Modi Corners AAP on the complaint of the poisoning river | Latest news from India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked the former Delhi chief minister on Wednesday, Arvind Kejriwal the Aam Aadmi (AAP) party on an allegation that broke out in a major flash point before next week's polls.

A former chief minister of Delhi made disgusting allegations against the people of Haryana. The leaders of the AAP-DA (Calamity) panic for fear of defeat, said Modi during a rally in Kartar Nagar, in the northeast of Delhi, referring to the Citys ruling party by a nickname that he often used in the construction of elections.
Responding to Modis remarks, the AAP said that Prime Minister Modi has focused on his electoral campaign in Delhi despite the fact that a massive disaster had occurred in Maha Kumbh, referring to the stampede that killed At least 30 people.
It is deeply tragic that such a massive disaster has occurred. We stick to the affected families. But even a day of sadness, Prime Minister Modi was concentrated only on his electoral campaign. He came to Delhi so as not to approach the tragedy but to launch abuses at Arvind Kejriwal and the AAP, the party said in a statement.
Kejriwal said on Monday that water supply in certain parts of the capital could be hampered while Haryana intentionally drained industrial waste in Yamuna, leading to a peak of ammonia in raw water, an assertion that sparked a Storm of criticism from the opposition parties and prompted the India electoral commission to write to the chief of the AAP, asking for proof of his allegation.
The people of the national capital, including the Prime Minister of the country, drink water from Yamuna, said Modi.
Is Haryana different from Delhi? Do the children, family and parents of people from Haryana not live in Delhi? Can the inhabitants of Haryana mix the poison in the water of their own children? Everyone living in Delhi drinks the same water sent by Haryana. Over the past 11 years, even the Prime Minister is drinking it. All the judges and all other respected people also drink it, he said.
Modi was addressed to the first of the three campaign rallies which he should hold in the capital linked to the survey in the coming days. The BJP presented the outgoing deputy of the candidate of the Ghonda Assembly, Ajay Mahawar. He will face the AAPS Gaurav Sharma and the Bhisham Sharma congresses.
About 15.5 million people are eligible to vote in Delhi on February 5. Votes will be counted on February 8.
More than 15 candidates for the BJP, in particular segments of the East and Northeast, shared the scene with the PM in the rally.
Neither the congress, which ruled Delhi from 1998 to 2013, nor the AAP, developed Delhi, said Modi.
Someone reigned for 14 years (Congress), someone reigned for 11 years (the AAP), but there is the same traffic jam, the same garbage, the same broken roads, the same dirty water flowing In the streets, the same water commitment, and the same pollution, nothing has changed. Delhis' problems remain the same, he said.
He urged voters in the capital to give BJP a chance.
The power of your vote can withdraw from Delhi from these circumstances. We must finish the work pending 11 years and prepare for the next 25 to 30 years … Give Mods a chance to serve Delhi. I'm going to take care of you as a member of my family, I will devote all my strength, time and intellect, said Modi.
The Prime Minister also sharpened his attack on the AAP against corruption and said that the former and the congress had formed an alliance.
He said that in the past five years, the Delhi assembly has only worked for 70 to 75 days, the lowest in its history. Meanwhile, problems in the city have increased, but only 14 laws have been adopted, of which five of which focused on increasing the wages and MLA pensions. The AAPDA seems less concerned with Delhis' problems, he said.
Modi also compared Kejriwal to the French serial killer and fraudster Charles Sobhraj on the repeated claims of the AAP chiefs according to which the BJP will make the slums demolished if they arrive in power in Delhi.
Modi does not have his own house, but his dream is that each poor has a permanent house. Those who have built the Sheesh Mahal, those who siphon millions of public funds and live in luxury, can never think of the houses of the poor. This is why AAP-DA leaders spread in slums. They speak so innocently by lying, as if they were Charles Sobhraj, said Modi.
Another flash point between the AAP and the BJP before the elections was the reports of 14 controller and verifier (CAG) who have not yet been deposited in the assembly.
Modi said that when the BJP comes to power, they will compare all CAG reports during the first session of the Assembly.
They (AAP) have removed the CAG report because they are afraid to blow up the alcohol scam, the Sheesh Mahal scam when the BJP will form the government, CAG reports will be presented on the table during the First meeting of the Assembly, says Modi.
The PM accused Kejriwal of spreading lies that the BJP will interrupt the free patterns of the Delhi government with regard to power. Modi has reiterated the part of the parts that no diagram will be interrupted.
This is similar to what Congress did in 2014 … They said that MNGREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee ACT) will be interrupted if the government of the BJP comes to power. But we did not close MNGREGA. Instead, we reinforced it. The same thing was said about the Rural Roads PMs scheme created by Atal Bihari Vajpayeethat the Congress immediately put him at the end when he came to power. But members of the AAM AADMI party do not understand that governments do not close the regimes; They only put an end to corruption, said Modi.
Responding more to MODIS complaints, AAP said that the BJP governs 20 states, but none provides facilities like Delhi. None of these 20 states receive electricity 24/7 that Delhi. It is a battle between two ideologies if the governments of the treasure serve the people or simply a handful of billionaire friends, said the party.
The Ghonda was one of the eight districts of the Delhi assembly that the BJP won in the elections in 2020. Mahawar beat Aaps Shri Dutt Sharma by more than 28,000 votes. The AAP, however, won the 62 other seats in the assembly of 70 members, storming power with an unprecedented landslide for a second consecutive election. The party won 67 seats in 2015, leaving the BJP with only three and the congress without any.
The AAP and the BJP are fighting against people who wish to bring the congress, said Abhay Dubey, national spokesperson for congresses.
Sources 2/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/modi-corners-aap-on-poisoning-river-claim-101738175253537.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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