Trump begins the term with a historically low approval rating, the survey shows | Donald Trump

Donald Trump is still historically unpopular compared to other new American presidents, has shown a new survey.
At 47%, President Donald Trumps The initial notation of employment approval for his second term is similar to the inaugural reading of 45% during his first mandate, placing it again below all other elected presidents Dating from 1953, wrote Megan Brenan, editor -in -chief of Gallup for Gallup, who carried out the survey.
Trump remains the only elected president with initial approval notes less than 50%, and his last disapproval (48%) is three percentage points higher than in 2017.
John F Kennedy remains the most popular modern president at the start of his mandate, according to Gallup Polling. During the first month of his presidency, in 1961, the Democrat experienced an approval of 72% and only 6% of disapproval.
Dwight Eisenhower (1953) and Barack Obama (2009) appreciated the highest approval ratings, with 68%. Jimmy Carter, who died last month at the age of 100, obtained an approval of 66% in February 1977, at the start of his unique mandate.
Most of the presidents have experienced a honeymoon period, with strong employment approval notes in the first months of their presidencies which are then based over time, wrote Brenan.
Not Trump, although other polls showed him slightly higher approval ratings.
In 2017, Trump came to power after beating Hillary Clinton at the electoral college but after losing the popular vote. This year, Trump is back in power despite having been dismissed twice and being the only criminal who was never convicted of president; However, he beat Kamala Harris with a convincing margin at the electoral college and by more than 2 million popular voting bulletins.
Returning from a strong mandate for radical policies, including mass deportations of undocumented immigrants and radical attacks against federal government agencies and employees, Trump began his second mandate with a blizzard of decrees.
Democrats accuse Trump of having violated the law with movements such as the dismissal of government inspectors and the order of a federal funding of funding, which was forced to withdraw.
Trump also made a series of controversial choices for the office's positions. Pete Hegseth, a former Fox News host with far -right opinions faced with accusations of serious personal misconduct, which he denied, was confirmed as secretary to defense.
The candidates now in the confirmation process include Robert F Kennedy Jr, a theorist of the vaccination conspiracy appointed for the Secretary of Health; Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat deputy chose for the director of national intelligence; And Kash Patel, an ally of Trump and the electoral denier appointed to lead the FBI.
Gallup reported that the Americans were divided into their opinions on the rhythm of Trumps by attacking the main problems with which the country is confronted today, 40% saying that it is almost correct, saying 37% that it is too fast and 14% saying that it is not fast enough.
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Trump's approval and disapproval were strongly divided on partisan lines. Other polls have shown negative results for many Trumps policies and orders, although policies, including the reduction in the size of the federal government, benefit from majority support.
For Gallup, Brenan noted that Trump's approval rating was not much lower than those of Ronald Reagan, a modern republican saint, and his successor, George HW Bush, at the start of the stay, in 1981 and 1989. But, wrote Brenan. , Trump's initial assessments differ in that the Americans are much more likely to disapprove of his performance rather than having no opinion, as was the case for the elder Bush and Reagan.
Four years ago, Joe Biden had a 57% approval rating and a 37%, new and 11 points of disapproval than Trump now.
Trump still repeats the lie that his loss for Biden in 2020 is the result of electoral fraud The lie that fueled the January 6 attack on the American Capitol. Last week, during his first day in power, Trump forgave or commissioned sentences of more than 1,500 people sentenced in relation to a riot linked to nine deaths, suicides to apply the law. The most serious crimes committed by those forgiven varied from violence against the seditious plot.
According to Gallup, Trump is the only modern president to have never received a 50% or more approval note.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/jan/30/trump-low-approval-rating The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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