The Trump administration cancels the order which tries to freeze federal assistance expenses

Washington The Trump administration canceled a general freezing on most subsidies and federal loans in the midst of important criticisms, according to a new Memo of the White House, a source provided to NBC News on Wednesday.
A senior administration official confirmed the termination on Wednesday, which was ordered by the management and budget office.
A judge of the federal district on Tuesday evening interrupted the initial order, which sparked chaos and confusion in Washington. The Democrats, who aggressively postponed the order, celebrated the cancellation of the note shortly after its publication on Wednesday.
“The Americans retaliated and Donald Trump fell,” said the head of the Senate minority, Chuck Schumer, Dn.y., in a statement. “Although the Trump administration has failed in this tactic, it is no secret that they will try to find another, and when they will, there will again be Democrats of the Senate there for Call it, retaliate and defend American families. “
The first OMB directive arrived on Monday evening, ordering federal agencies to “temporarily suspend all activities related to the obligation or disbursement of all federal financial aid, and other relevant agency activities which may Being involved in decrees, including, but without limiting yourself, financial assistance with foreign aid, non -governmental organizations, Dei, gender ideology and Green New Deal.
The memo said that the break would allow the administration to examine which programs were “consistent” with President Donald Trump's agenda. Social security, health insurance and direct payments to individuals were not supposed to be assigned, but because the note was so vaguely formulated, it was not clear what help would be interrupted.
The white house press secretary Karoline Leavitt said on Wednesday that if the Grand Memo of the OMB was fell, the other efforts of the administration to stop federal expenses would remain.
“This is not a cancellation of the frost of federal funding,” she wrote on X. “This is simply a cancellation of the note from the OMB. Why? To end all confusion Created by the Court's injunction.
According to an NBC news review of the actions of Trumps executives since he took office, he has never published a decree authorizing a freezing freezing of all federal aid programs.
When Omb canceled the memo on Wednesday, he technically canceled the freezing of the coverage on all the federal assistance while waiting for the exam.
Several executive orders signed a break or an end of federal funding last week. Reduction law.
According to the White House, these boles remain in force.
Trump with various break decrees under the recent infrastructure law and that the inflation reduction law remains in force, said Schumer on Wednesday, also calling for Trump to cancel them.
Throughout Tuesday, the White House tried to clarify the exceptions, including Medicaid, but at that time, there is generalized confusion, as well as relationships of people and organizations unable to access systems To receive their federal aid.
Non-profit groups working on health care and homelessness, for example, told NBC News that they were unable to embark on websites to withdraw funds, and Online portals to access Medicaid payments were temporarily down.
Democracy Forward, a non -profit progressive group, filed the trial against the OMB which led to the fact that judge Loren Alikhans issued the order which temporarily blocked the frost.
While we hope this will allow millions of people in communities through the country to sigh, we condemn Trump-Vanced administrations, harmful and insane approach to unleash chaos and damage to the American people ” , Skye Perryman, CEO of Democracy is advancing, said in a statement.
Some Republican senators also said they were delighted that the administration withdrew the OMB note. Senator Dave McCormick, of Pennsylvania, said that his voters who held out to give their thoughts “made a difference” and had led to cancellation, “while senator Susan Collins of Maine said that the initial directive “Going exceeded and created unnecessary confusion and dismay”.
Sources 2/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-administration-rescinds-order-attempting-freeze-federal-aid-spen-rcna189852 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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