Trump undertakes to expel Hamas sympathizers on university campuses | Donald Trump News
![Trump undertakes to expel Hamas sympathizers on university campuses | Donald Trump News Trump undertakes to expel Hamas sympathizers on university campuses | Donald Trump News](https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025-01-29T194242Z_1707804100_RC2VJCAIDUOV_RTRMADP_3_USA-TRUMP-1-1738197831_b52137-1738202219.jpg?resize=1200%2C630&quality=80)
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is committed to expeling foreign university students involved in pro-Palestinian demonstrations as part of a repression against alleged anti-Semitism, which caused an uproar of freedoms of freedom expression and defense of Muslims.
In an executive decree signed on Wednesday, Trump said that the federal government would use all the legal and appropriate legal tools to continue and remove the authors of illegal anti -Semitic anti -Semitic violence.
Jewish students faced an implacable damage to discrimination; Define access to common areas and campus facilities, including libraries and classrooms; And intimidation, harassment and physical threats and attacks, said Trumps.
An information sheet on the order published by the White House indicated that the repression extend to all the holders of student visas who participated in pro-jihadist events on university campuses.
To all the resident extraterrestrials who have joined the pro-jihadist demonstrations, we have noted you: come 2025, we will find you, and we will expel you, said Trump in the information sheet.
I will also quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on university campuses, which have been infested with radicalism like never before.
It is not immediately known how the authorities could interpret definitions such as anti-Semitism and pro-jihadist.
Trumps' comments in his information sheet seemed to suggest a more radical action than the text of his order, although the latter cited the existing law which allows the revocations of the visas in a wide range of circumstances.
Under the ordinance, Trump ordered the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Internal Security to familiarize universities with a section of immigration law governing inadmissible foreigners and watching for What activity reports which fall under eligibility criteria lead to surveys and, if justified, actions to remove these extraterrestrials.
Under the US Immigration Act, foreign nationals can be considered unacceptable foreigners as part of a range of scenarios, apart from being found guilty of a crime.
These circumstances include cases where authorities have reasons to believe that a person is engaged in various types of illegal activities or has determined that they are associated with a terrorist organization.
The order of the Trumps aroused a rapid conviction of several rights organizations.
Like students who have once protested the segregation, the Vietnam War and apartheid in South Africa, the diversity of students who protested the genocidal war of the Israel against Gaza deserve our Merci countries, said the Council of Relations American-Islamic in a press release.
Trump's administrations are trying to dirty the many Jewish, Muslims, Palestinian and others who protested the genocide of Israeli governments in an extremely peaceful way represents a dishonest, excessive and inapplicable attack on both freedom of expression and 'Humanity of the Palestinians, everything for the most important thing for the fact of the freedom of expression and humanity of the Palestinians, everything for the most important a foreign government. The same goes for the apparent administrations to expel any foreign student who simply participated in anti-genecidal events.
Fire, a plea group dedicated to the protection of freedom of expression, said that the revocation of student visas should not be used to punish and filter disadvantaged ideas by the federal government.
The strength of our higher education system of nations stems from the exchange of the widest range of points of view, even unpopular or dissident, the group said in a press release.
Students who commit crimes, including vandalism, threats or violence, have to deal with consequences, and these consequences may include the loss of a visa. But if today's executive order reaches beyond the illegal activity to punish students instead for protest or expression otherwise protected by the first amendment, it must be removed.
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations broke out in dozens of American university campuses last spring while Israel waged war in Gaza.
The demonstrations, which have spread to the best universities, especially in Harvard, Yale and Columbia, caused an animated debate and recriminations on an alleged anti -Semitism in higher education.
While some Jewish students reported acts of violence, intimidation and harassment during demonstrations, Pro-Palestinian students and activists accused the university authorities of manipulating the accusation of anti-Semitism as a tool to prevent the legitimate criticism of Israel.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/1/30/trump-pledges-to-deport-hamas-sympathisers-on-college-campuses The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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