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President Trump offers a buy -back to all federal workers with 8 months' salary

President Trump offers a buy -back to all federal workers with 8 months' salary



Washington (AP) The Trump Administration announced on Tuesday that it was offering buybacks to all federal employees who choose to leave their jobs next week, an unprecedented decision to shrink the US government at dizzying speed.

A memo of the personnel management office, the agency of human resources governments, also said that it would begin to subject all federal employees to improved standards of adequacy and driving and informed in a disturbing way of reduction future workforce. The email sent to millions of employees said that those who leave their publications will voluntarily receive around eight months' salary, but they must choose to do so by February 6.

President Donald Trump built a political career around promising it to disrupt Washington and promised that his second administration would go far to shake up traditional political standards than the first. However, the repercussions of so many officials invited to leave their jobs were difficult to calculate.

Katie Miller, who sits on an advisory council at the Ministry of Government efficiency, a special department of Trump administration led by the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk and responsible for reducing government size, published on X, this e -Mail is sent to more than two million federal employees.

The federal government employed more than 3 million people in November of last year, which represented almost 1.9% of the entire civil workforce of nations, according to the Pew Research Center. The average mandate for a federal employee is almost 12 years, according to a PEW analysis of OPM data.

Even a fraction of the workforce accepting the buyouts could send shock waves through the economy and trigger generalized disturbances throughout its whole society, causing large-scale implications and even unknowable for delivery, the speed and efficiency of federal services across the country.

An incalculable number of front -line health workers in the department of veterans, officials who deal with loans for buyers or small businesses, and entrepreneurs who help get the next generation of military weapons could all Direct to the outings at a time. This could also mean losing experienced food inspectors and scientists who test water supply while disturbing everything, plane trips and consumer products.

In response, the president of the union of the American Federation of employees of the Everett Kelley government said that she should not be considered voluntary buyouts, but that workers were not part of workers are not considered faithful to the new administration to leave their jobs.

The purge of the federal government of dedicated federal career employees will have large involuntary consequences that will cause chaos to the Americans who depend on a functional federal government, Kelley said in a statement. Between the burst of anti-workman decrees and policies, it is clear that the objective of Trump administrations is to transform the federal government into a toxic environment where workers cannot remain even if they wish.

In his note by email detailing his plan, OPM lists four directives which, according to Trump, oblige federal workforce in the future, including most workers return to their full-time offices.

The substantial majority of federal employees who work remotely from COVVID will have to return to their physical offices five days a week, he said. This echoes Trump, who said federal employees during the weekend: you have to go to your office and work. Otherwise, you will not have a job.

The memo also indicates that Trump will insist on excellence at all levels, and although certain parts of governments' workforce can increase under its administration, the majority of federal agencies are likely to be reduced.

Finally, he said, the federal workforce should be made up of reliable, loyal, trustworthy employees and who aim for excellence in their daily work.

Employees will be subject to improved adequacy and driving standards as we go forward, indicates the memo.

The message sent by email includes a deferred resignation letter for federal employees to start leaving their messages.

If you resign as part of this program, you will keep all wages and benefits, whatever your daily workload and will be exempt from all working requirements in person applicable until September 30, he says.

E-mail even includes instructions on how to accept, by declaring: if you want to resign: Select respond to this email. You must answer for your government account. He adds: Type the word resign in the body of this email and press Send.

Meanwhile, OPM has published advice for a decree that Trump signed the first day of his second term known as career / calendar policy. He replaces Annex F, an order that Trump signed at the end of his first mandate which sought to reclassify thousands of federal employees and to restore them to the appointments without the same protections of employment security.

President Joe Biden canceled the ordinance of Trump Annex F almost immediately after taking office in 2021 and, under his administration, OPM published a new rule last year designed to make more difficult to dismiss many federal employees.

This decision was considered to be a safeguard against the use of a new order of Annex F to help achieve the main objectives of the 2025 project, a scanning plan of a Washington Conservative reflection group to reject large expanses of the federal workforce in favor of more conservative alternatives while also being reduced the overall size of the government.

But that did not prevent the Trump administration from traveling quickly to empty the federal workforce and leave employees with little recourse to layoffs or reallocations.

Trumps OPM Monday has established deadlines so that agencies are starting to recommend reclassification workers. Agency leaders are invited to establish a contact person no later than Wednesday and start to submit recommendations for provisional personnel within 90 days.

Agencies are encouraged to submit recommendations on a hilly base before this date, said Charles Ezell, acting director of the OPM.

Perhaps more surprising, Trump's personnel office simply removed Biden's 2024 administrations to better protect federal workers. The Monday memo said Trumps a new decree had used the presidents' authority to directly cancel these regulations.


The writers of the Associated Press Zeke Miller and Lisa Mascaro in Washington and Brian Witte in Annapolis, Maryland, contributed to this report.


This story has been corrected to change the buy -back proposal at eight months' salary, not seven.




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