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The accommodation of 2036 Olympic Games will take Indian sports to new heights: PM Modi

The accommodation of 2036 Olympic Games will take Indian sports to new heights: PM Modi



Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday holds the official Téjaswini torch Tuesday during the opening ceremony of the 38th national games, in Dehradun. The badminton player Lakshya Sen also present.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday holds the official Téjaswini torch Tuesday during the opening ceremony of the 38th national games, in Dehradun. The badminton player Lakshya Sen also present. | Photo credit: Ani

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Tuesday, January 28, 2025), said that his government was putting all his strength behind the ambitious offer to put the accommodation rights of the 2036 Olympic Games, which will lead Indian sports to new heights and will create opportunities in different sectors.

Speaking during the opening ceremony of the 38th national games here as a guest of honor, the PM reiterated that the offer, in the event of success, will change the situation for the infrastructure of the country.

“We are pressure to accommodate the rights of the 2036 Olympic Games, this will take Indian sports at new heights,” said the Prime Minister.

Read also | His dream India to welcome the 2036 Olympic Games, the preparations are on: PM Narendra Modi

“The Olympic Games are not only a sporting event. Wherever the Olympic Games occur, all sectors win. It creates better facilities for athletes. It stimulates construction, creates new connectivity, transport facilities and the More importantly, stimulates tourism, “he added.

“People around the world, including athletes, will meet in India.”

Mr. Modi had expressed the intention of India to host the matches of 2036 during the session of the International Olympic Committee in Mumbai in 2023. The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) submitted the letter of official intention to CIO .

The IOC will not decide before 2026 and the next step for India is to prepare an official offer, detailing its vast plan for games.

Countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia are also in the running for 2036 accommodation rights and it would take a significant effort to increase their offers.

“We strive to improve your abilities and we focus on supporting you. We consider sport as an essential aspect in the development of the country,” said Moda addressed to athletes gathered during the ceremony.

“India becomes one of the largest economies in the world and the sports economy must have a share. Speaking of national games, it said:” These games are more than a simple sporting event. It is an excellent platform to present the spirit of Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat. “It is a celebration of the rich diversity and the unity of India.

“We are creating more and more opportunities for our athletes so that they can improve their potential as much as possible. We consider sport as a key driver for the holistic development of India.”

He also talked about the various government programs that benefited athletes, including the Target Olympic Podium program and the KHELO India initiative.

The sporting budget was increased triple and we spent beliefs under the tops for the benefit of athletes. Due to the youth games of Khelo India, young athletes are fortunate to move forward. The same goes for the university games of Khelo India, university students obtain new opportunities.

Read also | A match plan for the success of the India as an Olympic host in 2036

“After Para Khelo India's matches, the parasitic athletes succeed.”

The Prime Minister also gave young fitness advice to young people, advising them to reduce their oil contribution and to do more exercise to combat the growing threat of obesity.

“You should all reduce oil consumption by 10% and add more walks and exercise to your daily routines. We must fight obesity. This is a major health problem,” he declared.




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