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How PM Narendra Modi played the mascot of the transformation of Odishas

How PM Narendra Modi played the mascot of the transformation of Odishas



india_today_insightPrime Minister Narendra Modi firmly positioned himself as the mascot of the transformation of Odisha, embodying the aspirations of the State with economic progress and global recognition. At Utkarsh Odishamake in Odisha Conclave 2025, held in Janata Maidan in Bhubaneswar, Modi's dynamic vision for the State was fully exposed on January 28, the first of the two -day event.

The flagship investment was appointed by the government of the BJP of its previous iteration under Biju Janata Dal (BJD) led a significant thrust to align Odisha's growth trajectory with India's ambition to become an economy of 5 billions of dollars.

During its fifth visit to the State in just seven months of BJP rule, Modi reiterated its commitment to Odisha a growth engine for eastern India. Head Minister Mohan Charan Maran Charan Charan underlined the Prime Minister's vital role, declaring that his frequent visits had strengthened the people's confidence.

Modi stressed the historical importance of Odisha as a shopping center, his former ports serving as a “gateway from India to Southeast Asia”. Attracting attention to the rich heritage of Odisha, he stressed the state potential to recover his position as a key engine of economic growth. “East India is the growth engine of our country, and Odisha plays a central role in this trip,” said Modi, stressing the emergence of the State as a leader in the sectors such as Food transformation, petrochemicals, information technologies, textiles, tourism, peaches, mining and green energy.

Modi underlined the growing world interest in Odisha, including recent commitments with the Anase (Association of Nations of Southeast Asia) and the visit earlier this month by the president of Singapore Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

The Prime Minister said that Odisha's growth had been “arrested” in the past, but that the state was now on an ascending trajectory under the governance of the BJP and aimed to settle as a major player on the economic stadium global by 2036, the year of the centenary of the state.

Modi invited investors to be part of this transformation, using his signature slogan “Modi Ki guaranteed” to ensure the support of the Union government. “Invest now, because it's time,” he said, calling Odisha as a symbol of “the optimism and originality of the new India”.

In a engaging turning point, Modi also underlined the potential for India's “concert economy”, referring to the massive success of Coldplay concerts in Mumbai and Ahmedabad. “A country with a heritage so rich in music, dance and narration and a vast basin of young musical enthusiasts immense possibilities in the concert economy,” he said. Modi has urged state players and private to develop world -class infrastructure for live events, citing the growing demand for such experiences.

The Prime Minister noted that India also had an important potential for “conference tourism”, places such as Bharat Mandapam and Yashobhoomi in New Delhi already become major international event centers. “Concerts and conferences can unlock a new wave of economic activity for India,” he added.

The first brand in Odisha Conclave was organized in November 2016. It had attracted 28 investment proposals worth RS 18,434 crore and potential to generate more than 27,500 jobs.

By 2022, the conclave had put unprecedented vertices on the scale, receiving RS 10.5 Lakh is growing from investment proposals, with potential to create a job for more than a million people. The three -day event saw the participation of 18,785 delegates, including world leaders, industry captains and representatives of 11 countries. Then, the chief minister Naveen Patnaik called the brand in Odisha Conclave 2022 a “great success”, cementing the reputation of the event as a key engine of economic activity in the state.

However, Modi said it had been informed that the 2025 conclave is the largest investor summit in Odisha to date. “Odisha has always been at the heart of India's economic aspirations,” he said. Modi concluded his speech with a cry of rallying to investors that Odisha was ready to direct the economic growth of Eastern India. He reassured participants of the potential of the state to offer value and prosperity.

However, Odisha observers say that in spite of efforts to project Utkarsh Odisha 2025 as an independent major event, Make in Odisha's heritage could not be rejected completely while the previous nomenclature did not appear Not in Billboards through Bhubaneswar, even as a subtext, even as a subtext, even as a subtext.

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Posted by:

Shyam balasubramanian

Posted on:

January 29, 2025




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