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Indias Narendra Modi faces a difficult budgetary challenge as the economy slows down

Indias Narendra Modi faces a difficult budgetary challenge as the economy slows down



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The India government is under pressure on a slowed economy, but with little room for maneuver when it is preparing to present one of the most consecutive budgets since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power there are more Ten years.

The Minister of Finance, Nirmala Sitharaman, faces expectations to announce tax reductions, new capital expenses and the reforms of the India regulatory regime when revealing the first full budget of the third mandate of Modis on Saturday.

But its ability to revive an economy mired in a broad slowdown and to appease dissatisfaction among the political and upper class political regions of the middle class middle class.

The pace of India growth, although the fastest among the big economies, goes towards a lower post-countryic low, driven by lower urban consumption, persistent food inflation, growth in wages and stagnant jobs and investments in the slow private sector.

The growth of the second quarter budgetary, the most recent reported, was 5.4%, the slowest pace in almost two years and the central bank has reduced growth forecasts for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

There is a lot of pressures, there has been a cyclical slowdown, said Shumita Devevehwar, chief economist of India with Globaldata.TSLOMBARD. We must see if they will stick to this budgetary discipline that they have exposed in recent years, or will do more on social spending.

New Delhi recently appointed Sanjay Malhotra, a former income secretary, as a governor of the Reserve Bank of India, a market move as a change in guard and a commitment to recent growth governments and rectitude budgetary.

The India budget deficit is less than 5% of GDP and declining, and the government has resisted the temptation to trigger populist spending measures in recent years post-electoral, which followed a national survey in which the BJP has lost its parliamentary majority.

It is a Ministry of Finance which values ​​prudence, said Shilan Shah, deputy chief economist in emerging markets with Capital Economics, which expects lower growth in the first half of this year before a progressive recovery . A large package of stimulus seems unlikely.

However, Shah added that stimulating expenses for infrastructure a characteristic of MODIS tenure would help support short -term economic activity while raising the medium -term supply potential of economies.

Expenses are already increasing in certain states, including Maharashtra and Karnataka, where the rivals of the BJP and the opposition are competed for each other with promises of open and motivated well-being expenses, pushing the consolidated budget deficit 8% of the GDP. Local elections are also looming this year in Delhi and Bihar, the third India state.

Working in favor of the India, economists expect the country to avoid the weight of Donald Trumps expected to damage prices on countries like China. During a call this week, the American president urged his Indian counterpart to buy more American manufacturing weapons, and Trump later said that Modi would probably visit the White House in February.

The budgetary address of the finance ministers will be followed less than a week later by the RBIS monetary policy decision under Malhotra, which replaced the Shaktikanta Das more bellicist.

Malhotra was confronted with calls to reduce the rates of powerful allies of Modi, including the Minister of Finance Sitharaman and the Minister of Commerce, Piyush Goyal, who promotes lower borrowing costs to support growth, despite the Inflation which remains close to the summit of central banks from 4 to 6%.

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Many economists expect RBI to soften the rates of its current level of 6.5%, in particular after announcing this week measures for a liquidity infusion of almost $ 18 billion in the sector hungry cash.

But Kunal Kundu, an economist in India in Socit Gnral, warned that economic vulnerabilities were structural rather than transient. He said that fundamental changes, including the emphasis on education and health investments, were necessary for India to create more formal jobs for his enormous and under-qualified workforce.

Employment and wages remain at the heart of the slowdown, said Kundu. What is required is not rocket science: basically, you must have policies that ultimately allow more generation of jobs.




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