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What do you choose, the state loses against the oligarchy or the Aguan CS trail?

What do you choose, the state loses against the oligarchy or the Aguan CS trail?



Jakarta, Mi – It is time for law enforcement officials (APH) not to be slow to investigate the cases of installation of sea fences which are considered to have violated many laws.

The member of Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament Abdullah, recalled that Indonesia was a rule of law, not a state of power. Now, the experts and various levels of the company who questioned the police to the suspect or suspected of being guilty were early warnings on their part to the trust in the application of the laws.

The owner of the Sea fence in Tangerang, Banten is made up of companies and private. Pt Agung Intan Makmur is known to have a certificate of construction rights (HGB) up to 234 fields, then PT Cahaya Inti Sentosa up to 20 fields and nine people have a property certificate (SHM) until at 17 fields.

The total number of sea fences which have 263 HGB certificates. The SEA closing certificate is considered problematic because it has the potential to violate several regulations, including the Criminal Code law, the director of agrarian, environmental protection and management, maritime affairs, resources In water, ciptipakers and the law on corruption crimes.

“The application of the law by establishing a suspect in the case of a sea fence is what the device must do for the moment, since the installation of the fence has caused victims, namely damage natural, “he said on Wednesday (1/29/2025).

Fishermen who generally live in the sea around the location are also hampered to find their livelihoods. Abdullah said the Indonesian mediator had detailed the loss data caused by installing a fence at sea.

The data from the mediator held by Abdullah recorded losses per year reaching 116.91 billion RP per year.

Details start with a decrease in fishermen's income of 93.31 billion RP per year, then an increase in operational costs of 18.60 billion RP per year and damage to the RP5 billion marine ecosystem per year.

In addition, the existence of residents of the village of Kohod who pointed out the alleged question of profit in the HGB certificate at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and the Space Organization / National Terrestrial Agency (ATR / BPN).

“I fear that the hypothesis of many parties who consider the state to lose against the oligarchy.

Consequently, to resolve the problem of the fence of the sea, he asked all parties, including the police to collaborate to investigate the actors behind the installation of this sea fence. He also hopes that the law will be confirmed fairly in order to show that Indonesia is a country devoted to the Constitution.

“This is a form of support for the mission of the law of President Prabowo, namely the strengthening of political, legal and bureaucratic reforms, as well as the strengthening of the prevention and the eradication of corruption”, he concluded.

Sea closing facts

The Minister of the Agrarian and Spatial Agency / National Land Agency (ATR / BPN), Nusron Wahid, revealed that the land owner in the sea closing area was the company PT Intan Agung Makmur and Pt Cahaya Inti Sentosa .

Pt Intan Agung Makmur has 234 land fields from PT Cahaya Inti Sentosa up to 20 land sectors. In addition, nine areas of land in the name of individuals. A total of 17 land fields were issued by SHM.

The Minister of the Agrarian and Spatial Agency / National Land Agency (ATR / BPN), Nusron Wahid, revealed that the land owner in the sea closing area was the company PT Intan Agung Makmur and Pt Cahaya Inti Sentosa . Pt Intan Agung Makmur has 234 land fields from PT Cahaya Inti Sentosa up to 20 land sectors. In addition, nine areas of land in the name of individuals. A total of 17 land fields were issued by SHM.

“There is also SHM, a letter of property, out of 17 fields,” Nusron said at the Ministry of the ATR last Monday. “The location is also true according to Bhumi's request, namely in the villages of Kohod and Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency.”

50 SHGB and SHM revoked
Nusron Wahid officially revoked the status of the issuance of the Certificate of Construction Rights (SHGB) and property rights (SHM) in Tangera waters. The one who was dismissed is the SHGB which was built by PT Intan Agung Makmur (IAM) in the village of Kohod, Pakuhaji district, Tangerang Regency, Banten.

“Today, we are with the team, carrying out the certificate cancellation process, SHM and HGB. This is the place of the delivery of the SHGB certificate. What we call PT IAM,” said Nusron Wahid.

According to him, the results of an examination of the land / coast limit which were previously contained in SHGB and SHM on the coast of the village of Kohod had violated legal provisions.

Therefore, automatically, in the state of the certificate issue, can be revoked and canceled. As with some who have not been removed. Nusron said it was checking.

The former KKP minister and the assistant DPD been dragged?
The former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2004-2009 Freddy Numberi, and former vice-president of the regional regional council 2019-2024 (DPD RI) Nono Sampono is allegedly one of the officials of the company who controlled the certificate construction rights (HGB) in the end of the Tangerang Sea. Nono Sampono is suspected of being the president president of the PT Cahaya Inti Sentosa who controlled 20 land funds. While Freddy Numberi became commissioners at PT Intan Agung Makmur and PT Cahaya Inti Sentosa. Freddy's position has been recorded in the act of general law (AHU) of the two companies.

Agung SEDAYU Group (ASG) has recognized that the Certificate of Rights of Construction (HGB) of sea fences in the waters of Tangerang Regency, Banten belongs to their subsidiary, Pt Cahaya Intan Sentosa (CIS) and Pt Intan Agung MAKMUR (IAM). However, the company belonging to Taipan Sugianto Kusuma alias Aguan claimed to obtain it in accordance with the procedure.

The lawyer for the group Agung SEDAYU, Muannas Alaidid, explained that the property of SHGB in the name of its subsidiary did not cover the whole fence of the sea along 30.16 kilometers (km). “SHGB above according to the process and the procedure. We buy from the inhabitants of SHM (Certificate of ownership),” he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 24, 2025.

RP. 18 million per kilometer
The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Sakti Wahyu Trenggono fisheries said that the owner of one kilometer (km) of the closure of the sea on the north coast of the regency of Tangerang, Banten, would be subject to administrative fines of 18 million RP per km.

According to him, this refers to the ministerial regulations of KP number 31 of 2021 concerning the taxation of administrative sanctions in the field of maritime affairs and fishing.

“From us the penalty of fines because it is more towards administrative sanctions, if there is a criminal element, it is the police,” Trenggono, the Jakarta Presidential Palace Complex on Wednesday January 22, 2025.


Large sea fence Sedayu Group Aguan Jokowi




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