The NASA spacex plan as a Trump and Musk call for the return of the astronaut

Elon Musk speaks with President elected American Donald Trump and the guests during a visualization of the launch of the sixth test flight from SpaceX Starship, in Brownsville, Texas, United States, on November 19, 2024.
Brandon Bell | Via Reuters
Elon Musk and President Donald Trump went to social networks this week saying that astronauts left to the space station must come back “as soon as possible”, despite NASA's plan to bring the pair in a vehicle SpaceX.
Both blamed the previous presidential administration for NASA's decision in August to return the Boeing Defective Starliner capsule from the International Space Station without the astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams on board.
“The @potus asked @Spacex to bring the 2 astronauts blocked on the @Space_Station to the house as soon as possible. We will do so. Terrible that the Biden administration leaves them so long,” Musk wrote on X Tuesday .
“I just asked Elon Musk and @Spacex to” go “the 2 courageous astronauts who were practically abandoned in space by the Biden administration. They have been waiting for several months on the station @Space. Elon will soon . I hope everything will be safe.
But it is not clear if the declarations would really modify the calendar of the space agency. None of the two specified if the White House would order NASA to modify its plan.
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During the administration of former president Joe Biden, months before Trump and Musk spoke of the situation, NASA instructed Spacex to return Wilmore and Williams of the ISS.
The agency adjusted its rotation of astronauts accordingly: it returned the empty Starliner capsule and withdrew two astronauts from the mission of the SpaceX crew to make room for a delayed return from Wilmore and Williams, originally targeted For February.
Hurricane Milton advances to Florida in a view of Dragon Endeavor moored with the international space station on October 9, 2024.
Matthew Dominick | NASA | Via Reuters
NASA, in a statement to CNBC on Wednesday, did not explain if it would modify the mission plans after the messages of Trump and Musk.
“NASA and SpaceX work quickly to safely return the astronauts of the agency's spacex crew, Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore as soon as practical, while preparing the launch of Crew-10 to make a transfer between shipments “Said a spokesperson for NASA.
Shipping rotations
The crew of the 72 shipment poses for a group portrait on October 23, 2024.
While Musk and Trump said that astronauts were “blocked” and “abandoned” on the ISS, NASA has a spacecraft at the station since September which could return the crew at any time, a dragon capsule operated by Musk's SpaceX.
In addition, Musk allegations that “Biden administration has left them” and Trump that astronauts “have been waiting for several months”.
To understand the circumstances aboard the ISS, it is important to note that the crews run aboard the orbit research laboratory.
For 25 years, the ISS has been constantly equipped with crews called expeditions which generally last around six months, with a mixture of mainly American and Russian crew members. Since SpaceX began to regularly pilot teams for NASA in 2020, the agency sent four astronauts at a time. Each group operates until the following arrives at the ISS, when a ceremonial “transfer” occurs before the starting crew returns to earth.
NASA said Boeing Starliner was too risky to return Wilmore and Williams. Starliner was originally to be in space for about nine days, but he spent about three months at the ISS while Boeing investigated a problem with the propellants of the capsule.
Instead, he decided to withdraw astronauts Zena Cardman and Stephanie Wilson from the launch in September of the CREW-9 mission in SpaceX. This meant that Wilmore and Williams, who were on the ISS, would remain as part of the 72 expedition. They would then return to the SpaceX dragon alongside the astronaut Nick Hague and the Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov.
In particular, NASA recently delayed the launch of the CREW-10 mission in SpaceX from a month to “at the end of March” from February. The agency said IT and SpaceX needed more time to “finish the treatment” of the newly built dragon capsule.
Astronauts from NASA Butch Wilmore, on the left, and Suni Williams pose inside the hatch connecting Boeing's Starliner to the International Space Station on
Earlier this month, NASA broadcast a discussion with astronauts aboard the ISS, including Williams and Wilmore.
“So what you tell us is that you don't channel” throw “and you don't have a volleyball with a hand imprint that you call Wilson?” The deputy chief of NASA, Pam Melroy, asked the crew.
“No, we have an entire team here, so we don't worry and there is a lot to do. … We have tons of scientific experiences. … We have upcoming space walks,” said Wilmore .
“It was just a joy to work here,” added Wilmore, after showing NASA counterparts with her counterparts they do a synchronized flip in zero gravity.
Sources 2/ https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/29/donald-trump-elonmusk-former-starliner-astronauts-nasa-plans.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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