Closure of British privileges – New Statesman
![Closure of British privileges – New Statesman Closure of British privileges – New Statesman](https://dl6pgk4f88hky.cloudfront.net/2025/01/29/202505Privateschoolsinsideilloandleader-800x418.jpg?1738179139)
On July 5, 2024, the Keir Starmers cabinet took office as the most educated by the state of history. In the midst of the drama of the electoral victory of the works, this monument was noted only by the way. But it is worthy of greater reflection.
For decades, British politics was dominated by private forms. The predecessor of Mr. Starmers, Rishi Sunak, attended the Winchester College and 63% of his office went to the paid schools nine times the share of the general population. Throughout the long period of the conservative rule, only the first firm of Theresa Mays came to be representative (containing more ministers educated by the State than all since Clement Anglees in 1945). She was replaced by Boris Johnson, who became the 20th Etonian Prime Minister. But now, in a quiet revolution, Great Britain has a cabinet educated in the same way as most of its population.
The government of Mr. Starmers represents a change of policy as well as staff. At the start of this year, the government imposed VAT on private school fees. It was a former conservative secretary of education, Michael Gove, who noted Times In 2017, this fiscal advantage allowed the richest in this country, in fact the richest in the world, to buy a prestigious service which provides their children with a permanent positional advantage in the company with an effective 20%discount. From April, these private schools with a charitable status will also lose the relief of 80% from which they benefit from commercial rates.
The abolition of these tax privileges, as Francis Green and David Kynaston write it in this week's coverage, was accompanied by claims according to which the middle class is at the origin of private education. However, the reality is that it has already been. The annual average costs are now 18,064 in day schools and 42,000 for residents three times higher in real terms than in the 1980s, compared to the average wages full of 37,430.
The case to put an end to the effective subsidy of the state of private institutions is overwhelming. While the Secretary of Health, Wes Street, noted last fall, after an increase in the costs of creating inflation, private schools will have to cut their fabric in the same way as their state counterparts.
But the task confronted with the workforce is not only to solve what we called the 7% problem the share of students who frequent a private school, it is to forge a better education system for 93% remaining.
Against the expectations, the well-being of children's governments and the school bill have become one of its most controversial. The criticism came not only from conservatives such as Mr. Gove (who compared it to Romas approaches Carthage A Salting of the Earth). Children's commissioner Rachel de Souza accused the secretary of education, Bridget Phillipson, of having legislated the things we know how to work, while Labor MP Siobhain McDonagh warned that the government made a huge mistake.
The bill includes non-controversial measures, such as expanding the supply of free breakfast clubs and the reduction in the amount that parents must spend in brand uniform. However, the counterpoupoupouse was triggered by its modifications proposed to academies which now represent 80% of secondary schools. These include ensuring that they teach the national program and employing only people with qualified teacher status. In addition, schools evaluated inadequate by OFSTED will no longer be forced to become academies, and advice will be allowed to open new schools.
The conservative education file is often overestimated (partly due to the lack of improvement elsewhere). As the Tony Blair Institute noted, allowing almost all public schools to become academies, the government of David Camerons has lost the dynamics of the lightness of the program of previous academies. Consequently, the new academies have made relatively little difference in school standards. However, the performance of England in the international tables of the Pisa League for reading, mathematics and sciences remains superior to that of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the model of academies n ' was not prosecuted. The changes offered by the work have not yet been accompanied by a clear justification.
There is a case to reform the model of academies in order to ensure greater responsibility as there is to end private schools for splendid isolation. But what is still lacking in work is a global vision of an education system that offers both excellence and equity.
[See also: Labours lead on the economy has crumbled]
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