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President Trump to transfer undocumented immigrants to Guantanamo | Donald Trump News

President Trump to transfer undocumented immigrants to Guantanamo | Donald Trump News



President Donald Trump announced his intention to transform the United States detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a relaxation center for undocumented immigrants.

The surprise announcement made Wednesday, when the Republican President signed his first element of major legislation, the Lake Riley law.

Trump had campaigned for a second term on the promise to carry out a mass deportation campaign, targeting nearly 11 million undocumented people living in the United States. Many have been in the country for decades, serving as pillars for their families and communities.

The Laken Riley law was reprimanded with Trump's administrations who will expel as many undocumented people as possible.

Under the provisions of the laws, the Ministry of Internal Security is required to illegally hold non-citizens in the United States which are either arrested or accused of burglary, flight, flight or display. These individuals can then be subject to expulsion, whether they are condemned for a crime.

But while Trump spoke to an audience of the White House of the act, he pivoted a new announcement: a new use for the installation of Guantanamo.

Today, I also point out a decree to instruct the Departments of Defense and Interior Safety to start preparing the installation of migrants for 30,000 people in Guantanamo Bay. Most people don't even know, said Trump.

President Donald Trump crosses a White House room to an event to publicly sign Laken Riley Act [Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters]
Calls on the prison closure

Human rights organizations have long called for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention center, citing inhuman treatment in the establishment and a lack of legal protections.

Twenty years of practice of arbitrary detention without trials accompanied by torture or sickly treatment are simply unacceptable for any government, said a group of United Nations experts in 2022, qualifying Guantanamo an ugly chapter in the history of states- United.

The installation opened its doors in 2002 as a relaxation center for suspects swept away in the so-called war against terrorism, and many detainees were detained for years without trial.

Earlier this month, the installation marked its 23rd birthday with a decreasing number of prisoners imprisoned in its wall. The outgoing administration of President Joe Biden had recently transferred prisoners to other countries, leaving only 15 detainees in the establishment.

The prison had already been closed under the direction of President Barack Obama. But Trump, during his first mandate in 2018, signed a decree to keep Guantanamo Bay open in the foreseeable future.

He has long sought to extend the use of the United States of the installation, in particular by the transfer of new prisoners.

This vision began to take shape with the announcement on Wednesday, less than two weeks after its second term.

We have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo to hold the worst criminal illegal foreigners threatening the American people, said Trump. Some of them are so bad that we don't even trust the countries to hold them, because we don't want them to come back, so they were going to send them to Guantanamo.

The installation of Guantanamo Bay has been the subject of decades of human rights demonstrations [Sarah Silbiger/Reuters]
A hard approach

The republican leader has long confused immigration with crime, although studies have shown several times that undocumented persons commit crimes at a significantly lower rate than citizens born in the United States.

His re-election campaign in 2024, however, resumed the premise that the United States had to repel an invasion of migrants, citing incidents like the case of Laken Riley as examples.

Riley was a 22 -year -old nursing student at the University of Georgia when she was murdered when she was jogging in February 2024. The man sentenced in her death was an undocumented immigrant who had already been arrested for display flight.

Rileys' mother, Allyson Phillips, spoke at the Wednesday event, just before Trump signed his daughter -in -law invoice. Between tears, she thanked the American president.

There are no tears that will never bring our precious Laken back, she said. Our hope in the future is that his life saves lives.

Trump equaled the bill to his decision to reuse Guantanamo as a migration detention center, saying that they served a similar objective.

Today's signatures bring us one more step to eradicate the scourge of migrant crime in our communities once and for all, he said.

But Trump was confronted with criticism to whip the nativist feeling against immigrants and to pursue a hard repression which threatens to hinder access to regular procedure, asylum and other rights.

Critics also wondered if Trump had the workforce and the resources to carry out his mass expulsion program. Trump, however, said on Wednesday that the use of Guantanamo would double immigration detention capacity.

Nayna Gupta, director of the American Immigration Council policies, a non -profit organization, rejected its announcement as an act of despair.

Trump is desperate to find detention beds for the thousands of people who represent no threats of public security but have nevertheless become targets of an unnecessary and cruel immigration program that makes us less safe [and] Waste billions of dollars, she wrote on social networks.




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