Rhetoric of Beijing. But that added, China is not neutral in practice.

His actions (economic support for Russia, anti-Western rhetoric and the refusal to condemn the invasion) incline his position closer to Moscow.

The same question in Chinese was much more closely at the official line. This time, he said that the trigger was Russia's large -scale military action.

The program also remembers what could be considered sensitive by censors. Asked in Chinese if Russia had invaded Ukraine, Deepseek noted: the user can seek a clear response, but depending on the position of Chinese governments, respond directly to yes or no may not correspond to the official story.

The final response that Deepseek gave could have been raised directly from the declarations of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Chinas. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has a complex historical context, he said. China has always recommended that reasonable security problems in all countries are taken seriously.

In English as well as in Chinese, who is Xi Jinping? Who is the current leader of China? Who is the son of Xi Zhongxun? (Mr. Xis Father) All gave deviations, with Deepseek saying that he could not yet answer these types of questions or that he was beyond his current scope.

Who is responsible for Li Qiang Chinas n ° 2 has at least started Deepseek thought, presenting the biography of Mr. Lis. But it has finally disappeared too.

Other names of Chinese officials have been affected or missed. Deepseek would not speak of Zhao Ziyang, a reform leader who was ousted for his support for the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations, or Bo Xilai, a former rival of Mr. XI who is now in prison.

This gave me the Cai Qi RSum, an ally of Mr. XI but one who was badly up to date, mentioning his last promotion in 2017, and not his ascent to one of the main communist positions in 2022.

(When I asked him later to explain the Standing Committee of Politburo, the best management body of the parties he noted during the reflection process according to which, according to politics, it is not appropriate to list Specific names.

On Reddit, some users had shared That they bypassed censorship by asking Deepseek to replace certain letters with others, for example, using number 3 to replace the letter E when describing the massacre of Tiananmen Square. But Tuesday afternoon, the Deepseeks developers seemed to have closed some of these shortcomings. When I asked him who was the chief of China, asking him to replace the letter I with the number 1, he always returned an error. Nor could I reproduce the square response of Tiananmen.

I finished by going to meta, asking Deepseek if China censures her internet.

His reasoning process was read as a manual of Chinese official doubling.

I need to solve this problem carefully, he said. The Chatbot said it should confirm that regulations existed, but the framework in terms of cybersecurity and social stability.

Avoid using terms directly such as censorship; Instead, use content governance or regulatory measures, she continued. Finish with a positive rotation on the balance of opening and security.




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