President, Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior welcomes President XI on the Lunar New Year
![President, Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior welcomes President XI on the Lunar New Year President, Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior welcomes President XI on the Lunar New Year](https://www.thenews.com.pk/assets/uploads/akhbar/2025-01-30/l_1277714_050629_updates.jpg)
Islamabad: President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif transmitted their sincere congratulations to the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping on the occasion of the Chinese spring festival and the advent of the year snake.
In his letter to President Xi Jinping, President Zardari reaffirmed his commitment to strengthen friendship following Pakistan and China, saying that he was looking forward to meeting President Xi Jinping in Beijing to exchange opinions on the Strengthening bilateral cooperation and promoting bonds of friendship.
In the letter, the president underlined the resilience and solidarity demonstrated by the two nations as a constant cooperative partners, adding that the tireless efforts of successive leadership had fed and strengthened this unique and exemplary link of interstate relations.
Pakistan would continue to remain firmly attached to Chinese politics, which is the cornerstone of our foreign policy, he added. The president also expressed his deep gratitude to President XI for his unshakable support in the promotion of Pakistani-Chinese relations, in particular his visionary leadership in the progress of the Chine-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
He said China had made remarkable progress in 2024 in various fields and praised the lasting and constantly increasing friendship between Pakistan and China. The president also expressed his best wishes for President Xis Health and Happiness as well as for the continuous progress and prosperity of the Chinese people.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif granted greetings to the Chinese people and President Xi Jinping the Chinese New Year on Wednesday and declared that China's success was an inspiration and confidence lighthouse for Pakistan.
The impressive Renaissance Chinas is one of the decisive themes of the 21st century. For us, Chinas' success is an inspiration and confidence lighthouse, the Prime Minister said in a television message on the occasion of the Chinese New Year and the Printemps Festival.
He has said that in recent decades, a course of progress and development of Chinese has been a testimony to the wisdom and foresight of his visionary leadership, in particular President Xi Jinping. The Prime Minister said that Pakistan and China shared a lasting bond of friendship, a relationship that was nourished from generation to generation. Our close links, anchored in mutual trust and shared aspirations, have now turned into a complete strategic partnership. This iron fraternity continues to be the cornerstone of Pakistan foreign policy, reflecting the deep respect and admiration that our nations are maintained.
He reiterated that Pakistan and China were united in their unshakable commitment to a better world.
Meanwhile, the Federal Minister of the Interior Mohin Naqvi extended warm congratulations to Chinese leaders and people on the occasion of the Chinese New Year on Wednesday. In a statement, he expressed his best wishes for Chinese leaders and people hoping that the new year will bring rapid progress and prosperity in China. He stressed that China is a most reliable friend and Pakistani-Chinese friendship is unprecedented worldwide.
Mohin Naqvi also declared that no one could undermine the Pakistani friendship and the Pakistani strategic partnership that is very appreciated by the two nations.
Sources 2/ https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1277714-president-pm-interior-minister-greet-president-xi-on-lunar-new-year The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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