Opinion | Tulsi Gabbard integrates directly into Trumps Vision for America

During Donald Trump in a campaign rally in Virginia subject to In the new type of relationship, America could have with Russia, China and North Korea if it were to be re -elected. If you have an intelligent president, they are not enemies, Trump said. You will do them very well.
Mr. Trump made no secrets admiration For the style of governance of dictators. It recently called Xi Jinping de China A brilliant guy to control 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. He reported his sympathies with the New international order The fact that Mr. Xi and other autocrats seek to create in which to make too often a high time to engage in violence, transnational repression, foreign disinformation, espionage, sabotage and propaganda.
Perhaps none of Mr. Trumps' choices for his new cabinet embodies this world vision better than the former representative Tulsi Gabbard, his choice for the director of national intelligence. His appointment sums up the apparent intention of Trumps to reshape the world profile of the Americas by cooperating with autocrats and facilitating the spread of their visions of the anti-democratic world.
If the protection of democracy and the preservation of confidence with foreign allies were the priorities of the Trump administration, Ms. Gabbard should not appear before the Congress. The national intelligence director, who is at the head of all US clandestine agencies, has not only access to classified documents of 18 American intelligence agencies, but can also decide which materials remain classified or declared. The director chooses the information to include in the daily briefing of the presidents and has his say on what should be shared with the Allies.
Ms. Gabbard is a singular choice in this regard. Her apparent affinity For the virulent strain of Hindu nationalism which fueled Prime Minister Narendra modis assaults against Indian democracy, his books meeting with the president of the Bashar al-Assad time in Syria in 2017 and his rehearsal Russian And Syrian Government propaganda immediately raised alarms concerning his judgment and his work skill when Mr. Trump announced his choice in November. Since then, nearly 100 former diplomatic officials, intelligence and American national security have signed a open letter Accusing Ms. Gabbard of having a sympathy for dictators, among other disturbing allegations.
Experts in Russia and intelligence experts have frequently pointed out on Ms. Gabbards the story of taking positions that defend Russian interests or has thrown the United States as a bad. She blame NATO and Biden administration for provoking a complete invasion of Ukraine almost three years ago by not respecting the legitimate security problems of Russia and suggested that the United States has secretly worked with the Ukraine on dangerous organic pathogens. Whether regarding Syria or Russia, she has always described America as the problem and dictators as misunderstood, observed Tom Nichols, national security analyst.
Trump seems to share some of these points of view. Many of his declarations on foreign affairs suggest a similar internalization of an autocratic vision of geopolitics which blame democracies for having created international conflicts. When Mr. Trump suggest The fact that President Joe Bidens supports Ukraines attempted to join NATO provoked the invasion of Russia, for example, also justifies the autocratic aggression of Kremlins as a legitimate response to hostile actions of a democracy.
It is not only Ms. Gabbards, the views of foreign affairs that indicate how Mr. Trump envisages the objectives of his second administration. If we think like an autocrat, the most important quality that seems to disqualify it from service a simple lack of experience is an asset, not a passive. Authoritarian spirit leaders appreciate much more loyalty than expertise or competence. They hollow democratic institutions by replacing non -partisan civil servants and career professionals with people who will repeat their discussion points and make their auctions, whatever this implies. This is what happened in Hungary of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, where opposition figures and non -political professionals were deleted public institutions such as electoral commissions and judicial power.
For sensitive or weight positions, autocrats can choose a foreigner who lacks relationships with trusted experts in the field or a person who does not seem to be prepared to direct a large organization. Inexperienced individuals can be doubly dependent on the leader and vulnerable to the influence of leaders' allies, and can be blamed for all errors or scandals that can surface. Ms. Gabbard could master the work of directors. But Mr. Trumps Choice of someone if not qualified at the beginning is revealing.
All this, of course, has distinct risks of national security. Intelligence experts predicted a proliferation of chaos in their sphere if Ms. Gabbard is confirmed. They fear that his lack of personal ties with foreign intelligence professionals and the distrust generated by his pro-autocratic feelings probably affect the sharing of foreign information with the United States, including our closest allies.
The spread of false information between enemy countries has been a basic food for spy and malignant influence campaigns in the world. As a person who has deployed in Iraq and Kuwait with the National Army Guard, Ms. Gabbard must know how to be particularly vigilant of such a disinformation. However, she would have continued to rely on On Russia today for the news, even after his assistants told him that it was the propaganda of the Kremlin, and to circulate the theories of the Syrian conspiracy, the interrogations, for example, if the attacks of chemical weapons of Mr. Al-Assads 2013 and 2017 could have been miscarriage Operations of the Syrian rebels.
These national security risks will be redoubled if Mr. Trump chooses to follow the authoritarian game book and use the intelligence community for personal purposes. While nations are heading for autocracy, spy agencies can be redirected to a retribution from leaders. The eternal quest for autocrats to feel safe means that there are always more internal enemies to investigate and follow, and more dissidents abroad to target. Under M. Modi, for example, India research and analysis have become more active In transnational repression of its detractors in the Indian diaspora.
Six years ago, Trump suggested that he was open to closer relations with the dictators of the world. I meet them all, He said. Enter. Whatvers good for the United States. His appointment of Ms. Gabbard for the Director of National Intelligence suggests that he intends to renew the invitation. Autocrats may well find an even warmer reception in America during the second Trump administration. Our democracy will pay the price.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat is a historian and history professor at New York University. She is the author of Strongmen: Mussolini to the present and publishes Lucid, a newsletter on authoritarianism and democracy.
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