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Egypt did not want to be involved in the transfer of Palestinians

Egypt did not want to be involved in the transfer of Palestinians



CAIRO (Antara) – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi Wednesday (29/1) confirmed that his country would not be involved in the forced transfer of the Palestinians and called forced transfer as an act of unacceptable injustice. “”

Speaking at a joint press conference in Cairo with President Kenya William Ruto, Sisi again underlined the firm attitude of Egypt towards the Palestinian struggle.

“The historical principle of the Egyptian position in Palestine is not negotiable,” said Sisi, while stressing the commitment of his country to the solution of two countries.

“The national security of Egypt cannot be compromised. We are determined to work with President (Donald) Trump to achieve a peaceful regulation on the basis of a solution of two countries,” he added .

Previously, Trump asked that Gaza be “cleaned” and that the Palestinians be transferred to Egypt and Jordan, by describing the region as “place of destruction” due to the Israeli genocidal war.

However, Cairo and Amman firmly rejected all efforts to transfer or relocate the Palestinians to their land.

Trump's proposal emerged after the rebels of the ceasefire in Gaza on January 19 and temporarily stopped the invasion of Israel of more than 47,400 Palestinians, most women and women and children, and has injured more than 111,000 people since October 7, 2023.

Regarding the relations of Egypt and Kenya, Sisi said that the two countries had agreed to strengthen cooperation and improve relations with the level of strategic partnership.

“This step will open opportunities for broader cooperation in various fields, in particular defense, security, eradication of terrorism, water management, culture, education and capacity building”, A -Ali said.

The two leaders also discussed conflicts in Sudan, exchanged points of view on potential solutions and stressed the importance of continuing the efforts between Egypt and Kenya to resolve the crisis.

Since April 2023, the battle between the sudden army and the rapid support troop (RSF) has killed more than 20,000 people and has made 14 million trips, according to the United Nations and local authorities.

Meanwhile, linked to the conditions in Sudan, a study of a certain number of universities in the United States estimates that the number of deaths reaches approximately 130,000 people.

Meanwhile, Ruto described Egypt as the main strategic partner.

“Egypt is a reliable partner, and we have a joint vision of sustainable development,” said Ruto.

He also stressed the importance of using regional resources to strengthen security and rent Egyptian leadership in this regard.

Before the press conference, the two leaders had talks followed by a broader discussion involving the delegation of each country.

They also signed a joint declaration to improve their Egyptian relations in strategic partnerships and testified to the signing of a certain number of memorandums of understanding between the two countries, according to a press release from the Egyptian presidency.

Sumber: Anatolia




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