Trump rings the same thing. So far, his white house could not be more different
New York (AP) The marathon questions and answers are back, as well as the cream oval desktop and the Diet Coke button on the resolved desktop. The same goes for publications of the end of the evening social media that ricochets around the world and the decrees dam.
But in 10 days, Donald Trump froze federal expenses and hiring, offered redemptions to more than two million civil servants and ended the federal efforts of diversity and the rights of transgender. He dismissed nearly two dozen independent general inspectors, rewritten American cards, forgiven the demonstrators of January 6 who attacked the police, announced his intention to hold migrants in Guantnamo Bay, and defeated years of his actions as predecessors with his Sharpie pen.
Trump 2.0 looks like what he did during his first appeal. But this time, the president is much more experienced and surrounded by a team that has spent years planning his return from the White House, triggering an action shooting that tests the limits of presidential power, feeling confusion and drawing from the ferry.
He seems much more comfortable, almost relaxed in the way he does the job, according to Sean Spicer, Trumps, the first press secretary of the White House, said that Trump showed a new level of confidence, having spent four years in power .
I think he has the people, politicians and the process. He knows who can make his agenda, which he wants to surround himself, the policies he wants to move forward and the process to obtain this promulgation, said Spicer, which is now organizing a program on YouTube.
A Boardy President
Trump no longer has to worry about re -election. The Constitution prohibits a third term. It faces a unified republican congress, which controls the two chambers. The Supreme Court, one third of which, he appointed, ruled that he and the future presidents have extended immunity from legal consequences.
But beyond that, Trump lived four years, surviving a pair of assassination attempts, one of which in which a potential assassin ball grazed. He was charged four times, became the first former president to be found guilty of a crime and was nevertheless returned to the highest post in the country after being struck off as a result of his defeat in 2020. The conviction n ' Driven no prison sentence and other cases are rejected or pending.
It left Trump more embraced than ever and with a long list of tasks. He was launched in a rhythm of frantic appearance which is a dramatic gap of his predecessor, Joe Biden, who often passed out by his own design of the staff.
Trumps First Trip president, for example, started with him by questioning damage to hurricanes in North Carolina, where he threatened to get rid of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and said he wanted states of states Led by Democrats in exchange for assistance in the event of a disaster.
He then tour in Los Angeles ravaged by fire, where he clashed with local officials on live television, making false affirmations on water policies and minimizing concerns about hazardous waste everything By wearing a black version of its Maga Signature campaign hat.
Trump 2.0 is incredible. He gives Zero F-, Drops Truth Bombs, and it is glorious to watch, joked Matt Rooney, a pro-Trump writer and radio host, marveling at a time in the trip, prevails over California with A member of the Democrating Congress repressing nations are the largest on his management of forest fires.
The next day, Trump was in Las Vegas. After praising his plan to end the taxes on the advice, he made a surprise visit to the Circa Resort & Casino, where he was welcomed with noisy cheers and the United States! song. A man approaching a bertée bealed roulette table, give me $ 47 on No. 47!
Although his team said he was there to thank the servers and dealers, Trump seemed more interested in the players. He gathered with the crowd around a table of craps, where a match was already underway.
Throwing them out, he said to the player, Alex Winnik, when he looked at the action.
Aid prevailing on the third campaign that many now occupy the White House had attempted to cultivate such moments, hoping that they could go viral on social networks like its stop to make fries in a McDonalds or its appearances during combat in mixed martial arts and football matches. These moments helped Trump reach the Americans who generally do not look at the news or do not engage with traditional media sources.
The next day, Trump welcomed legislators from the annual Policy Policy for the House Republicans, held in his golf club in Doral, Florida.
Ready to act, take revenge
A large part of the trumps of the first mandate was consumed by the backbette and the leaks of rival factions trying to push their own causes. The courts have repeatedly interrupted his efforts, especially during his first days, when he tried to prohibit travelers from several predominantly Muslim countries.
This time, his team, led by the chief of staff Susie Wiles, appears in public as a united and without drama.
Trump aid and external allies, including Heritage Foundation and America First Policy Institute, have spent years creating their own plans for a Trump return, writing hundreds of decrees and other actions in order to avoid First failures of his first mandate, when chaos rained and the Slipshod orders were regularly blocked by the courts. Trump has snatched the staff of these organizations to fill his office and his white house.
These guys are much more coordinated, organized and know how to execute, said Spicer, who lasted six months while Trumps the press secretary. It is a much more concentrated and disciplined team.
The Trumps team has so far reversed a major decision, a pause service note for federal funding for grants for an ideological examination. The White House canceled the memo less than two days after provoking generalized confusion among the organizations based on this funding.
But Trump still has scores to settle.
After spending the last four years first in political exile, then in combat mode on the campaign track, Trump is now making his promises and promulgating the revenge he has spent years looking for.
A few hours after taking oath, he pardoned more than 1,500 people who were sentenced or charged on January 6, 2021.
He also moved to punish criticism, revoking the security authorizations of dozens of former high -level officials. He stripped the details of the protective security of his former national security advisor John Bolton and others who played a role in the planning of the assassination of the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, including the former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and his deputy over time.
This has led to a rare refutation of certain republican allies who warned that Iran's credible security threats remain, potentially putting their lives in danger.
And in an effort to minimize the resistance, Trump worked to exile Biden holders and others who are not entirely bought in his program.
It was far from eight years ago, when Trumps Victory on Democrat Hillary Clinton caught almost everyone, including him off guard.
He learned so much about how to govern and how not to govern in the first mandate and he had four years to get into it and think about what he wants to accomplish that it is obviously an administration a lot More active and aggressive than the first time, said the republican veteran whit Ayres survey. It has just been a breathtaking dam of initiatives and decrees, comments that have attracted the attention of the world. It was completely whirlwind.
The writer Associated Press Will Weissert in Washington contributed to this report.
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