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Trump says that migrants will send us to Guantanamo Bay

Trump says that migrants will send us to Guantanamo Bay



Watch: Trump directs the construction of the Guantanamo Bay detention center for 30,000 migrants

US President Donald Trump has ordered the construction of a migrant detention center in Guantanamo Bay, who, he said, would hold up to 30,000 people.

He said that the installation of the American navy base in Cuba, which would be separated from his high security military prison, would house “the worst illegal criminals threatening the American people”.

Guantanamo bay has long been used to host immigrants, a practice that has been criticized by certain human rights groups.

Later Wednesday, Trump's “Tsar Frontier”, Tom Homan, said that the existing installation would be extended there and managed by immigration and customs application (ICE).

He said migrants could be transported directly after being intercepted at sea by the American Coast Guard and that the “highest” detention standards would be applied.

We do not know how much the installation cost or when it is finished.

The Cuba government quickly sentenced the plan, accusing the United States of illegal torture and detention on “occupied” land.

Trump's announcement occurred when he signed the so-called Laken Riley law, which requires that undocumented immigrants be arrested for theft or violent crimes that be detained in prison while waiting for the trial.

The bill, by the name of a nursing student in Georgia who was assassinated last year by a Venezuelan migrant, was approved by the congress last week, a first legislative victory for the administration.

During a signature ceremony in the East House House, Trump said that the new Guantanamo decree would ask the Departments of Defense and internal security to “start preparing” the installation of 30,000 beds.

“Some of them are so bad that we don't even trust the countries to hold them, because we don't want them to come back,” he said about migrants. “So we will send them to Guantanamo … It's a difficult place to go out.”

According to Trump, the installation will double the American capacity to hold undocumented migrants.

The United States is already using an installation in Guantanamo – known as Guantanamo Migrating Operations Center (GMOC) – for decades and through various administrations, both Republican and Democrat.

In a 2024 report, the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) accused the government of secretly occupying migrants in “inhuman” conditions indefinitely after having detained them at sea.

The GMOC has mainly hosted migrants picked up at sea and has recently been the subject of a request for freedom of information by the American American Liberties Union for the disclosure of files on the site.

The Biden administration replied that it “is not a detention center and that none of the migrants is detained”.

The Trump administration, however, indicates that the extended installation planned is very intended for a detention center.

He would ask the congress to finance the expansion of the facility of existing detention within the framework of a bill of expenditure that the Republicans work to meet.

When asked by the White House journalists, the Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem only said that money would be attributed by “reconciliation and credits”.

The Guantanamo military prison for decades, detained detainees placed in police custody for September 11 against the United States in 2001.

At his peak, he held hundreds of prisoners, and several Democratic presidents, including Barack Obama, promised to close it. 15 prisoners are currently detained there.

The news of the expansion of the installation was encountered by the rapid conviction of the Cuban government, which has long considered Guantanamo bay as “occupied” and denounced the existence of an American naval base on the island since That Fidel Castro swept the power in 1959.

“In the act of brutality, the new government of the United States has announced that it would be inspired, at the naval base of Guantanamo, located in an illegally occupied Cuban territory, thousands of migrants expelled by force, which will be Located near known torture and illegal detention prisons, “Cuban President Miguel Daz-Canel wrote on X.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said the announcement showed “contempt for the human condition and international law”.




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