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Federal Frelation of Grants: Trump's White House cancels the order

Federal Frelation of Grants: Trump's White House cancels the order



Washington President (AP), Donald Trumps Budget Office, canceled gel expenses on MEMOs in federal loans and subsidies on Wednesday, less than two days after having aroused generalized confusion and legal challenges across the country.

The memo, which was published on Monday by the management and budget office, had frightened the states, schools and organizations that rely on billions of dollars in Washington.

Administration officials said the break was necessary to examine whether the expenses were aligned with Trumps decrees on issues such as climate change and diversity, actions and inclusion programs.

But Wednesday, they sent a notice of two sentences canceling the original memo. The overthrow was the last sign that even with a unified Washington control, Trumps plans to reshape considerably and quickly the government has limits.

Administration officials insisted that in spite of the confusion, their actions still had the planned effect by emphasizing the federal agencies their obligations to comply with employment decrees.

The executive orders issued by the president on the financing examinations remain in force and indeed and will be rigorously implemented by all the agencies and departments, said the press secretary of the White House, Karoline Leavitt, blaming the confusion on courts and the media, not on administration. This action should effectively put an end to the judicial case and allow the government to focus on applying presidents' orders on the control of federal spending.

The vaguely drafted order, the legal break and the possible cancellation have left the organizations combined and are again concerned about what could be the next one.

Nourrishing Hope, which manages food pantry, delivery of home meals and an online food market in Chicago, obtains around 20% of its federal government's food budget. The CEO, Kellie Oconnell, said the biggest problem when the memo surfaced was to receive clear and precise information so that they can find how to plan the coming months.

If their federal funds were frozen, said Oconnell, they could do it for a few weeks. But the broader concern was the end of the possible aid, such as food coupons, which would increase the demand of its organization.

President Donald Trumps Budget Office Budget Wednesday canceled memo freezing expenses for federal subsidies, less than two days after aroused generalized confusion and legal challenges across the country.

If this were to decrease considerably or be eliminated, it will be almost impossible that the charity food system intensifies, she said about food coupons. It would be potentially catastrophic for our communities.

Trump administration officials said on Tuesday that programs that provide direct assistance to the Americans, including Medicare, Social Security, student loans and food coupons, would not be affected.

However, they sometimes had trouble providing a clear image. Leavitt would not initially say if Medicaid was exempt from the frost, but the administration then specified that it was.

The white houses change management taken in the Congress department, in particular prevailing the Republican allies who had defended it throughout the brief saga.

It's Donald Trump. He launched hand grenades in the middle of the room, then cleanses it later, said Senator Kevin Cramer from the North Dakota. I just think of guys a genius.

Cramer has recognized that the initial note may have generated too much political heat, the red and blue states more and more alarms concerning the freeze of funding. But the senator suggested that Trump may not understand the extent of what had been proposed.

But the Democrats said that the White House had exceeded beyond what the Americans want.

Most people voted for cheaper eggs, said Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico. They did not vote for this chaos.

The financing break was scheduled to come into force Tuesday at 5 p.m. He was suspended by a federal judge until at least Monday after an emergency hearing requested by non -profit groups which receive federal subsidies.

An additional trial of the Attorney General of the Democratic State was also underway, and an audience took place on Wednesday before the Rhode Island Federal Court. Chief judge John J. McConnell said he was inclined to make an order blocking any attempt to break, saying that there was the possibility of irreparable damage.

After the distribution of the initial memo on Monday, the federal agencies were responsible for answering a series of questions yes or not on each program by February 7. Does the questions include this program promote gender ideology? And does this program promote or support in any way whatsoever?

Although Trump promised to overthrow Washington if he was elected to a second term, the effects of his efforts to suspend funding felt far from the capital of nations. Organizations like meals on wheels, which receive federal money to deliver food to the elderly, were worried about being cut. Even temporary interruptions in funding can cause layoffs or delays in public services.

Barbara Teed, 73, of Bloomington, Minnesota, said that she felt panic, absolute panic when she learned that frost could affect her.

Teed lives with his 38 -year -old son, Ryan, who suffers from Down syndrome. Both receive meals from Bloomington-Eden meals meadow on wheels.

It is sometimes my only meal of the day. So it's really, really important for me, said Teed.

Reynier Pieto, whose 5-year-old son Liam frequents the Head Start program at Easterseals South Florida, said the program helped solve speech development problems so that Liam can, hope, the public school Next year.

This is the most important thing for our life at the moment, said Prieto. This is how we can get out of our house and our work, and we know that it is in good hands.

Losing a program like Head Start could be bad for many families, and government representatives should take the time to examine everyone who receives federal money, said Prieto.

Programs like this, they must examine it and ensure that it is not cut because it really helps the community, said Prieto.

The democratic criticisms of the order celebrated the cancellation of the memos.

This is an important victory for the American people whose voices were heard after massive pressure from this country, said Senator Patty Murray of Washington. She said Trump had caused harm and chaos for millions.

The Senate Democrat, Chuck Schumer of New York, said that the Americans retaliated and Donald Trump fell.


The writers of the Associated Press Sophia Tareen in Chicago, Mark Vancleave in Minneapolis, David Fischer in Miami and Michael Casey in Boston contributed to this report.




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