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After talking Durient during the campaign, Trump seems to relieve himself in China at the start of the presidency

After talking Durient during the campaign, Trump seems to relieve himself in China at the start of the presidency



Washington – On the campaign trail last year, President Donald Trumptalked Durabout imposing rates as high as 60% on Chinese products and threatened to renew the trade war with China that he launched during his first mandate.

But now that he has returned to the White House, Trump seems to seek a more nuanced relationship with the country than the Republicans and Democrats have seen Powerhouse, and he has one of the largest military forces in the world.

We can't wait to do very well with China and get along with China, Trump said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in comments suggested that Beijing could help end the war in Ukraine and reduce nuclear weapons.

While he is advancing with plans to impose prices of 25% in Canada and Mexico on February 1, Trump did not set a firm date for China. He only repeated his plan for a much lower 10% tax on Chinese imports in retaliation for the production of chinas of chemicals used in fentanyl. On Tuesday, the White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said Trump was still planning to increase prices on China on February 1.

Trump, whipuke with Chinese president Xi JinpingDays before taking office, seems to show a restraint and bow to a more complicated reality than he described during his candidacy. Speaking of potential prices on China in a recent Fox News interview, he said: they don't want it, and I prefer not to use it.

Liu Yawei, China's senior advisor at the Atlanta Carter Center, said Trump had become more pragmatic.

The signaling, at least from the elections to the inauguration, seems to be more positive than what was previously planned, said Liu. Hopefully this positive dynamic can be preserved and continuous. Being more pragmatic, less ideological will be good for everyone.

A Chinese expert in American foreign policy has recognized that there are many uncertainties and unknown on the future of American-Chinese relations. But Da Wei, director of the Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, also said that Trumps a recent change in tone offers encouraging signals.

When Trump became president for the first time in 2017, Xi and Trump started well. Xiwas invited the prevailing on Mar-A-Lago Resortin Florida. A few months later, he treated Trump a personal visit to the Palace Museumin in the heart of Beijing, only to see Trump launching the trade war the following year.

The American-Chinese relationship went further above the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has hardly improved during the administration of President Joe Bidens, that Sawa is controversial on the Autonomous Island of Taiwan by The speaker of the time, Nancy Pelosi Eta Chinese Spy Balloonaloft on American territory.

Biden kept the asset prices on Chinese products and intensified economic and technological rivalry with export controls, investment borders and alliances construction.

Now it will be at Trumps Top diplomat, Secretary of State Marco Rubio, to help trace a new path for the second mandate.

During its hearing on confirmation, Rubio said that China had lied, deceived, hacked and stolen its way to the world status of superpower at our expense. He described China as an almost more powerful and most dangerous opponent that this nation has ever confronted.

A few hours after having taken an oath, the Rubiomet's foreign ministers of Australia, Japan and India, sending signals that he continues to work with the same group of countries that raised to Bide to the Expanding the influence and aggression expanding in the Indo-Pacific region.

However, Rubio, who has been punished twice by Beijing and is known for his bellicultural opinions on the Chinese Communist Party, told the Senatorial Relations Committee that the United States should engage with China due to 'Interest of world peace and stability.

During a phone call on Friday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chinas issued a veiled warning to Rubio, telling him to behave. Wang Yi transmitted the message in their first conversation sincerubios confirmation.

I hope you are acting accordingly, Wang told Rubio, according to a Chinese Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which included a Chinese sentence generally used by a teacher or an informed boss a student or an employee to be responsible for his actions. Rubio agreed to manage bilateral relations in a mature and prudent manner, said the ministry.

The members of the Congress noted the apparently softer attitude towards Beijing.

Representative Rosa Delauro, Connecticut Democrat, wants to make sure Trump does not leave China too easy. She urged the president to act now on measures which have won large bipartisan support, in particular the closing of a price gap on low -value packages, the revision of outgoing investments and the implementation of a policy of policy interior industrial.

Beijing is looking for opportunities to create more breathing in his relations with an American president known for his transactional style. Chinese leaders are betting directly with Trump with Trump when his cabinet members and his advisers seem to have faced opinions.

Trump is the most important person above all these different voices, and he can at least set the tone for a future policy, said DA.

Tsinghua teacher expects Trump and Xi to meet at some point. The effective communication channels will be crucial, said DA, to keep the arrow differences out of control, as they did in Trumps in the first quarter.

The two presidents may have a good starting point. It is very important, he said. But then, we must set up certain mechanisms to allow members at the cabinet to talk to each other.

This may explain the friendly opening of Beijing at the start of the second Trump administration. In response to the invitation of Trumpsinauguration, the special representative of Xi Senta.

Beijing also pointed out a desire to be flexible on the future Oftiktok, which Trump sought to ban during his first administration. But he now went to rescue social media applications, offering his Chinese parent company more to sell and minimize the national security risks of Tiktoks.

After Trump said he preferred not to use China prices, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has echoed that trade and economic cooperation between the two countries are mutually beneficial.

But Beijing is also ready to play hard, if necessary, after learning a lesson in the first quarter of Trumps.

In recent years, Beijing has adopted laws and rules which allow it to respond quickly and forcefully towards any hostile act of the United States in its toolbox are prices, import sections, controls to the 'Export, sanctions, measures to limit companies in China and regulatory journals aimed at inflicting pain on American companies and the US economy.

Miles Yu, director of the China Center at the Hudson Institute, said Trump was now more nuanced and more concentrated to China.

He kept his eyes on the price, which is to maintain American supremacy without risking an open and avoidable confrontation with China, while being perfectly ready to move away from the negotiation table and play the hard ball, said Yu.




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