The IHC registrar refers Imran's call to objections

On Wednesday, the office of the registrar of the High Court of Islamabad (IHC) returned the calls of the founder of PTI, Imran Khan, and his wife, Bushra Bibi, against their conviction in the case of 190 million pounds sterling.
The registrar's office had raised an objection to the absence of a certificate with the appeal that the case was not heard before any other court. The office asked lawyers for re-filmer calls after having removed objections.
Meanwhile, an anti-terrorism court (ATC) recorded the declaration of an additional prosecution witness on Wednesday in the event of an attack on the door of the general seat (GHQ) on May 9, 2023, against Imran Khan and others .
The hearing of the May 9 case was detained in Adiala prison. ATC judge Amjad Ali Shah, rejected the pleads of the acquittal of three accused – Raja Nasir, Naveed Umar Satti and Saad Siraj. The judge asked for video surveillance images linked to the case on the next audience date on February 1.
During the hearing, the Declaration of Police Constable Khurram Ali Javed was recorded. Until now, 13 witnesses have testified in court. During the next hearing, the accusation would present the USB containing digital evidence and other documents related to the case.
Meanwhile, on a plea by Bushra Bibi, wife of the founder of PTI, Imran Khan, for having attended the hearing, the court asked the response to the superintendent of Adiala prison if a convicted person could or may not attend the court hearings under the prison manual.
The court also sent a reference to the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa bar council on the submission of the proxy by the head of the PTI Mishal Yousufzai despite the suspension of his lawyer's license. The judge also prohibited Yousufzai from entering the courtroom.
Also on Wednesday, Judge of the IHC Inam Amin Minhas issued the written order of the hearing of the advocacy of Imran and Bibi for the acquittal in the Toshakhana II affair.
The court asked for additional help on this point. (With the contribution of our correspondent Rawalpindi Imran Asghar)
Sources 2/ https://tribune.com.pk/story/2525404/ihc-registrar-returns-imrans-appeal-with-objections The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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