Greece questions France about the sale of potential missiles in Trkiye – Harici.com.tr

Trkiye launches a diplomatic thrust to relaunch energy negotiations with the European Union, highlighting its potential as the main provider of natural gas after the previous discussions were derailed by tensions with Cyprus.
Faruk Kaymakc, permanent representative of Turkey in the EU, said Politico Energy cooperation would take the front of the stage on Sunday as part of the efforts to improve relations, which also include commercial discussions and collaboration on conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
This initiative comes as EU member states, including Hungary and Slovakia, are looking for alternatives to Russian gas following the expiration of a transit agreement allowing imports of gas via Ukraine earlier This year.
Kaymakc said: “We have the southern gas corridor. We have 18 billion cubic meters of gas, mainly Azerbaijan, and we can easily extend it by connecting it to Mediterranean gas. Our role is there, our potential is there. »»
High -level energy talks between Trkiye and the EU were suspended in 2019 after a dispute between Ankara and the EU Southern Cyprus on gas drilling duties in the Mediterranean. According to a press release from the Council of Europe, Turkish companies have sought to extract fossil fuels “in Cypriot territorial waters”. Cyprus and Greece, also in the running to benefit from these resources, have always opposed the actions of Trkiye.
Kaymakc criticized the EU's approach, saying: “We see it as a losing situation. Trkiye is one of the three or four main energy arteries; It belongs to the EU whether or not it uses it. »»
He also said that only Cyprus is currently opposed to the resumption of energy dialogue. “They may not need a lot of energy in the sunny Mediterranean,” he said, “but most Member States say they need more energy, more diversification . It will therefore continue, ”he added.
Beyond the facilitation of the transport of Azerbaijani gas and the export of its interior reserves, Trkiye also imports Russian fuel via the Turkstream pipeline under the Black Sea. After the expiration of the Kremlin transit agreement with Ukraine on January 1, this underwater route has become the only connection of Moscow for the supply of Europe.
“With the Ukrainian-Russia agreement expiring at the start of the year, Turkstream becomes even more important,” noted Kadri Tatan, energy analyst of the German Fund Marshall. “The price of gas is always a problem for the EU, and the position of Trkiye therefore becomes much stronger.”
Despite the affirmation of the European Commission that the expiration of the Ukrainian public transport agreement will not create supply shortages, Hungary and Slovakia are competing for the opposite. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn threatened on Friday to block the renewal of the EU all-Russian sanctions unless Ukraine accepts to restart the public transport route.
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky said in December: “We will not extend the transit of Russian gas. We do not allow them to make additional billions on our blood. However, on Saturday, Zelensky indicated that kyiv was open to the transition of Azerbaijani gas through his pipelines, provided that Moscow does not benefit financially.
Sources 2/ https://harici.com.tr/en/greece-questions-france-over-potential-missile-sale-to-turkiye/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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