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Trump is testing his power. Can he do these things?

Trump is testing his power. Can he do these things?



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There is a question not yet unanswered to apply to so many incredible things that President Donald Trump tries to do as he decreases the second week of his second term: can he really do this?

Allows you to consider your latest decrees, memos and announcements.

His administration proposed to pay millions of federal workers so as not to work before September if they agree to resign. The military and postal are exempt from the offer, but it is not at all that Trump has the power to spend the money from governments for ad hoc mass repurchase. More below.

Apparently not. Or at least not this moment, after a federal judge has paused on the order issued on Tuesday. The White House, after an outcry of the Republicans whose voters depend on various ways of federal subsidies and other expenses, deviates the funds on Wednesday. But Trump's question refusing to spend money appropriate by the congress will probably return.

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There is a possible confrontation of the Supreme Court preparing on the question of what Washington calls for impoundment. CNNS John Fritze writes that even if the Supreme Court has certainly shown deference to Trump on certain questions, it is where they could not.

Hell try. During his speech to the White House, Trump said that Hell signs a prescription for the internal defense and security services to reuse Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, to house 30,000 migrants who could not be repatriated to their country of origin. The United States maintains a prison on the basis of the island for certain terrorists, including the September 11 brain Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Most suspected terrorists have been removed or released from Guantanamo, and Trump sees an opportunity to host migrants.

Some of them are so bad that we don't even trust the countries to hold them because we don't want them to come back, so let's send them to Guantanamo, he said.

Here is what Trump said to the White House on Wednesday, when he enamed his achievements of the first week: we identified and arrested $ 50 million sent to Gaza to buy condoms for Hamas. $ 50 million. And do you know what happened to them? They used them as a method of manufacturing bombs. And that?

Trumps said was a more extreme version of something that the White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Washington on Tuesday. Here is a key line of verification of CNNS facts:

In other words, Leavitt essentially claimed Tuesday that the Biden administration had decided to provide more than six times the world value of 2023 of condoms to a single small territory which has approximately 2.1 million people and which is in a Region which generally does not receive condoms from the United States. A former senior Biden official who worked on assistance problems in Gaza told CNN that Leavitts Story on an $ 50 million condom expenditure for Gaza was imaginary. The former official said: It is a lie, they make a S ***.

It is worth looking closely at the trumps plan to buy federal workers because it is a good example of contradictory messages.

Trump expressed his frustration of being misunderstood during a speech of 30 minutes before signing the act of Laken Riley in the White House. This law, the first HES signed during its second term, adopted with bipartite support, requires the detention of migrants accused of certain crimes.

During the signature ceremony, however, Trump felt the need to clarify his offer to federal workers.

What Trump says: Just for clarification, because he was badly reported yesterday, we informed the federal workforce, which they sought to do for many years, that if they work for the Federal government, they must go to the office in time and on time. We don't want them. We don't want them to work at home because, as everyone knows, most of the time, they don't work.

He added:

If they do not agree before February 6 to go to work in their office, they will be terminated. And we will therefore reduce our government.

Trump clearly sees the offer to workers as an ultimatum.

The memo sent to workers says something different. Sent to federal workers from an unnamed email address, the memo does not look like Trump. With the object fork on the road, borrowed from the takeover of Elon Musks of Twitter, it offers workers the opportunity to resign, with salary, in September and allow them to bypass the workplace. The memo sent to workers does not specifically say that federal workers who resign will not have to work over the next nine months during their payment.

A q & said a third thing. The Q&R has published the White House to explain that the note says that most workers will not have to work during their payment. (Note: in the case of federal funding now UNFROZEN, there was also a bizarre memo published alongside a more declarative Q&A).

The Democrat says does not believe the offer. Senator Tim Kaine, a Democrat in Virginia, told federal workers not to believe the president when he offers them such a generous redemption without any contribution from the Congress.

He has no authority to do so. Do not be fooled by this type, said Kaine, noting that his congress appropriates money, including federal wages, thanks to a budgetary process.




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