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Delhi elections 2025 protruding facts: Can PM Poison Poison drinks in Haryana? Modi Claque AAP on the contamination claims of Yamuna Water – India News

Delhi elections 2025 protruding facts: Can PM Poison Poison drinks in Haryana? Modi Claque AAP on the contamination claims of Yamuna Water – India News



While the elections in the elections of the Delhi Assembly are approaching, the political campaign has intensified with major leaders organizing rallies across the capital. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the president of the Mallikarjun Kharge congress should address the public in separate rallies.

Prime Minister Modi will organize several rallies in the city until February 2. Today, he will visit the headquarters of the Ghonda assembly in the northeast of Delhi, a district where the BJP won the victory during the 2020 elections, while the AAP dominated the remaining 62 constituencies. Meanwhile, the president of the Mallikarjun Kharge congress should contact a rally in the Burari assembly, a key seat traditionally held by the AAP, which won the constituency during the last three elections.


The Electoral Commission (EC) took measures on Tuesday following complaints from BJP and Congress leaders, demanding that the head of the AAP, Arvind Kejriwal, provides evidence to support his assertion that the government of Haryana Directed by the BJP “poisoned” Delhi's water supply before the February 5 elections. The EC gave Kejriwal up to 8 p.m. Wednesday to answer.

Live updates

14:03 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi Elections 2025 live updates: PM Modi joins the Water Water in Yamuna

Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined the current War of Yamuna War, triggered by Arvind Kejriwals said that the Haryana government led by the BJP contaminated the water provided in Delhi. Modi challenged voters in the capital, asking: “Can the Haryana government poison the water that the Prime Minister drinks?”

13:41 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi elections 2025 live updates: Modi promises a “double engine government” for Delhi, criticizes the false promises of AAP

Prime Minister Modi said Delhi wants a “double-engine government” led by the BJP, rather than a “AAP-DA” diet. Speaking during a public rally in Yamuna Khadar, he stressed that the upcoming elections would signal the end of the influence of the AAP in the city. Modified criticized the AAPS promises, labeling them as false and promised that corruption and deception would no longer prevail. He assured the inhabitants of Delhi that a government of the BJP would focus both on the well-being of the poor and the global development of the city.

13:21 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi Elections 2025 live updates: the congress deploys the second section of its electoral manifesto

On Wednesday, the congress party unveiled the second episode of its manifesto for the next Delhi elections. The party leader, Jairam Ramesh, presented the manifesto, describing key promises and initiatives for voters of the city.

13:14 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi elections 2025 live updates: the “guarantee” policy of the congress was the pioneer

Jairam Ramesh, head of congress, stressed the importance of the word “guaranteed” in political promises. He noted that if various parts today use the term, it was the congress that introduced it for the first time in the Karnataka elections, stressing the party’s commitment to be kept. Ramesh underlined the national law on rural employment guarantee, adopted under the direction of Manmohan Singhs, as a key example of the realization of the commitments of the Congress. He explained that a guarantee represents a public law, guaranteeing a legal appeal if the promises are not satisfied. Ramesh stressed that the congress has now extended five guarantees to the people of Delhi, strengthening the dedication of the party to responsibility.

12:41 (is) January 29, 2025

Delhi Elections 2025 Live updates: India Allied block such as TMC, SP likely to campaign for AAP

Several parts of the Bloc of India have extended support to the AAP for the elections of the Delhi Assembly. The leaders of the Trinamool Congress and the Samajwadi party will campaign for the Arvind Kejriwals party, sidelined the Congress, the largest constituent of the blocks.

12:14 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi Elections 2025 Live updates: Pil in Delhi Haute Court disputes spam calls violating the right to privacy during Delhi surveys

A dispute of public interest (Pil) was filed before the High Court of Delhi, which raises concerns concerning spam calls to promote political campaigns since the electoral notification of the Delhi Assembly. The advocacy alleys that these calls relate to the right of citizens to privacy under article 21 of the Constitution and propagate preliminary and malicious content. The court, led by the judges to become Kumar Upadhyay and Tushar Radela, will hear the case today. The Pil is looking for a strict action against offenders, asks the guidelines to curb such propaganda and calls on to investigate privacy violations. It also requires that the dissemination of the deception documents of the AAP which influences the decisions of the voters.

11:41 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi elections 2025 live updates: ATISHI CLAQUE LG SAXENA on the pollution of Yamuna, questions its loyalty

Delhi CM Atitishi responded to the letter from LG VK Saxenas following the claim of ammonia levels dangerously high in the water supply of Yamunas. In his response, said Atishi, ammonia levels in the Yamuna are 700% above the authorized limits of a fact that cannot be denied, regardless of the number of reports manipulated. She accused the LG of defending the indefensible and of betraying the very people he is supposed to serve. By questioning her position, she added, your unshakable defense of the Haryana government and a complete inaction on the contamination of Delhis water raises a crucial question: where is your loyalty?

11:23 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi elections 2025 live updates: the candidate of the Congress Sandeep Dikshit Slams Kejriwal, questions his absence during the riots of Delhi

The candidate of the Congress of the district of the New Delhi Assembly, Sandeep Dikshit, criticized the chief minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, questioning his absence during the riots of Delhi. “Where was Arvind Kejriwal during the riots? Where was he hiding?” He asked. Dikshit also accused Kejriwal of corruption deeply rooted in alcohol policy, declaring: “The people of Delhi must realize the corrupt chief they elected ten years ago.” He also alleged that if she was properly investigated, Kejriwal could stay in Tihar's prison for the next 15 to 20 years. In addition, he condemned Kejriwal for having made serious allegations against another government without proof, the irresponsible appellant.

10:54 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi Elections 2025 live updates: Mallikarjun Kharge to hold the rally in Burari

The chief of Congress Mallikarjun Kharge should speak during a rally in Burari, a bastion of the AAP in power. The party has always won this seat in the last three elections in the Assembly. The two leaders actively campaigning, Delhi's political landscape is ready for an electoral battle with high issues.

10:44 (east) January 29, 2025

Delhi Elections 2025 live updates: PM Modi to contact the rally in northeast Delhi

While the elections in the Delhi assembly are closer, the political battlefield warms up with the main leaders intensifying their campaigns. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the president of the Mallikarjun Kharge congress should contact rallies in different parts of the capital.

The PM Modi will organize a series of gatherings through Delhi until February 2, starting with a visit to the constituency of the Ghonda Assembly in northeast Delhi today. This seat is one of the eight won by the BJP in the elections in 2020, while the AAM AADMI (AAP) party obtained the other 62.




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