The federal judge blocks the freeze

Tuesday evening, a federal judge of the District of Columbia temporarily blocked the administration effort of Trump to freeze up to 3 billions of dollars of federal subsidies and loans, calculating the chaos and the confusion that had seized the States, Cities and government entrepreneurs across the country but not ending uncertainty.
Judge Loren Alikhans decided to block the frost with an administrative suspension, came in response to a trial brought by Democracy Forward, a non -profit legal organization. The group argued that the Trump administration order, issued by the White House management and budget office late Monday, violated the first amendment and the law on administrative procedure, a law that governs the authorities executive of the rules of executive powers. The judge said she would hold a hearing to consider a more permanent decision on February 3.
In addition, the attorneys general of 22 states and the Columbia district deposited a second trial on Tuesday evening which also sought to thwart Mr. Trumps to freeze the funding, pending his administrations examining if the expenses behaved with his priorities.
Legal quarrels came in a context of perplexity from one ocean to another after Matthew J. Vaeth, acting director of the White House management and budget office, announced Monday evening in a memo of two Pages that federal agencies had a break temporarily all activities related to the obligation or disbursement of all federal financial aid, specifically citing Dei, gender ideology has awakened and the Green New Deal.
California's prosecutor General Rob Bonta said that the ambiguous wording orders were by design and had to cause uncertainty. In an interview, he called the reckless and dangerous order.
The decision of judge Loren L. Alikhan marked the second time that a federal judge intervened to interrupt Mr. Trumps interpretation of his own powers in order to leave a legal challenge. On Thursday, judge John C. Coughhenour of the Washington western district made a temporary ban prescription that blocked an attempt by Trump to end the automatic citizenship of babies born on American soil. Judge Coughhenour was appointed to the bench by President Ronald Reagan; Judge Alikhan by President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Skye L. Perryman, democracy transmits the president and chief executive, congratulated the judge Alikhans Initial. We are grateful for this administrative stay to allow our customers to sort the chaos created by Trump Hasty and badly wise administrations, she said in a statement.
The White House press office did not immediately respond to a request for comments.
Judge Alikhans stayed as access to federal money for large and small programs was interrupted. State health agencies said they had been excluded from their Medicaid reimbursement portals. State officials said that funding from nursery schools, community health centers, food for low -income families, housing assistance and disaster in the event of a disaster were all threatened. Universities geared new research grants.
Loan transactions involving the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development seemed to be in limbo, because lenders received a word from administration officials that their transactions could not conclude. In a statement, the Washington State Prosecutors Office said that the financing of highways, treatment of drug addiction and nursing for veterans were all in danger.
With states even Republicans pleading to obtain advice, the White House and its Budget Office attempted Tuesday afternoon to ensure that the perceptions of the scope of orders, saying that the financing break was not applied to The whole and was limited to the programs involved by the executive of the Presidents Orders, including those who undermine the national interest.
But the language of the initial order was more swept. He demanded that all the expenses that could be involved by Mr. Trumps be frozen, including, but without limiting himself, money allocated with foreign aid, non -governmental organizations, dei, ideology genus Woke Gender and Green New Deal.
The Democrats said that the White House won a frost that had already affected the programs that the officials insisted that this had been harmless.
The freezing of funding followed other unilateral movements from Mr. Trump in his first days which have already given prosecution. An executive decree which has tried to reverse the long -standing guarantee of the citizenship of birth law was suspended by a federal judge in Seattle. Other orders to facilitate the dismissal of federal employees, prohibit transgender Americans from serving in the army and to create a new federal department from zero will also be found in court.
In the end, the judges on a quarter were appointed by Mr. Trump during his first mandate will decide whether the expansive interpretation of the presidents of his own powers behaves with the law and the Constitution. Some of these challenges are likely to be called upon for the Supreme Court, where three of the nine in -office are Trump candidates, and who have already shown considerable deference to the presidency with his broad subsidy against criminal proceedings.
But in the opinion of the general prosecutors who have filed the complaint, one thing is clear: the president cannot assume the power of the handbag that the Constitution gives the Congress.
On January 20 was an inauguration, not a coronation, said the Attorney General of Illinoisso, Kwame Raoul. Congress has the power to appropriate funding.
Two longtime federal laws The DIF control law and the anti -de -tax law is supposed to strengthen prerogative congresses, affirming that executive power must spend money appropriate by legislative power and cannot spend a The money allocated by the congress to one program on another to a president of the presidents.
However, Samuel R. Bagenstos, Professor of Law at the University of Michigan and former Advocate General of the Department of Health and Social Services under President Biden, said that it would be difficult to find a legal justification for the memo of On Monday, this could be part of an attempt to lay the foundations for a new legal affirmation that the president has an inherent constitutional power to decide to spend money that has been affected.
He said that it could resonate with certain conservative judges who, he said, were very favorable to the executive power when the Republicans are in office.
The second trial, submitted to the US District Court of the Rhode Island District, is led by New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island. Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and the Columbia district are also applicants.
The Trump administration engaged in extreme conduct, even beyond what many have planned, said Ms. Perryman, head of democracy, in an interview. Look at what happened in eight days, she said. It gives us an idea of what the American people are.
Jonah E. Bromwich and Seamus Hughes contributed the reports.
Sources 2/ https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/28/us/politics/states-lawsuit-trump-federal-grants-pause.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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