While Trump seeks to reshape the federal workforce, the unions explode his plan of annex F
![While Trump seeks to reshape the federal workforce, the unions explode his plan of annex F While Trump seeks to reshape the federal workforce, the unions explode his plan of annex F](https://assets1.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2025/01/23/2314ae32-150c-4e08-a987-f40725eb6cdc/thumbnail/1200x630/f3ecb348899d11aae393bc25ddfb1d31/cbsn-fusion-trump-reacts-to-judges-birthright-citizenship-ruling-as-he-signs-new-executive-orders-thumbnail-3487896-640x360.jpg?v=a599723035d2f104d7a2d01edbe96ef8)
Meat inspectors to border patrol officers, many Americans who work for the federal government could soon see their work reclassified in unlimited posts, which means that they can be rejected for almost any reason.
In a related development, the White House expects up to 10% of federal employees leave in September in a program intended to end home work practices, administration officials said in CBS News .
According to future court decisions and the efficiency of Trump's administration is in the observation of existing federal regulations, an executive decree signed by President Trump revives a policy of his first administration known as the name of the Annex F. The January 20 Directive creates a new employment classification for many career officials, effectively stripping them of employment protections.
Likely to have an impact on tens of thousands of civil servants, and potentially more, the order defines the policies development positions to include banal tasks such as the visualization and circulation of the proposed government regulations.
“We believe that this order affects at least 50,000 people currently protected, but the number could be much larger,” said Nick Bednar, an associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Minnesota, at CBS Moneywatch. “Some researchers think he could reach hundreds of thousands.
“Individuals at these policies' development positions do not have the same regular procedure protections as other employees. They can be more easily deleted,” added Bednar. “There are 2.8 million civilian employees in the federal government. Most, or the vast majority, benefit from a kind of protection against withdrawal.”
For the moment, we do not yet know how far the Trump administration plans to go into the implementation of the order, said Steve Lenkart, Executive Director of the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM) , a union representing 100,000 government employees.
“Technically, if you are an interview person who pushes a broom on the ground, you perform a policy,” said Lenkart by offering an example of the practice of any government employee could be defined as being engaged in A job that is annex F.
“President Trump has the executive power to make decisions to implement a government that reflects the will of the American people,” CBS Moneywatch Harrison Fields, the main assistant secretary of the White House, told CBS. “If a person from the administration is working on politics, they should line up with President Trump's mission to put America first.”
President Trump is not unique to look for a stronger hand on the federal workforce, according to Bednar.
“A common strategy of presidents is trying to politicize federal jobs so that they have greater control over hiring and the dismissal of branches,” said Bednar, who lists Dwight Eisenhower and Jimmy Carter among the previous presidents who sought to exert such an influence. However, he noted “we did not see something that tries to reach this career staff”.
While the Plan of Annex F of Mr. Trump and other administrative orders have referred to a reshaping of the place of federal work disputed in court, the Trump administration could succeed in its objective of reducing government, that 'He wins or not on the legal front, said Bednar.
“Even if the proceedings slow down this process, many civil servants could let the government fearing to continue working in the Trump administration-employee morality is really affected,” he said. “They want a smaller government, and they consider it an opportunity to continue this.”
Bednar also warns that a smaller workforce could hinder certain objectives of the Trump administration policy, including fewer agents to patrol the American borders and reduce endowment in the immigration courts, adding to the current backwards.
The case for and against Annex F
Mr. Trump initially implemented the policy of Annex F in 2020 when his first mandate was towards the end, but he was repealed after former President Joe Biden took office. Trump said last week that the revival was necessary to ensure that federal workers in roles that affect government policy remain responsible for the public.
“In recent years … There have been many well -documented cases of federal career employees who resist and undermine the policies and directives of their executive leadership,” said Trump's order. “The principles of good administration therefore require action to restore the responsibility of the career public service, starting with confidential, determining policies, policies' development or advocation of policies.”
But the criticisms of Annex F maintain that this undermines the traditional principles of the public service, which emphasize hiring according to professional qualifications. If Annex F survive the legal challenges, they say, millions of officials hired according to merit could be dismissed, including if they are deemed insufficiently faithful to Mr. Trump.
“Is it really about making government more efficient and smaller, or targeting regulatory and law enforcement?” Asked Lenkart, who noted that the number of workers employed in the executive power has remained almost the same for over 70 years, even if the population of the country has doubled.
President Trump's executive decree places Federal Workers of Dei on paid leave 02:29
Unions representing public employees have energized Annex F. Policy is part of a series of decrees “designed to intimidate and attack non -partisan officials under the guise of increasing efficiency”, Randy Erwin, National President of the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE), said in a statement last week. “However, these orders will do the exact opposite.”
NFF members aged 100 are employed by dozens of federal agencies, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Social Security Administration.
On Wednesday, the American Federation of Government employees and the American State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) brought an action against the Trump administration, affirming that it was exceeding its authority in the withdrawal of protections for workers.
“We can stop efforts to dismiss hundreds of thousands of experienced Americans and workers who have devoted their careers to serve their country and prevent these career officials from being replaced by unskilled political pebbles loyal to the president, but not To the law or to constitution, “said AFGE national president Everett Kelley in a statement.
The National Union of Treasury Employees also filed a complaint to block Annex F, calling it “contrary to the Congress”. The complaint, filed on January 20 with the American district district court, argues that Mr. Trump's ordinance reintegrating Annex F “wrongly applies employment rules for people appointed policies to the staff of Career, deprives federal employees of the rights of the regular procedure that were promised to them when they were promised when they were hired and ignore the regulations of the Personnel Office.
NTEU represents around 150,000 workers in 37 federal agencies and departments, including the staff of the internal income service and the Ministry of Health and Social Services.
More CBS News
Kate Gibson
Sources 2/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-executive-order-schedule-f-unions/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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