What was in Rachel Reeves' speech?
![What was in Rachel Reeves' speech? What was in Rachel Reeves' speech?](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/4a5f/live/79e8eeb0-de60-11ef-bd1b-d536627785f2.jpg)
Political journalist
![Getty Images Rachel Reeves makes her growth speech](https://i0.wp.com/ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/4a5f/live/79e8eeb0-de60-11ef-bd1b-d536627785f2.jpg.webp?w=740&ssl=1)
Rachel Reeves presented a series of major announcements on infrastructure projects, including support plans for a third track at Heathrow airport.
She promised to go “further and faster” than previous governments after years of slow growth in the United Kingdom.
So what did she announce?
Heathrow expansion
Reeves confirmed that the government supported plans to build a third track at Heathrow airport, arguing that it could create 100,000 jobs.
The plans were approved parliamentary in June 2018, but were trapped in limbo after legal challenges since.
She invited Heathrow to submit plans to enlarge the airport At the end of the summer, But promised that the government would only sign them if they were “in accordance with legal environmental and climatic objectives”.
The government has already supported the expansion of the city's airport and Stansted airport around London.
A decision to enlarge Luton airport and build an emergency track at Gatwick airport will soon be delivered, she promised.
The government will work with local authorities to reopen Doncaster Sheffield airport, aimed at making it a flourishing regional center.
There will also be a new partnership between Prologis and Manchester Airport Group will build a new advanced manufacturing and logistics park, which has led to 1 billion investment and 2,000 jobs, said Reeves.
'Silicon Valley'
Reeves promised to build “Silicon Valley in Europe” between Oxford and Cambridge, with policies aimed at stimulating the growth of the region, saying that they would add $ 78 billion to the British economy over the next 10 years.
The funding was confirmed for transport projects, including new services on an East -West rail line from this year – the revival of the plans overwhelmed by Boris Johnson in 2022.
She also promised an upgrade on the A428 between Milton Keynes and Cambridge.
The University of Cambridge will open an innovation center in the city center, which will be built alongside 4,500 new houses and schools, after the Environment Agency has abandoned its opposition.
The approvals for new cities are expected as soon as the government has already received proposals along the rail with 18 submissions for new important developments.
A new Cambridge cancer research hospital will also be hierarchical.
Lord Patrick Vallance, the former chief scientific advisor of the government and now Minister of Labor, will be responsible for supervising the project.
Governments of all bands are planning to create large-scale housing projects in the so-called Oxford-Cambridge arc since at least 2003.
Various projects have obtained support under Johnson, Theresa May and Rishi Sunak – but were killed by Financing of concerns and local opposition.
New tanks
The government has approved 7.9 billion investment for water companies in order to build nine new tanks, especially A new Fens tank to serve Cambridge.
There will also be a new Abingdon reservoir near Oxford.
Officials agreed Water resources management plans With aquatic companies in December, with the first tanks that should be opened in 2028 and 2050 on the completion date of all projects.
Modification of infrastructure rules
Government councils on the construction of major projects will be examined in order to support investments outside the south and productive in the south-east of England, said Reeves.
“This means that investment in all regions receives a fair audience of the treasure that I direct,” she said.
This will work alongside other major changes defined in the next Infrastructure planning and invoice.
Redevelopment of Old Trafford
One of the projects to benefit is to redevelop the Old Trafford football stadium in Manchester United.
Manchester United is expected to make a decision by the end of the season on the opportunity to redevelop the existing stadium in a place of 87,000 inhabitants or to build a brand new field of 100,000. The club said it would make the final decision by the summer.
The Old Trafford program should use public money to move three rail freight terminals blocking the redevelopment.
The mayor of the Grand Manchester Andy Burnham promised that the program would build 5,000 houses and create a second “major football campus” in the city.
Reeves has announced that the government would organize a range of commercial trips.
Business secretary Jonathan Reynolds goes to India next month for commercial conferences while the United Kingdom resets “the relationship” with the EU.
Based on “our special relationship with the United States under President Trump” is in the national interest, said Reeves.
National investments of wealth funds
The government will invest in two green energy projects through the National Heritage Fund set up under the workforce.
Reeves said that 65 m will be given to the Loading Electric Vehicle Loading Curb Project company to extend their network.
Meanwhile, 28 m will be invested in Cornwall metals, which provide the raw material for solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles.
Funding should be published shortly.
Cross of the lower Thames
Reeves mentioned the new crossing of the Lower Thames, the largest road tunnel in the United Kingdom, which will connect Tilbury to Essex and Gravesend in Kent.
The 9 billion tunnel under the Thames River will be one of the most expensive infrastructure projects in British history. The government explores how to finance it in private.
Around the United Kingdom
Most of the announcements were focused on England, where the government has larger controls on planning and infrastructure.
But Reeves said that the government “worked with deconant governments to guarantee that the benefits of growth can be felt in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland”.
Reeves claimed the government's support for the Wrexham and Flontshire investment area in Wales, announced last year, would attract 1 billion billion things in the region.
Supported by Airbus and JCB, Reeves said that the investment would create up to 6,000 jobs.
Glasgow will be one of the first regions of the city to benefit from the “more deeply more targeted” investment in the National Heritage Fund.
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