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While Trump increases immigration raids, some migrants go underground

While Trump increases immigration raids, some migrants go underground



Bernd Debusmann Jr

BBC News, White House

Getty images

Immigration raids agreed in intensity across the country, including New York.

A feeling of fear and discomfort collapses through the communities of American immigrants while the Trump administration accelerates arrests of undocumented migrants, net criminals and people with no criminal history.

Federal officers have arrested thousands of undocumented migrants since Donald Trump took office on January 20, increasing raids in cities across the country, including Chicago, New York, Denver and Los Angeles.

On Tuesday, the White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said that although the arrests of criminals have priority, no one in the country illegally is “outside the table”.

In some communities, arrests have prompted some migrants to skip work or keep their children at the school house.

More than 3,500 undocumented migrants have been arrested since Trump returned to the White House, including just over 1,000 Tuesday 969 Monday and 1,179 Sunday, according to Daily Statistics published by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

In comparison, an average of 310 was carried out during fiscal 2024, when Joe Biden was in office, according to the agency.

Immigration officials have described these raids as “targeted application operations” that have led to the arrest of members of violent gangs and dangerous suspects, and have deputy agents of other federal organizations of application of the law to help intensify arrests.

“I have not seen anything at a distance like that, and it is only the first days of the presidency,” said Gina Amato Lough, lawyer for the director of California for the immigrant project, a plea group in matters of 'immigration. “Nothing of this magnitude.”

Ms. Lough added that “the declared intention is to create a shock and a fear”.

“It works,” she said. “It also creates terror in the community.”

The White House and Ice have made public some of these arrests, showing photos of the suspects and providing details on their countries of origin and crimes, which included sexual crimes, assaults and drug trafficking.

But the White House has clearly indicated that any migrant undocumented in these raids – whether criminals or not – are subject to arrest and expulsion, even if the simple fact of being illegally in the United States is a civil affair.

Earlier this week, the White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said that “all” were criminals.

“They illegally violated the laws of our country and, therefore, criminals are far away that this administration goes,” she told journalists on Tuesday.

The arrests have already had a scary effect on many communities of immigrants across the United States.

Ms. Lough, for example, said that undocumented customers had expressed their fear of going to a government agency – even to obtain a driving license – or seek medical care in hospitals.

“We hear that people are terrified, and we receive calls on the left and right,” said Michael Lukens, executive director of the Center d'Amica for immigrant rights, an organization that provides a free legal representation to migrants without papers held by the authorities.

“People are afraid of going to work or sending their children to schools,” he said, adding that the Trump administration has blocked their organization's efforts to enter the detention facilities to meet detainees.

“This is exactly what the White House wants to instill people with people and make them go,” he said. “This is not something we have ever seen.”

Among those who expressed their fear, there is Gabriela, a Bolivian migrant who entered the United States over 20 years ago, who hid under a bunch of corn rods in the trunk of a case case to smuggler in the trip.

Now a cleaning lady in Maryland, Gabriela was initially not concerned by Trump's electoral victory, saying that he would only target criminals and that many migrants would benefit from an improved economy.

But nine days in the administration, she says that she grew up, with many of her neighbors, after seeing that the ice had carried out operations in neighboring communities.

“Many people in my building have stopped sending their children to schools. No one goes to the church now,” she told the BBC. “We connected to online mass.”

Gabriela said she had started to pack her personal effects in the hope that if she was arrested and expelled, knowledge could send them back to Bolivia.

Watch: What to know about Trump migrants deportation flights

Another undocumented migrant, a Mexican national named Carlos who lives in New York, told BBC concerns about possible arrests that had led to a metro.

“We have heard that Ice had come to a building not far from me,” said Carlos, whose son is an American citizen born in New York.

Like Gabriela, Carlos was initially optimistic about Trump's electoral victory and thought he would indirectly benefit from Trump's promises to strengthen the economy and reduce inflation.

“It's frightening. I avoid being on the street more than I need,” he added. “I have no problem with the arrest of criminals. But we continue to hear that other people – workers – are also removed.”

Gabriela and Carlos asked to be identified only by their first names, fearing the remuneration or attention of the authorities.

It is not known how many people arrested have criminal history and how much are the first Trump administration called “collateral” arrests.

NBC reported that on January 26, only 52% of people placed in police custody were considered “criminal arrests”, citing administration officials.

The BBC contacted the White House to comment on the numbers.

Asked about the number during a press briefing on Tuesday, Ms. Leavitt only said that anyone who had violated the laws of our country “is a criminal.

ICE raids are part of a larger effort from the Trump administration to suppress undocumented migrations in the United States, which has also included declaring an emergency on the southern border and extended processes that allow rapid expulsions.

Trump signed the so-called Laken Riley law on Thursday, demanding that undocumented immigrants be arrested for theft or violent crimes be held in prison while waiting for the trial.

The bill, named after Laken Riley – a nursing student in Georgia murdered last year by a Venezuelan, was approved by Congress last week, a first legislative victory for the administration.

During the signing, Trump said that the government would move to create an installation of 30,000 people for undocumented detainees, double the government's detention capacity and go further in the United States to eliminate the scourge of migrant crime. ”




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