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The judge takes a break in federal funding from Trump as confusion, Frustration spreads.

The judge takes a break in federal funding from Trump as confusion, Frustration spreads.



Judicial disputes to the order increase

The spending memo quickly sparked legal challenges on Tuesday.

Non -profit organizations that won the temporary stay claimed that their deposit of the note “fails to explain the source of the alleged legal authority of the OMB to empty each program of federal government's grants”. The groups also declared that the memo had not examined the interests of the beneficiaries of subsidies, “including those to whom money had already been promised.”

Shortly after the decision of judge Alikhan, a group of prosecutors general of 22 states and the Columbia district filed a separate dispute before the Federal Court.

The New York Attorney General, Letitia James, Democrat, announced the trial in a press release, declaring that “millions of Americans count every day on programs financed by the federal government to obtain the health care they have Need, support their families and stay safe in their communities. This policy has already sparked chaos and uncertainty. »»

Confusion and concern of suppliers

Much of the uncertainty has been focused on the fate of several social security net programs.

The Oregon Democratic Senator Ron Wydens, his staff confirmed that the Medicaid expenditure portals were broken in the country's states on Tuesday, but the press secretary of the White House, Karoline Leavittwrote, on the “White House is aware of the MEDICAIDE website breakdown. We have confirmed that no payment has been assigned, they are still under treatment and sent. »»

Experts have said that a multitude of federal programs, such as community health programs and childcare, could be considerably affected by a short funding break.

Rricha Decan Director of Legislative Affairs at the Center for Law and Social Policy, who recommends assistance to low -income persons, told NPR that it seemed that many federal programs would not be exempt from this break because funding First was “to states or the United States or in the United States local entities, then it is distributed to individual people. »»

And even a short break in funding, said Decant, could force suppliers to consider taking a break from certain services.

“If people are unable to access databases, if they are unable to write funds tomorrow, I think it's very, very discouraging because many of these places have Not a lot of reserve funds for emergencies “, she says. “They are counting on the kind of constant flow of federal dollars that arrive and there is not really an emergency plan.”

Sharon Parrot, president of the left -wing center on the budget and political priorities, said it is likely that certain programs could be confronted with a long period without funding, because agencies determine which programs align with recent decrees. And the more the break, she said, the more certain organizations will have to close their doors completely.

“We could see services stop and we could see the service providers not being able to pay, unable to pay their rent,” said Parrott.

GOP legislators face questions about the separation of powers

Republican legislators met in Miami, Florida, Trump's Doral Resort on Tuesday for an annual number on numbers. The Republican leaders did not approach the order of frost of federal subsidies during the Tuesday program, according to several GOP participants. And as the legislators have left the various sessions, little or no concerns about the legality or the impact of the order.

The republican of a house that publicly raised concerns, the representative of Nebraska, Don Bacon, told journalists that he “would have been wise” to inform the congress.

He said, “How are we supposed to defend if we do not know what comes out and what it really means and that I have voters who call so it's just part of life.”

“There are real people who depend on these subsidies,” said Bacon to journalists, adding that his voters called his office about the plan.

The representative French Hill, R-Ark., Declared that he had not read the order but that he thought that the president “under his decree had the right to look at the expenses by category”.

Asked to find out if this decision constituted money of the seizure already approved by the congress, Hill said: “I do not think that the courts have supported him over the years. Let's wait and see. Let him do his exam and see what is the result. »»

Representative Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., Said Trump's decision, saying: “I think it's a just proposal that taxpayers know where the money is going.”

Zinke, who was secretary like Trump's first mandate, said he examined subsidies and as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He said that it is “shocking” that there is no database on foreign aid, and that the beneficiaries should accept an audit and demonstrate that there is no conflict of interests.

Asked that Trump removing the power of the congress bag, Bacon said that the president “loved a little disturbance and that we get him”.

Democrats warn against a constitutional crisis

Meanwhile, the best Democrats in the Senate warned the massive potential impacts of a frost for both groups and individuals who count on federal funding and the relationship between Congress and the President.

“In an instant, Donald Trump closed billions, perhaps billions of dollars, which directly support states, cities, cities, schools, hospitals, small businesses and most of all American families” said the minority chief in the Senate, Chuck Schumer in New York on Tuesday.

Schumer and other leaders have stressed that this decision would affect American families in the red and blue states that rely on federal funding.

Schumer specifically underlined the financing of rescue efforts in the event of a disaster, local police, rural hospitals, food assistance, assistance to the elderly, infrastructure programs, cancer research And the treatment of dependence on opioids, among others.

“They need tax reductions for ultra-rich, and these cuts they think will finance them,” he said.

The Democrats of the Senate said that their offices had been flooded with calls of panic on what a lack of funding, even a temporary break would mean for their programs.

Senator Patty Murray, D-Wash., Vice-president of the Senate credits committee, described the action of the “unprecedented” administration.

“Last night, in a cheeky and illegal decision, the Trump administration strives to freeze enormous quantities of federal funding adopted by the Republicans and the Democrats,” she said at a press conference on Tuesday . “Trump's actions would wreak havoc in red and blue communities around the world. It is a question of funding that communities are waiting for, and this note creates chaos and confusion as to whether these resources will be at their disposal. »»

Murray said she was calling the Senate budget president, Republican Lindsey Graham from South Caroline, to postpone a Russ Vought committee vote, Trump's candidate to lead the management and budget office. This vote is currently scheduled for Thursday.

“Republicans should not advance this appointment outside the committee until the Trump administration follows the law,” she said.




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