Europes leaders plots to prevent Trump from taking Greenland – Politico
![Europes leaders plots to prevent Trump from taking Greenland – Politico Europes leaders plots to prevent Trump from taking Greenland – Politico](https://www.politico.eu/cdn-cgi/image/width=1200,height=630,fit=crop,quality=80,onerror=redirect/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/28/Danish-Prime-Minister-Mette-Frederiksen-scaled.jpg)
In addition to meeting the leaders of France and Germany, Frederiksen also had talks with the secretary general of NATO, Mark Rutte in Brussels and last week spoke by phone with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
Diplomats have now reserved time to discuss European relations with Trump, including the Greenland crisis during an informal meeting of EU leaders in Brussels on February 3, according to several people familiar with the plans. Starmer should also attend the rally, because London and Brussels are looking for closer cooperation on defense and security.
Trumps return to the White House a little over a week ago has already tested the determination of the allies of the Americas across the Atlantic. So far, the strategy in Europe and the United Kingdom has been to ignore noise and focus on what Trump really does. Avoiding a public war of words, as far as possible, is largely considered to be the best approach to the capitals of London in Copenhagen.
There was a clear consensus that the last time we found ourselves in a situation where we responded to each tweet, said a diplomat, who, like the others, obtained anonymity to discuss sensitive questions. We cannot spend four years react to each tweet.
In Greenland, however, which has vast mineral reserves and occupies a strategic position in the Arctic, the EUS Watch and Wait of apparent American conceptions on the territory seems to run out.
The situation is really serious and everyone thinks that the European reaction was not very credible, said another European diplomat. We went from shock and denial, now changed equipment.
Frederiksen and the president of the European Council Antnio Costa have had several conversations on Trump and Greenland in recent weeks. We have coordinated everything we would have or we will say about Greenland very closely with the Danes from the start, confirmed a senior EU.
We are totally favorable for Denmark and Greenland to decide, said the senior EU. We are ready, and the Danes know this, to reaffirm this whenever it needs.
Sources 2/ https://www.politico.eu/article/europes-leaders-plot-to-stop-trump-taking-greenland/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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