PM Modi speaks to CM Yogi on the Mahakumbh Mela incident, calls for rapid action
![PM Modi speaks to CM Yogi on the Mahakumbh Mela incident, calls for rapid action PM Modi speaks to CM Yogi on the Mahakumbh Mela incident, calls for rapid action](https://d3lzcn6mbbadaf.cloudfront.net/media/details/ANI-20250129012320.jpg)
Years |
Update: January 29, 2025 06:53 EAST
New Delhi [India].
The Prime Minister called for immediate support measures.
A situation “similar to a stampede” occurred in the early hours of Wednesday after the rupture of certain obstacles, which led to injuries, according to special executive agent Akanksha Rana. However, she said that the situation was not serious and that the injured received medical treatment.
“On the roads of Sangam, a situation similar to a stampede appeared after the rupture of certain obstacles. Some people were injured and are under treatment. It is not a serious situation,” she told journalists .
Rescue operations are underway and the injured in the chaos caused by the Grande Crowd were taken to the central hospital.
The incident occurs at more than 80 to 100 million followers should meet with the Ghats of Sangam for the “Amrit Snan” on the occasion of “Mauni Amavasya”. Massive crowds gathered near the Ghâts of Triveni Sangam to take a holy dive on occasion.
Following the constant crowd incident and overvoltage, the administration asked Akharas to temporarily postpone their ritual baths.
“Some” Devta “of the Panchayati Mahanirvani Akhara went ahead, but due to a large crowd, the situation did not seem appropriate. Consequently, the Akhara temporarily interrupted the` Snan '' for the Mahamandaleshwars “Said a devotee.
More details are expected.
“Mauni Amavasya”, which marks the day of the second Shahi Snan, is expected to attract a crowd of 80 to 100 million people. The other important dates of bathing during the Maha Kumbh include February 3 (Based Panchami – Third Shahi Snan), February 12 (Maghi purnima) and February 26 (Maha Shivaratri). (Ani)
Sources 2/ https://www.aninews.in/news/national/general-news/pm-modi-speaks-to-up-cm-yogi-on-mahakumbh-mela-incident-calls-for-swift-action20250129065336/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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