How Trump and Project 2025 previewed Federal Grant Freeze
Atlanta (AP) An order of the White House to freeze federal subsidies reflects a theory of presidential power that Donald Trump clearly approved during his campaign in 2024. The approach was described in the 2025 project governing the treaty that the candidate Trump furiously denied was a plan for his second administration.
At the nominal value, the note of the note on Monday evening of Matthew Vaeth, interim director of the office of management and budget of the White House, is supposed to put federal expenses in accordance with the executive actions of Trump, in particular on the questions LGBTQ +, Civil rights, energy and environmental policy.
Vaeth's memo has invoked naked ideological terms: the use of federal resources to advance Marxist actions, transgender and green policies of New Deal in social engineering is a waste of dollars of taxpayers who do not improve life daily of those we serve.
The order, which was temporarily interrupted by a federal judge on Tuesday, could go far beyond the political areas that Vaeth distinguished. And it is a potential overview of the way Trump will try to handle the executive power throughout his presidency.
Here is an explanation:
OMB is a critical energy center
The president and his conservative allies clearly indicated long before the note of Vaeths according to which they consider the management and budget office as a pin of power through the federal government.
Part of the president's executive office, the OMB staff prepare the budgetary recommendations of the presidents in the congress and supervise the implementation of the priorities of the presidents in all the branch agencies. Legislators adopt credits, but executive agencies implement federal programs and services. The global process puts the OMB on the front and rear of the federal government's strategy.
The authors of the 2025 project, including Trumps Pick for the head of the OMB, Russell Vought, underlined this function. The drafting of the chapter of the 2025 project on the presidential authority, Vought, who awaits confirmation of the Senate, clearly indicated that he wanted the post to exercise more power.
The director must consider his work as the best and complete approximation of the minds of the presidents, wrote Vought. The OMB, he said, is a system for controlling the presidents of the presidents and should be involved in all aspects of the White House policy process, becoming powerful enough to replace bureaucracies of the agencies implemented.
Elsewhere, the authors of the 2025 project call for all the presidential nominees to control inexplicable federal expenses and establish a course in the West wing to master what Trump often calls the deep state of government officials.
The administrative state goes nowhere before the congress agrees to recover its own power from bureaucrats and the White House, they wrote. In the meantime, there are many executive tools that a courageous conservative president can use to handle the bureaucracy (and) bring the administrative state to the heel.
Trump broke out the final referee for public spending
In some respects, the president and his campaign went further than the 2025 project to assert the presidential power on the federal stock market ropes. In his agenda 47, Trump approved the recovery. This legal theory argues that when legislators adopt credits to fulfill their functions exposed to article I of the Constitution, they simply established a ceiling spend, but not a floor.
The president, according to logic, may simply decide not to spend money on all that he deems unnecessary, because Article II of the Constitution gives the President the role of executing the laws that Congress adopts.
The congress acted during the presidency of Richard Nixons to reject the theory of detention. But Trumps Circle wants to contest who potentially set up a constitutional struggle which would force the Supreme Court to weigh.
Vought did not venture into the restraint in his Chapter Project 2025. But, he wrote that the president should use all the possible tools to propose and impose a tax discipline on the federal government. Everything that is not abject failure.
Memo is a key indication of how Doge could work
The favorite path of presidents to quickly impose discounts of spending has become clearer.
Elon Musk, Trumps New Department of Government Efficiency, suggested that he could find federal spending reductions in billions of billions, even if Trump has promised to protect social security and health insurance. (This commitment was reflected in memo, a federal break.)
The memo of the OMB, prevails over the theory of restraint, and its efforts to strip thousands of federal employees of their public service protections is added to a concentration of power in the west wing which could define his second administration and his musks who participate.
For example, Trump cannot on his own repeal legislation such as the clean Act or the Clean Water Act. But the OMB could effectively reduce money for programs, jobs and entrepreneurs necessary to enforce these laws. (Trump has already published a large -scale federally hiring gel.)
Similarly, Trump does not have to persuade the congress to modify the laws and credits of Medicaid if the White House intervenes to adjust or stop the payments of Medicaid to the governments of the states which administer the programs at the level of the soil.
Sources 2/ https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-project-2025-grants-freeze-6cb624cd3ef92805a5600fe5622733f0 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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