Grenell may have been misleading by supporting Imran: the head of the American investor delegation
![Grenell may have been misleading by supporting Imran: the head of the American investor delegation Grenell may have been misleading by supporting Imran: the head of the American investor delegation](https://www.thenews.com.pk/assets/uploads/akhbar/2025-01-30/l_1277717_051021_updates.jpg)
(From left to right): former Prime Minister Imran Khan, Director of H intestainable funds in Texas, Gentry Beach and Trump's help, Richard Grenell. Reuters / Geonews / Screengrab
London / Islamabad: The Hell Fund manager of Texas and a close partner of the Trump family says that President Donald Trumps, the aid Richard Grenell, could have been misleading by his support for the publication of the president of the founder of PTI , Imran Khans, the campaign by a lobby working in the United States.
Gentry Beach, who is in Islamabad, leading a commercial delegation, said that he was sure that Grenell had a much better understanding of the complicated problems facing the Pakistani and that it was perhaps the reason he had stopped Tweet in support of PTI.
Grenell, who works in close collaboration with President Trump, deleted dozens of tweets that he supported Imran, but two tweets remain on his calendar.
Beach, during an interview with Islamabad, said that Richard Grenell is one of the best Americans I have ever met. It does more in a week than most people in a year. It is absolutely effective, incredibly intelligent and humble. I am impressed by Ambassador Grenell. I would say that I think it may have been misleading around some of these questions by some people.
Beach said there was a hall in the United States which spent $ 2 to 3 million a month linked to Imran Khan. I am not an expert in these things, but I believe that Grenell has a better understanding of the real evidence today than before. He has a better understanding now.
Beach said he would be surprised if Grenell starts tweeter again. I think he supports American interests here. I believe he supports the current administration and businessmen like me who are trying to make bridges. Currently, Grenell must clean the disorder that Biden administration has left worldwide. He is the perfect person to do it. I know Trump loves him very much. It is a huge asset for the United States.
He added, I spoke to him and he said that he had a better understanding of the facts now than before. I would be surprised if he retweeted or one of the things he did before. I think he understands that it is a much more complicated situation. He may have been misleading by some people and he probably has a better understanding than before.
A high-level investment delegation of the United States, led by Beach, is in Pakistan for a two-day visit aimed at strengthening economic and bilateral ties. Beach, a close partner of US President Donald Trump, should play a central role in the progress of investment agreements between the two countries, sources said.
The visit occurs shortly after the new American administration has taken office and is considered an important diplomatic and economic breakthrough. During their stay, the delegation should finalize investment agreements, opening up collaboration routes in key sectors, including energy, technology and infrastructure.
Familiar sources with discussions highlight the presence of beaches as a key factor to promote the confidence of American investors in Pakistan. Known for its active involvement in Trumps' electoral campaigns, its visit highlights an American interest renewed in the Pakistan commercial landscape. This marks the first visit to an American delegation since the transition of power in Washington, which added to its meaning.
The visit follows the recent remarks of the beaches during an event in Mar-A-Lago, where he congratulated Pakistan for his sacrifices in the fight against terrorism. Pakistan has made huge sacrifices, losing thousands of lives to terrorism and deserves immense recognition for its efforts, he said. He also described Pakistan as an incredible country with strong potential for American investors, expressing optimism concerning future business links under the Trump administration.
Pakistanis are ready to engage with the United States in equal terms as partners and good friends, he added. Beach urged President Trump to deepen cooperation with Pakistan, advocating more solid economic and strategic ties. The United States and Pakistan should work together as equal partners to stimulate mutual progress and strengthen their relationship, he said.
Application reports: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif reaffirmed its unwavering governments on Wednesday to facilitate foreign investors by guaranteeing a conducive commercial environment, rationalized processes and solid institutional support.
The Prime Minister, during a meeting with an international delegation of investors, led by the main American investor Gentry Beach, underlined the unique attraction of the country as a global investment destination, highlighting its strategic geographic location, His qualified and young workforce and rapidly expanding the consumer market, according to a press release from the PM office.
Discussing the Pakistans' dynamic investment landscape and promising economic potential, he expressed his gratitude for interesting delegations to explore commercial opportunities in Pakistan.
Gentry Beach congratulated the Pakistans an immense economic potential and has transmitted its enthusiasm of delegations to explore various investment opportunities in the key sectors, including mining and minerals, renewable energies, infrastructure development and technology.
Darrier and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ishaq Dar, Federal Ministers Muhammad Aurangzeb, Abdul Aleem Khan, Attaullah Tarar, Minister of State Ali Pervaiz Malik and Sapm Tariq Fatemi were also present in Reunion.
Muhammad Anis adds: the American businessman Gentry Beach, leading a delegation of foreign investors on Wednesday that Pakistan and the United States have a history of relations, but certain efforts were made to create misunderstandings between the two countries.
Speaking of journalists, Beach also stressed that a real image of Pakistan has not been shown to the Americans in the past and the United States, the United States wished the investment of billions of dollars in the country. He argued that the leaders in place in Pakistan and the United States had total harmony.
He said that Richard Grenell had personally told him that he had been wrong by artificial intelligence on video via the Internet concerning the advertising of the founder of the PTI. Gentry Beach said Richard Grenell also supports the Pakistan justice system and has a better understanding of the facts than before.
He said Trump was a very hard -working and exceptional president. Beach said Trump believed in economic diplomacy and that they would help succeed his diplomacy program. My meetings with Pakistani leaders were also very successful and I met best people in the world in Pakistan, he said. He stressed that American investors wanted investment in the Pakistan sectors of artificial intelligence, real estate and minerals.
Beach also mentioned that the American strategy and process concerning the release of Afghanistan during the Bidens period were not correct.
Sources 2/ https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1277717-grenell-may-have-been-misled-into-supporting-imran-us-investors-delegation-chief The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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