Donald Trump pauses with foreign assistance in Pakistan, Hit key projects: report
![Donald Trump pauses with foreign assistance in Pakistan, Hit key projects: report Donald Trump pauses with foreign assistance in Pakistan, Hit key projects: report](https://c.ndtvimg.com/2025-01/pgda0h48_donald-trump_625x300_29_January_25.jpeg)
The United States temporarily suspended foreign assistance in Pakistan for reassessment following an executive decree issued by President Donald Trump, according to a media report on Tuesday.
This decision immediately arrested a certain number of important projects from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Pakistan, including the Embassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP), which is the flagship program to promote the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, the geo news reported.
According to the United States Embassy here, the AFCP fund “helps protect historical buildings, archaeological sites, museum collections and traditional cultural expressions such as native languages and crafts from around the world”.
Quoting an anonymous official of the American consulate in Karachi, the report said that the United States had interrupted Pakistan’s foreign aid for re-evaluation in accordance with the executive decree issued by Trump.
Five projects related to the energy sector also stopped following this decision, according to the report.
This is an activity of improving the energy sector, an energy activity project in the private sector in Pakistan, a project of consulting services in the energy sector, a Program for the guarantee of cleaning of clean energy and a Pakistani climate financing activity.
Four projects related to economic growth have also been affected. Among them, social protection activity was the only program supposed to end in 2025.
The American move has also carried out numerous projects related to health, agriculture, livelihoods and food security, floods, climate and education. Democracy, human rights and governance funds are also affected by Trump's order.
The fears are expressed that some of these programs will be put aside forever or at least considerably reduced, according to Geo News.
However, the total value of affected projects is not known because it is not clear how much annual aid the United States is currently pumping towards Pakistan.
Until now, Pakistan officials have not confirmed the development and impact of Trump's executive measures on the assistance stopping in Pakistan.
Last week, without naming countries, Tammy Bruce, spokesperson for the US State Department, said in a statement: “In accordance with President Trump's executive order on the re-evaluation and realignment of the United States, the Secretary Rubio interrupted all the American foreign aid funded by or through the State Department and the American Agency for International Development (USAID) for examination. Marco Rubio: “Each dollar that we spend, each program we are financing, and each policy that we pursue must be justified with the answer to three simple questions: does that make America safer? 'Stronger America?
(With the exception of the title, this story has not been published by NDTV staff and is published from a unionized flow.)
Sources 2/ https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/donald-trump-pauses-foreign-assistance-to-pakistan-move-hits-key-projects-report-7586164 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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