PM on mission in China to ask President Xi Jinping to help brake online criticism from the Kingdom
![PM on mission in China to ask President Xi Jinping to help brake online criticism from the Kingdom PM on mission in China to ask President Xi Jinping to help brake online criticism from the Kingdom](https://www.thaiexaminer.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/pm-on-mission-to-china-to-ask-president-xi-jinping-to-help-rein-in-online-criticism-of-the-kingdom-l.jpg)
Prime Minister Paetongtarn went to China from February 5 to 8 to meet President XI, seeking to limit online criticism of Thailand. Tensions on tourism, crime and trade are looming as the influence of Chinas increases, while diplomatic and economic pressures go up on Bangkok.
Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra will be in China from February 5 to 8 during an official trip to the Communist country. She should have a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. On Monday, she told journalists that she hoped to get her help to counter dangerous online comments against Thailand on Chinese social networks. However, some commentators openly suggest that China currently uses foreign tourism as a diplomatic tool to put pressure on Thailand, because relations between the two countries are faced with challenges.
![PM on mission in China to ask President Xi Jinping to help brake online criticism from the Kingdom](https://i0.wp.com/www.thaiexaminer.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/pm-on-mission-to-china-to-ask-president-xi-jinping-to-help-rein-in-online-criticism-of-the-kingdom.jpg?resize=470%2C300&ssl=1)
Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra announced on Monday that she would visit Beijing next week. The PM will be in China from February 5 to 8, and this will certainly include a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Without a doubt, the growing controversy on the huge scam centers in Myanmar will dominate these discussions. The same goes for the damage that the foreign tourism industry of Thailand has undergone, with a strong conviction on the part of Chinese travelers who wake up.
He started in early January with the rescue of a Chinese actor attracted by the Thai border in Tak, but then increased. Currently, we think that there would be at least 2,000 Chinese captives held by the gangs of Myawaddy.
The Chinese security delegation arrives in Thailand in the midst of the complicity reports of managers in border scams
Indeed, also Monday, the senior Chinese official Liu Zhongyi arrived in Thailand. Mr. Liu is a Chinese Deputy Minister of State Security leading a powerful delegation. They were hosted in Nonthaburi by the lieutenant-general of police Trairong Phiwpan, head of the Central Inquiry Bureau (CIB).
Wednesday, Mr. Liu was in the province of Tak on the border of Mae Sot, opposite Myawaddy. In addition, three local superintendents in the region were transferred on Tuesday. In short, this follows growing reports that Thai officials are accomplices in the scam operations in Myawaddy.
The Chiang Mai professor slaps Thai officials for having omitted to stop electricity sales in the online scam centers Burmas
At the same time, there are growing concerns about the supply of electricity by Thai companies to the Myanmar scam centers. Wednesday, Mr. Liu said there were 36 Chinese mafia gangs involved in operations across the border. The senior Chinese official suggested holding 100,000 foreigners as slaves.
China urges Thailand to reduce resources to criminal businesses operating along the Myanmar border
Consequently, he implored the Thai government to work with the Chinese authorities to break the whole business. In particular, Mr. Liu called for the cessation of resources provided by Thailand.
Consequently, the mission of Prime Minister Paetongtarn in China will certainly involve the Chinese chief information on the security situation.
In recent days, the Prime Minister has published an online message generated by AI intended for the Chinese public. Ms. Paetongtarn commonly spoke of Mandarin and assured Chinese travelers that Thailand was safe.
Nevertheless, the situation is even more nuanced. A massive online campaign by Chinese commentators warning travelers in Thailand has been underway for some time. This comes despite the representations of Thailand and the Embassy of the Royal Thai in Beijing to the Chinese authorities.
Of course, throughout January, this situation has intensified, especially on local Chinese social media such as WeChat, Douyin and Xiaohongshu. Significantly, these platforms are closely controlled by the Communist Party, which operates the most sophisticated online controls in the world.
The negative perceptions of Thailand increase in China despite efforts to counter online travel warnings
Despite this, he failed to eliminate an increasing negative stereotype on Thailand. At the same time, approved media channels have certainly added to the negative media threw surrounding Thailand. For example, the Global times quickly reported the cancellation of the Hong Kong Eason Chan star World's dream tour Show in Muang Thong Thani, Nonthaburi, February 22, 2025.
Admittedly, Chinese officials have engaged the public at home in China. In short, encouraging them to have a holiday at home. In addition, a spiral economic crisis in China are already seeing massive restaurants of restaurants and entertainment media.
In addition, a large part of the negative threshing media from Chinese visitors who have already participated in zero-dollars visits to Thailand. These visits essentially mean that Thai stakeholders win very little. Indeed, they are often led by Thai shine companies established in the kingdom through candidates.
In short, vacationers register for cheap offers but are forced to pay approved sellers throughout their short visit. This is how the tour operators recover a profit.
The push of Chinese arrivals reported because tourism is increasingly linked to diplomatic relations with Beijing
On Wednesday, Thai Minister for Tourism and Sports Surawong Thienthong revealed a 20.3% increase in Chinese arrivals last week compared to the comparable figures for last year.
However, Gary Bowerman, travel correspondent and consumer affairs analyst, believes that Chinese tourism is now linked to diplomacy and the continuous relationship of Thailand with China. In short, it is used to control the Thai government.
“Tourism is no longer a matter of tourism. It is closely integrated into trade and diplomacy, and Thailand wants to maintain good relations with China, “he said this week while speaking to Australia ABC.
Meanwhile, the Thai government and Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra insist that it is dedicated to the closure of online scam centers through its borders this year. Admittedly, this is a problem for Thailand not only in Myanmar but also in Laos and in particular in Cambodia.
Thai tensions on the underwater agreement remain unresolved before high-level diplomatic meetings
At the same time, when Prime Minister Paetongtarn meets President XI, there is always an unanswered question concerning the Chinese manufacturing submarine. The project remains in suspension despite the payment of Thailand 7 billion of the 13.5 billion.
Previously, the government of Srettha Thavisin announced that it wanted to cancel the agreement in favor of a frigate. After that, the former Minister of Defense, Sutin Klangsaeng, seemed to bow to the pressure of the Royal Thai Navy to accept the submarine as proposed China.
However, the new Minister of Defense Phumtham Wechayachai seems much more reluctant to accept a Chinese engine in the Chinese submarine S26T Yuan. Initially, when signed, the contract specified a MTU396 diesel engine of German manufacturing.
In addition, there are growing tensions between Thailand and China about trade.
The suspension of Thai syrup and pre -lined powder in China is another contention apple. Thai suppliers and factories lost 400 million in early January when the expeditions were interrupted at the start of the year. This follows an order from December 2024.
The economic and commercial friction between Thailand and China deepens in the middle of the repression of illegal affairs
Admittedly, Thailand has repressed the illegal and harmful activities of Chinese companies in Thailand.
This is added to higher taxes at the import point and screening for products that do not meet the Kingdom's products standards.
PM Paetongtarn to speak Chinese with AI to combat security fears in China while foreign tourism suffers from scam farms
In short, this follows the increase in the spill of Chinese products on the Thai markets. Indeed, this crisis has already sent some of Thailand's business concerns to the wall.
Without a doubt, this should increase even more when Donald Trump is launching higher prices against China and the kingdom later this year.
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Sources 2/ https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2025/01/29/pm-on-a-mission-to-china-to-ask-president-xi-jinping-to-help-rein-in-online-criticism-of-the-kingdom/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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