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Extraction permit, university and ecological suicide

Extraction permit, university and ecological suicide



Without significant public participation, suddenly the political elite of the DPR revised mineral and coal laws (Minerba). Instead of including the perspective of ecological and social justice in the revision of the law, these political elites really seek to legalize mining concessions for religious mass organizations and to propose that universities can also be able to undermine concessions.

Without shame and guilty, political elites show the acute error to think in the management of natural resources. They commit a mass of ecological suicide. The political elites do not care about the climate crisis which threatens the life of the whole population of the earth.

Climatic disasters are increasingly common in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. In 2024, for example, extreme heat during the pilgrimage would have killed more than 1,300 people. The temperature in Saudi Arabia, at that time, had reached 51.8 degrees Celsius

Not only in Saudi Arabia, but extreme heat also strikes Greece. There, hot waves have sparked a terrible forest fire. Extreme fatal heat has also struck a number of countries like Thailand, India and the United States.

A year earlier, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report entitled, Climate condition in Asia 2023, Cat, the tendency to increase heating in Asia has increased almost since the period 1961-1990. The report on the database of emergency events also revealed in 2023, in the Asian region 79, climatic disasters had occurred. The climate disaster in Asia has caused more than 2,000 deaths.

Various climatic disasters in Asia are also felt by Indonesia. The report of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), titled Indonesian Data 2023, shows the disasters in 2023 the domination of hydrometeorological incidents of the impact of the climate crisis with 5,365 events. This means the domination of disasters in Indonesia for 2023 due to the climate crisis.

The climate crisis will get worse if the greenhouse gas (GHK) continues to pollute the atmosphere. GHK emissions of fossil energy, in particular coal, are the main causes of the increase in GHG emissions in the atmosphere.

Linked to this emerged insistence from the international community to the leaders of the world's countries to immediately leave fossil energy and move on to renewable energies.

This energy transition is not only a transfer of energy consumption from fossil to renewable, also has consequences for leaving extractive development models.

The irons, in Indonesia, worked in the opposite direction of the global trend. Indonesia actually strengthens the extractive development model. Indonesia engages an ecological suicide in the midst of the ecological conscience of the global community.

Efforts to strengthen the extractive development model began to strengthen in the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government. The indications, whatever the social and ecological impacts, the jokowi regime has divided coal extraction concessions from religious organizations.

Elite in Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), finally accepted the government's offer to manage the extraction permits. The elites of the two religious organizations did not care about the public vote, including the young generation of their organization, which rejected the government's offer.

The Jokowi regime ended, instead of correcting the misleading policies linked to the distribution of coal extraction concessions to mass organizations, the political elite of the 2024 elections really proposed universities to concession. A misleading proposal from the political elite which obtains a salary of public tax money.

What is the impact if the university receives a coal extraction concession? By receiving a mining concession, universities are part of the extractive company. Consequently, tertiary establishments slowly, but will certainly not leave their objective as educational and research establishments.

Research on college of the same age to provide legitimacy to the sustainability of mining activity, which has become its business. They will try to prevent the government from further strengthening commitment to ecological and social justice. Why then? Because the greater the commitment of the government, the more its mining activities threatened.

On the other hand, universities will also reproduce the arguments, which seem scientific, to normalize air, water and soil pollution around the mining area. With various proposals, as if they were scientific, all destructive mining activities can still work.

To normalize the agrarian conflict around the mine, they will also reproduce the arguments to justify the deprivation of residents' land for mines.

The academics, the students and the community went down to the Bandung river expressed the impact of climate change. Higher education and academics should be a strong pillar of the Savior of the country, so the condition is worse, not vice versa. Photo: Suryadi / Mongabay Indonesia

If a mining concession for religious organizations may be able to silence the mines with communist labels, atheists, religious studies, tertiary establishments can do as is the supply of anti-knowledge labels, the lack of mines education. With all this, the resistance of the community will be even more weakened.

Unfortunately, the weakening of the resistance of the community is also directly proportional to damage to nature and social conflicts.

What if RPR's ideas are then approved by the government? If the idea of ​​giving a mining concession to the University of the Government approved, then it is no longer denied that Prabowo suffers really transports this country to ecological suicide.

How not, before at the end of 2024, President Prabowo suffered openly invited the local government to commit ecological suicide by continuing to extend palm oil without having to fear deforestation. Shortly after, the call for ecological suicide was followed by the Declaration of the Minister of Forestry Raja Juli Antoni.

He said, the government of Prabowo suffered would open the forest for almost double the island of Java for food and energy.

The signs of the political elite bring this country to the increasingly visible ecological suicide. The public must certainly prevent the actions from a handful of political elites. The public must begin to speak to remind you that the government is on an erroneous road. The extractive development model, which is echoing, will cause many victims.

The public could not wait until the good intentions of the elite at the college reject the offer of mining concessions. With an elite mining concession in Islamic organizations, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah (MU) must be a lesson.

In the past, the public had believed that the elite in the two religious organizations would favor the security of the people. Apparently, the public must swallow the bitter pill because the elite in the two religious organizations does not care about human security and nature. They are tempted by the seduction of mining concessions which damage nature.

Indifference to human safety and nature is also very likely to infect the elite of higher education. It is not impossible that certain elites from tertiary establishments will receive mining concessions that damage nature. Their argument will be the same as a handful of elites in naked and MU organizations which first received mining concessions.

They even turn to create green exploitation (Green mine) which is environmentally friendly in its concession. While, green exploitation No more greenwashingAn effort to manipulate public awareness of the environment.

Higher education as a fortress of moral and intellectual forces must not fall into the hands of the political elite which is dependent on mining. The public must express themselves so that elite efforts to bring the Indonesian people to ecological suicide stops immediately. If the public is silent, sooner or later, the public will become victims. While a handful of political elites and commercial players from the mining industry were celebrating when most people become victims of natural damage.

Stock of coal on the banks of the Batanghari river which pollutes the environment. I do not know what will happen, if universities also become a commercial player to damage this? Photo: Jaka Hendra Baitri / Mongabay Indonesia


* Author: Firdaus Cahyadi, founder of Indonesian literacy of climate justice and the management of third cycle students of natural and environmental resources, IPB University. This document is the author's opinion.

Academics are wary of the extraction permit discourse for higher education




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