Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart crowned the Podcasts UK Political Podcasts Awards 2025

The winners of the first winners of the Podcasts Podcasts were announced last night with Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart who picked up the Podcast Political of the Year Award for the Rest is Politics (The Gosthanger team is illustrated above).
But Tony Blair's training Spin Doctor and the ex-Tory MP Didn't Sweep the Board At The Ceremony in Westminster Last Night, With the Stars of Electoral Dysfunction, Harriet Harman, Ruth Davidson, Beth Rigby and Jess Phillips Picking up Two Newcomer and comedy moment of year.
The quartet had tickled the judges with a cheeky segment on the fact that Boris Johnson forgets to take his identity document to the polling station.
The former chancellor of chessboard George Osborne and his former TV Labor Minister Ed Balls also won two trophies and his former Labor Minister, who won his acolyte and his former Minister of Labor, who won his Acolyte and his former Minister of Labor, who won the interview of the year to grill Michael Gove. They also bagged the price of the vote of the people of YouTube who saw thousands of public members to support their favorites of the world of the political podcast.
The categories without public voting were decided by an independent jury, chaired by the Policy Head of Good Morning Britain Anne Alexander, and composed of others, including the head of Scottish Labor Anas Sarwar MSP.
The judges concluded that getting up in Dawn had borne fruit for the assistant political editor of Sky, Sam Coates, and Jack Blanchard de Politico, who won the presenters of the year for their daily offering of “essential political insight”.
Scoop of the Year went to information agents for an investigation with the campaign group Hope Not Hate presented by Lewis Goodall in the activity of the social media of the Millionaire des Funds Paul Paul Marshall while he became a potential buyer For the telegraph and the spectator.
There was an honor for the podcast that the judges praised for “political coverage outside the Bulle of Westminster”. Simple Politics, which was founded by the former teacher Tatton Spiller, won the most original format category.
The judges loved the podcast of the FT Foreign Affairs Chronicler, Gideon Rachman, who won the international prize because he showed that “there is room for a serious and longer form of interview in podcasts ».
The president of Inhouse Communications and founder of the Political Podcast Awards, Katie Perrior, said: “What a night! It was fantastic to see so many talents from the world of political podcast gathered in a play to celebrate their success in the provision of information to the public in an innovative way.
“The strength of the submissions for prices demonstrates that, despite the challenges that the media are confronted, the content of quality and insightful analysis will always be distinguished, whatever the format.
“Our independent judgment panel was faced with a difficult task in the selection of winners from spectacular examples of creativity and editorial excellence. Thank you to all those who submitted entries and congratulations to the winners. We look forward to knowing even more remarkable equipment during the coming year. »»
The ceremony in St John's, Smith Square, Westminster, was hosted by the broadcaster and former deputy Brandreth Golds. He said: “It was like developing cats!”
The jury also included the vice-president of the House of Commons Caroline Nokes MP, Scotlers Manager Anas Sarwar MSP, deputy mayor of London Mete Coban, former Minister Lord Ed Vaizey, the political director of Downing Street, Claire Reynolds, The founder of Women2win, Baroness Anne Jenkin ,, and the director of the CPS and Sunday columnist Times, Robert Colvile.
The Podcast Awards Awards 2025 Winners in full
From: Simple policy and stripped media
Hosted by: Megaphone
News and government
From: Goalkeeper
Hosted by: Megaphone
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