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Sea closing certificate Langgar Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, dragging Ahy to Jokowi!

Sea closing certificate Langgar Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, dragging Ahy to Jokowi!



Jakarta, Mi – Marine Expert, Professor Muhammad Amin Alamsja, also spoke concerning the construction of a sea fence in Tangerang, Banten. The 30.16 -kilometer maritime fence also has the right to build (HGB) and the property certificate (SHM).

According to him, the action of installing a sea fence at HGB is clearly contrary to article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution. This article also regulates the use of natural wealth for the well-being of the people.

The sound of article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution is: the land, the water and the natural richness which are contained therein are controlled by the State. Natural wealth is used for the greatest prosperity of the people.

“From the perspective of navy, this action has the potential to harm the ecological and economic order of the coastal communities,” said Professor Amin on Wednesday (1/29/2025).

In this article, it is said that the earth and water as well as the natural wealth contained therein are controlled by the State and used for the greatest prosperity of the people.

That is to say that the sea zone cannot be detained personally or the company. In addition to violating the Constitution, the presence of sea fences is also likely to harm aquatic ecosystems. One of them accelerates sedimentation.

“It also reduces the load capacity of the aquatic zone. The long -term impact is to damage the soil of the fish seed nursery and to threaten the habitat of the naval biote such as coral reefs and sea herbaries “He said.

The dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (FPK) of the University of Airlangga, also underlined the economic impact felt by the coastal communities. It is undeniable that every day, fishermen depend on their means of subsistence of marine resources.

With limited access due to the fence at sea, fishermen must accumulate their brains and seek new areas. It is possible that he is further than at home and requires higher operational costs.

“The coastal area which is a source of livelihoods for traditional fishermen can be degraded. Consequently, the productivity of peaches decreases and the livelihoods of people are disturbed, ”concluded Professor Amin.

Who was involved?

The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency (ATR / BPN) guarantees that it will investigate the procedure to issue a sea closing certificate, so that there is no D 'Errors or irregularities that are not detrimental to people.

The parties involved and linked to the process of issuing land certificates going from the head of the head of the Tangerang land office to the private sector will be examined. If it is proven that the certificate is outside the coast, the parties will be processed in accordance with legal regulations.

President PRABOWO SUBIANTO also ordered the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to investigate in -depth in the issue of HGB and SHM certificates in the waters of the Tangerang Sea.

The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, stressed that on the seabed, there should not be any certificate, so that the issuance of HGB certificates around the fence of the Tangerang Sea is illegal.

A certain number of construction rights certificates in the Tangerang Sea Closing area have reached 263 fields, held by several companies, namely on behalf of PT INTAN AGUNG MAKMUR up to 234 fields, pt cahaya inti senosa 20 fields and a number of HGB in the name of individuals up to 9 fields, as well as 17 fields of property rights (SHM).

The brain has not been revealed. Now, news has emerged that 243 SHGB was published when Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) was Minister of the Agrarian and Space, head of the National Land Agency (ATR / BPN) in 2024.

All SHGBs are in the village of Kohod, Pakuhaji, Tangerang. The land area which is taken care of at the SHGB is divided into different sizes under 2 hectares.

Based on these documents, the first SHGB program was made on March 14, 2024, while the last SHBG was published on September 11, 2024.

Responding to this, Ahy, who is currently the Minister for the Coordination of Infrastructures and Territorial Development, said that he did not know the process of issuing SHGB in the waters of the Tangerang Sea which were delimited by fences in bamboo.

The president of the Democratic Party has been Minister of the ATR / BPN from February 21, 2024 until the end of the management period of President Joko Widodo on October 20, 2024.

“I do not know and of course, it has already happened for the HGB, on the right, 2023 and once again because it came out. I entered (to President Jokowi Cabinet), on the right, 2024”, concluded Ahy at the presidential palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/21/2025).

Jokowi, Hadi Tjahjanto and Raja July
The executive director of the popular study of democracy (SDR), Hari Purwanto, stressed that the Minister of Forests who had also become deputy Minister of the ATR / BPN Raja Juli Antoni as a responsible figure concerning the issuance of rights to 'Use of construction (SHGB) at the place of the sea fence in the Tangerang Regency region, Banten.
Because he said, the SHGB show occurred when Raja Juli Antoni served, and at that time, the Minister of the ATR / BPN was Marshal Tni (Ret.) Hadi Tjahjanto.
It is therefore natural that when the public currently highlights the secretary general of the DPP of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).

“Wamen Atr (Raja July) at that time, why was it not under the spotlight?” Said Hari Purwanto, Sunday (1/26/2025).

This Democratic activist also said that if ignorance 263 in the SHGB field in the Tangerang Sea Pagar region as it was repeated when Raja Juli was Minister of Forestry.

But indications of ignorance began with the idea of ​​opening 20 million hectares of land in the forest area. And if our forest is naked because the idea of ​​Raja Juli opens 20 million hectares of earth in the forest, then what it does will be repeated again, namely the body.

“King July will issue the” Haqqul Yaqin “sentence apart from the knowledge of the Minister of Forestry,” he said.

In addition to Raja Juli Antoni and Hadi Tjahjanto, the 98 activist also said that if Joko Widodo was also considered a figure that deserved his statement.

Indeed, according to him, the controversy over the oligarchy of Tangerang Regency who led to the owner of the Agung Sedayu group could be associated with the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Jokowi's person is surely the most responsible person, due to oligarchic rental behavior,” he said.

Meanwhile, forest minister Raja Juli Antoni himself responded to the publication of the fence of the sea ShGB and SHM in Tangerang Regency, Banten.

That the SHGB and SHM in the Tangerang Sea region were published in 2023, the word Raja Juli was vice-minister of the ATR / BPN and Hadi Tjahjanto as its minister.

In his presentation, Raja Juli considers that the publication of SHGB and SHM on the closure of the sea is beyond the knowledge of ministers, assistant ministers (assistant ministers) and officials of the ministry.

“In accordance with Permen 16 of 2022, in particular article 12, clearly explains it that the publication of the SHGB at the site is the authority of the head of the Tangency Land Office Regency (Kakantah),” said Raja in July , Saturday (25/2025)).

“Consequently, I am HAIQQUL YAQIN, the certificate of certificate is beyond the knowledge of ministers, the deputy minister and officials of the ministry,” he added.


Jokowi ahy sea fence




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