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Donald Trump wage war against his employees

Donald Trump wage war against his employees



To get an idea of ​​what Donald Trumps did the first week to the federal government, talk to the people who work there. I have been with the government for over 10 years, I experienced the first Trump administration, and nothing compared to this, explains a treasure employee. Some workers are busy rubbing their personal social media for articles that may be interpreted as unfair. Others clean their curriculum vitae, providing that they will soon seek new work. Those who plan to stay expect their jobs to get worse, because colleagues flee or are not replaced. Everyone is in absolute panic mode, explains another main official.

As a candidate, Trump promised that he would break the deep state. Since his entry into office, he has become clearer what he meant. In a decrees dam, Trump said he could do just about everything he loves in the federal government. He said, he said, a unique and exclusive authority on the executive power, include hiring, dismissal and all spending decisions. Indeed, Mr. Trump affirms that he is not simply a president, implemented the laws adopted by the Legislative Assembly. He claims to be something closer to a king, capable of retaining or redirecting expenses as he judges good.

On January 27, Trump revealed how much he intends to push. He decreed that all subsidies and loans that the federal government explain disbursements for social security, health insurance and certain other vague categories would be suspended the next day, even if the congress had approved them. This apparent usurpation of the role of congresses under article I of the Constitution was of scanning and vast and really, really illegal, explains Eloise Pasachoff of the Georgetown University Law School. The service note did not exercise any legal justification for the frost and the evening of January 28, a federal judge temporarily arrested it. The next day, the administration canceled its memo; What is happening then is not clear. A parallel gel from all foreign aid has created similar chaos.

In the meantime, Mr. Trump has launched an extralegal power almost as ambitious against federal bureaucracy of more than 2 million officials who implement federal policy. He directly dismissed dozens of senior executives, including senior immigration officials, prosecutors from the Ministry of Justice and other people, he and his people appointed, identified as being hostile to his objectives. These included more than a dozen general inspectors (guard dogs which investigate the efficiency of the ministry and reprehensible acts). In the case of general inspectors, the president is obliged by law to give 30 days notice and an explicit reason to justify the dismissal. He did neither.

These decisions came from a complete job freezing in most departments (soldiers, immigration authorities, as well as social security and health care jobs of veterans are exempt). He also reinstated an unrevised order of his last mandate allowing his administration to rethink any career civil service employment such as political employment, and thus to abolish usual employment protections and dismiss what he wants. He also undertook to close all the jobs of diversity, equity and inclusion, known as Deia, to the government. To top it all, he prohibited all the work at home.

The goal is transparent to bring federal workers who do not like Mr. Trump to leave. On January 28, an email left the Office of Personal Management (OPM) offering each deferred resignation of federal employees. Essentially, the conditions were: agree to leave this exercise and you can work at home so far. The key including the instructions to respond with the word to resign by February 6, the influence of Elon Musk, the billionaire chief of the Department of Effectiveness of Mr. Trump, or DOGE. Since OPM is not really a business human resources service, the offer is unlikely to resist a meticulous examination. Federal technology employees report that foreigners, many apparently junior employees of Mr. Musks companies, have entered the offices to take control of the government's computer systems and make code magazines.

Was Mr. Trump to make these changes to Degrestable Sticka Prospect -prospect is probably equivalent to the most fundamental modification of the public service system since 1883 says that Don Moynihan, of the Ford School of Public Policy from the University of Michigan (a verdict of many in the White House Love). The president seems to have little interest in the idea that most representatives of the government should be non -partisan specialists whose expertise is deployed to ensure public security, among other advantages. As part of Mr. Trumps's plan, decisions concerning hiring and dismissal would be taken by his appointments.

According to Max Stier, from the Partnership for the Public Service, a charitable organization that strives to improve the government, Trump tears the public service in order to recreate the government's system of government which persisted until the end of the 19th century. It was a model where the new presidents entered and immediately distributed jobs to their friends as a reward to support their electoral campaigns.

Does he have succeeded? It seems unlikely, says Larry Jacobs, of the University of Minnesota. Mr. Trumps' orders, he says, are impressive and breathtaking in their institutional arrogance, but he argues that a large part of what Mr. Trump tries to do will probably be canceled by the courts or the Congress. He stresses that even after Mr. Trump appointed new sympathetic members in his last mandate, the Supreme Court often rejected him. The Congress has sold a lot of power to the presidency, but control of the federal bag is a prerogative that he would probably not give in easily.

However, he could take years in the challenges to make his way before the courts. The damage caused in the meantime could be considerable. Employees who find other jobs after being expelled will not necessarily return simply because a court says that their dismissal was false. The new talented recruits will not join. And with government lawyers intimidated by fears of dismissal, all kinds of illegality could reign. Mr. Stier is concerned about things like the Internal Revenue Service and the Ministry of Justice used to punish Mr. Trumps enemies, without the lawyers of the public service being able to say no.

Even the best result of cases is not good. In the last Trump administration, the hiring of gels caused a narrowing and a brewing of parties of the government (see graph). Part of this may have been planned: the issuance of green cards and citizenship requests ended in part thanks to the cuts in the State Department. But the queues have also extended for basic government services such as obtaining passports or tax reimbursements.

Graphic: the economist

The swamp, as Mr. Trump could call it, may look like a lot of Washington DC bodes that push pieces of paper. It is certainly true that it can often be slow, linked to the rules and inexplicable. But a system based more on political loyalty than on merit is ready for failure. Bureaucrats ensure that food is not toxic; that cars do not explode when they crash; And this toxic waste is not thrown into the desert. The federal government is very vulnerable, explains Paul Light, a political scientist at New York University. Mr. Trump, he said, risks becoming the president of I did not shit and many people have been killed. Building the head that carries a crown.




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