President Donald Trump says he orders Guantanamo Bay to be ready to accommodate up to 30,000 migrants
![President Donald Trump says he orders Guantanamo Bay to be ready to accommodate up to 30,000 migrants President Donald Trump says he orders Guantanamo Bay to be ready to accommodate up to 30,000 migrants](https://cdn.abcotvs.com/dip/images/15847103_purple_trump.jpg?w=1600)
President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he would sign an executive action ordering the federal government to prepare the American naval base of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to house tens of thousands of migrants.
“Today, I also sign a decree for instruction from the Departments of Defense and Interior Safety to start preparing migrant installations of 30,000 people in Guantanamo Bay,” said Trump from the White House.
“Most people do not even know it. We have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo to hold the worst illegal criminals threatening the American people. This will double our ability immediately.”
Trump's remarks came just before signing the Laken Riley law, the first major legislative victory for his second term, which requires the detention of undocumented migrants accused of certain crimes. The congress adopted it earlier this month with democratic support.
“Today's signatures bring us one more step to eradicate the migrant crime scourge in our communities once and for all,” said Trump.
DHS secretary, Kristi Noem, went alongside federal agents targeting a high -level Venezuelan gang member during an immigration raid in the Bronx, in New York.
The president did not immediately provide more information on what his executive action would imply precisely or when he signed it.
While the base is well known for its detention camp where the United States has suspects of terrorism, Guantanamo Bay also hosts a distinct migrant transformation center.
The Biden administration had discussed the use of this center to treat Haitian migrants who fled the worsening of conditions in their country last year. The US military has also prepared the site to host migrants fleeing the 2010 catastrophic earthquake in Haiti.
Guantanamo Bay facilities are far from being prepared to host up to 30,000 migrants, an American official told CNN.
“There are no more than 30,000 beds,” said the American official, adding that the capacity existed in the 1990s but more. And to take care of this number of people, said the official, the United States should bring “a lot of military staff”.
“If they sent many migrants (to Guantanamo Bay), they would need many more staff to manage them,” added the manager. “They couldn't do it with what they have now, no way.”
Priscilla Alvarez of CNN contributed to this story.
The CNN Wire & 2025 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved.
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