Broken the joint partnership of Aguan and Jokowi?
![Broken the joint partnership of Aguan and Jokowi? Broken the joint partnership of Aguan and Jokowi?](https://www.zonasatunews.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ISA-ANSHORI.jpg)
By: Mr. Isa Ansori
Chronicler and academics, living in Surabaya
The intimacy between Sugianto Kusuma alias Aguan and President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) seemed to begin to end. The previous relationship was close, where Aguan often had characteristics in various national strategic projects (PSN), now starting to crack. A certain number of events have recently shown that Jokowi and Aguan are no longer online.
Aguan “open misery” Jokowi in Ikn
Aguan's interview with Tempo has become the starting point for this rift. In the interview, Aguan clearly said that City Project (IKN) capital was not attractive for investors. These remarks seemed to open the secrets that had tried to be covered by Jokowi: that Ikn was not an investment magnet as the government claims.
However, to protect Jokowi's face in the eyes of the public and the international world, Aguan still invests 20 billions of rupees in Ikn. In compensation, Pik 2 (Pantai Indah Kapuk 2) was appointed as PSN, offering guarantees of regulatory and investment latitude. This shows that there is a big negotiation behind the scenes: Aguan saves the image of Jokowi, while Jokowi guarantees that the real estate activity of Aguan remains safe.
Jokowi felt insulted, Aguan was abandoned
The recognition of Aguan which indirectly implies that Jokowi is “help” To attract investments to IKN seems to make Jokowi furious. Accustomed to the Citra without death, Jokowi may feel that his pride is tarnished. As a sign of separation, Jokowi then gathered a large oligarchy known as “9 Dragons”, but Aguan was not in the photo exposed to the public. This is a clear political message: Aguan is not part of the circle in Jokowi.
Pik 2 and sea fence conflict
After the relations of Jokowi and Aguan deteriorated, various problems of Pik 2 began to appear on the surface. One of the most controversial is the question of the wilderness and the fence of the sea around Pik 2 which is indicated as a means of floating the sea and claiming it within the framework of the property.
Previously, the project seemed to obtain the blessing of the authorities, but after the relationship between Aguan and Jokowi, the government suddenly took a stand. The president firmly asked that the fence of the sea be immediately demolished, a stage which seemed to point out that Aguan was sacrificed.
Looking for a scapegoat
In politics, when a regime started to be overwhelmed, the classic strategy used was to find scapegoats. The case of the fence of the sea then dragged several names which seemed to be a sacrifice, namely the village chief of Kohod, the official district office (Kakantah), and of course Aguan himself.
In fact, if it is explored further, it is very unlikely that Auguan dares to rehabilitate and fencing the sea without the support of strong people to the government. Likewise, with local officials such as Lurah and Kakantah, they are not the main actor, but only the director of policy of “above”.
The oddity was increasingly visible when the ATR / BPN ministry claimed not to know this application at sea, even if the activity would have been launched since 2014. It is possible that a project of this size takes place Without the blessing of people in power this time?
Who is the real brain?
If we organize the puzzle of this event, it is clear that there is an attempted sacrifice aguan and several local officials to save stronger parties. Jokowi, who is known as a sliding political actor, seems to try to break with the involvement in the project that began to feel this scandal.
Aguan is now in a hurry: on the one hand, he paid a large fund to save Jokowi's face in Ikn, but on the other hand, he is now targeted in the controversy of the repair of Pik 2. Or that -It part of Jokowi's strategy to move away from the oligarchy that began to be considered a burden?
The conclusion is in the hands of the reader. What is clear, the confusion of the congregation between Aguan and Jokowi shows that in the oligarchic world, loyalty only lasts as long as there is a mutual profit. Once a party feels threatened, the others will quickly become victims.
We will see the entry of each other naked, will we have a link with the documents under Hasto and stored in Russia by Conny and Aguan will be silent? This is what in the language of Conny in Iriana, do not calm you down, there will be a follow -up. Let's wait!
Surabaya, January 30, 2025
Editor: Reyna
<div style=](https://i0.wp.com/www.zonasatunews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IKLAN-SAVE-UP-BIRU.png?w=740)
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Sources 2/ https://www.zonasatunews.com/nasional/pecah-kongsi-aguan-dan-jokowi/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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